There are 7.55 billion human beings on earth living in hell, in permanent financial insecurity and in the horror of becoming homeless while about 1 in 100 million (not 1%) lives paradise on earth. This ultra minority generated by capitalism lives in a luxury that almost no one imagines. A small example with luxury cars: the new Ferrari or Rolls Royce models are always booked and sold in advance regardless of their price (usually more than 2 million euros), ditto for luxury yachts has 100 million euros , or private jets, super luxury hotels at 10,000 euros a night do not fill up and... all this while hundreds of homeless people are starving and cold on the streets

ほぼ1億人の中の一人(1%ではなく)が地球上の天国で暮らしていて、永久的な金銭上の不安やホームレスになることの恐怖の中で地獄に住んでいる75億5000万人の人間がいます。資本主義により生みだされたこの極端な少数は、ほとんど誰も想像しない贅沢の中に住んでいます。豪華な車についてちょっと例を挙げれば: フェラーリとかロールスロイスの新型車はその値段(通常200万ユーロ以上)にかかわらずいつも前もって予約され販売されていて、同様に豪華ヨットとかプライベートジェット機が1憶ユーロとか、超豪華ホテルが一晩1万ユーロは何でもなく。。。この全てが多くのホームレスの人々が飢えて、寒い路上に居て。


Never in the history of Humanity has a king or emperor have possessed as much money as half of Humanity. And yet peoples made revolutions when kings became too rich. It is time for a global revolution to take place, without any consideration, the fortunes of these super billionaires and redistributing them to all. Then all humans will live on a land that becomes a paradise, or no one will be forced to work and or the world will reap the fruits of science and technology. This is not at all a utopia because it is immediately realized thanks to Paradism. The immediate confiscation of the fortunes of these ultra-capitalists can take place in a matter of hours. So what are you waiting for?

The richest 26 hold as much money as half of humanity


"La richesse est tout particulièrement sous-taxée", estime l'ONG Oxfam.
"Wealth is particularly undertaxed," says the NGO Oxfam.

”富豪は特に課税が低い” NGO Oxfam談