The Roman Catholic Church has the largest gold reserve in the world...  ローマカトリック教会は世界最大の金の準備を持っている。

The largest and only holder of bullion (ingot/lingot)...

Le plus grand et unique détenteur de lingots (lingot / lingot) ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2018





The largest only holder of bullion (ingot) compared to any other organization in the last 1000 years is, and has always been, the Roman cult that controls the Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church controls about 60 350 tons of gold, twice the size of the total official gold reserves in the world, or about 30.2% of all gold ever extracted/produced. At current prices, it is possible to estimate the value of such assets that constitute the largest treasure of human history has more than 1 245 billion dollars ($).