弥勒菩薩ラエル のコメント:





私たちは楽園主義へと向かっています。 (http://www.paradism.org

Maitreya RAEL'S COMMENT: Thankfully, a world revolution may be coming.

The only way to save humanity is for people to take power from the international financial institutions and from the military industries and their puppet "democratic" governments. Then we can have a world without national armies, without dangerous nuclear power plants, without credit and interest rates that bankrupt everyone; a world
governed by Internet democracies that will be a place of peace,sharing and compassion. We are on the way to paradism
(http://www.paradism.org ).

■ 投票に対する軽蔑が大きくなるにつれ、世界中で抗議の波が押し寄せる
As Scorn for Vote Grows, Protests Surge Around Globe
       (ラエルサイエンス 英語版9月29日配信分)

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/28/world/as-scorn-for-vote-grows-protests-surge-around-globe.html?_r=2 (英訳省略)