弥勒菩薩ラエル のコメント:これはとっても馬鹿げた研究です。幸福度の測定は完全に主観的なものであり、まったく科学的ではありません。すべて測定する基準次第なのです。



Maitreya RAEL'S comment: This is a very stupid study. Measuring happiness is absolutely subjective and it is not scientific at all. It all depends on the measurement criteria.

People usually mistake comfort and luxury for happiness. Having expensive houses, cars and any other possessions
doesn't make real happiness at all. But it does create the illusion of happiness for a while. Then one day or another, people realize that their lives are totally empty because they lack spirituality.

This study just confirms that fact, even if it wasn't intended to do so.    Happiness is in being, not having!


(Happiest places have highest suicide rates says new research:
ラエルサイエンス 5月6日英語版配信分)


   [livedoor ニュース]