弥勒菩薩ラエル のコメント:36年前にもたらされたエロヒムのメッセージは、『宇宙には何ら一定不変なものはない』ということを私たちにはっきりと教えてくれています。




Maitreya RAEL's Comment: The Elohim's Messages from 36 years ago clearly teach us that "nothing is constant in the universe."

"Scientists" were laughing at that teaching, but now they realize that the Message was true.

The time is coming to either see the glory of the Elohim,
recognize their Messages and welcome them, or witness the destruction of humanity.

Only our Creators can help us.


(Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter…
ラエルサイエンス 5月2日英語版配信分)

