幼稚園児のウクライナ | 六月の虫のブログ












My 6-year-old daughter was watching the news on TV and asked me "Is Ukraine in a war ?".

I tried to explain about the current situation of Ukraine for a 6-year-old kindergartener to understand.

"You have the Rainbow class and the Sunshine class at your kindergarten. What would you think if one of your Rainbow class friends wanted to join the Sunshine class because the Sunshine class seemed more fun than the Rainbow class ? And if you were the leader of the Sunshine class, what would you do ? ".

She answered "I let that friend join our Sunshine class !".

I asked her again "what would you do if you were the leader of the Rainbow class ?".

"I would not like it, but I would try to make the Rainbow class more fun and I would hope that friend to return to our Rainbow class" she said.

My thinking level may be the same as a kindergartener. I cannot understand if the current situation of Ukraine is good. I just simlply think that if that friend (in this case Crimea) wishes to leave the Rainbow class (Ukraine) to join the Sunshine class (Russia), let her do it.

I don't think that the US, who entered a war with Iraq saying there were mass destruction weapons in Iraq which had never existed, has the right to criticize Russia.

Or am I just stupid ?