頑張る娘と胃腸炎の私 | 六月の虫のブログ


























Last Saturday, my wife and my oldest daughter went to my wife's sister's house in Fukui. It was the first time for my six years old daughter and I to stay home over night.

My wife dropped my six years old at my store before noon. We had lunch together at the staff room.

After lunch, my daughter helped folding leaftets at the store.

In the evening, I took her to the other store and I finished the work of the day there. We bought some food and vegetables, and headed home.

We cooked supper together.

She cut carrots and cucumbers for a spaghetti salad while I boiled spinaches and wasabina.

Our menues for supper were "boiled spinaches and wasabina", "

spaghetti salad" and "steamed clams and mushrooms".

After our supper, we watched TV a little and went to bed.

About two hours later, I suddenly felt a stomachache and ran into the bathroom. I spent an hour there. I threw up everything I ate.

Luckily I did not have to go to work until noon on Sundays. I had some time to recover!

I had to get up and make breakfast for my daughter. I made a rice gruel with a beated egg for her. Then I drank a bottle of the JPS's Saikokeishito ( a Chinese medicine for the stomach and bowels) and went back to bed.

Around 10:30 I got up to get ready for work. I felt terrible for just standing up. I drank the second bottle of the JPS's Saikokeishito.

I was sitting on the sofa putting my hand on my stomach to keep warm. After a half hour, I felt a heat coming from my stomach! The JPS's Saikokeishito heats up your stomach and bowels to kill bacilluses there.

I went to work with my daughter just before noon and drank the third bottle of the JPS's Saikokeishito.

I worked for two hours at my store and had lunch. I was able to eat a bowl of Udon ( a Japanese nuddle). Although I did not still feel so good, I felt much better.

My daughter was folding the leaflets at the store. I drank the fourth bottle of the JPS's Saikokeishito. I took her around the store for ordering and I let her use a terminal for ordering.

I left my daughter at the store around 7:30pm and went to the neighborhood meeting.

I went home after the meeting. My wife and my oldest daughter were back at home with my six years old. I was deeply moved when my six years old said " I had a great time with Daddy".

I drank the fifth bottle of the JPS's Saikokeishito instead of a can of beer.

In the following morning I fully cecuperated! I was able to drink a cup of coffee!

I don't know what caused my sickness. A food poisoning, a stomach flu or a Norovirus? The JPS's Saikokeishito did it!