「やる」ということ Just Do It! | 六月の虫のブログ


















 失敗を恐れず、一歩前へ!ナイキのモットーじゃないですが、JUST DO IT!




I attended the Experience Marketing Seminar by Mr. Masahiro Fujimura in Osaka last week.

I always find something new, although I have attended many of his lectures and have been reading his blog everyday.

He always says the following at the end of his lectures;

"The most of people who read my books or attended my lectures told me that my lectures or my books were useful and good. But only 0.1% of those actually make an actionn hinted by my books or my lectures. The 99.9% of them are who thought my books and my lectures are good or just decided to take some action. But it does not change anything. Understanding it in your head and making it into an action are totally different. If you want to change the results, you must act. You can go ahead of 1000 people by just making a move. Let's make some action now!" (quoted from Mr. Fujimura's business card which is a small booklet above)

When I attended those lectures, I try to make them my money's worth.

I make things which I thought useful or good into an action.

Of course, sometimes it fails or it may not make a effective result right away. I just keep tryihg, changing ways and approaches. That always leads to some good results.

The most of them seem to think like the followings:

"It does not make a differece if I act alone"

"My boss will not let me do it anyway"

"What if I fail or make no result"

If there is someone who says "I never failed" or laughes at your mistakes, I think he is either a person who just do a job which was ordered by his boss only or an irresponsible person who puts the blame of his failure on somebody else.

If you don't make any action, you never fail.

Let's fail and go one step ahead! As Nike says, "JUST DO IT".

By the way, the most of the attendants of the Seminar above heard his lecture for the first time. That means that Mr. Fujimura still has a huge uncultivated market $$$.