



Day 54


Today is my last day of work and it is such a strange feeling.

Everything feels so familiar and I can’t believe that I am flying back to Germany in two days. I can’t say thank you enough to the whole company and especially to Emori san who gave me this great opportunity to come to Japan. Everyone was so nice and I will miss the life here. The last three months have been really interesting and it was such a nice experience. I tried a lot of new things, saw so many different places and met so many people from all over the world. I am so glad that I got the chance to live and work in Japan and I am sure I will never forget the time.

Thanks again to AIESEC and everyone else who made this possible and for supporting me! 

I hope to see all of you again one day!




Day 53


Yesterday after work we went to a restaurant near the company for my farewell party.

We ate delicious okonomiyaki and I was so happy that some of the other employees joined us as well. Even Emori san’s wife and kids had dinner with us too and it was really nice to see them again. I got a really nice bag and a huge bottle of umeshu from Emori san and his family and I am so thankful for hat. I didn’t expect to get any presents and it was such a nice surprise.
We even got the chance to take some nice pictures all together and it was such a nice evening. Thanks again to everyone who joined my little farewell party and especially to Emori san who organized everything.

I can’t believe that tomorrow will be my last day of work and I am already sad that I have to say goodbye to everyone tomorrow.


Day 52


Last Saturday I went with Islam together to Himeji to see the famous castle.

The Himeji castle is considered as Japan’s most spectacular castle because of its imposing size and beauty. Unlike many other Japanese castles, it was never destroyed by war, earthquake or fire and it was really impressive to see it. The castle recently underwent extensive renovation over several years and was fully re-opened to the public in March 2015. It was so interesting to walk through the castle and we even got the chance to take a picture with some samurai.

Our little trip was really nice and I am glad that Kimura san offered us to go there.



Today after work Emori san invited me to have dinner with some other employees for the last time. Kimura san and Islam are coming as well and we are going to eat okonomiyaki. Its so nice that they are joining us and I am so thankful to everyone who is coming with us for dinner tonight!