エッセイの課題が添削されて返ってきた | joseの所得3倍増計画


I'm in Canada!


脱字や文法上の細かいミスはいくつかあったけど条件はすべてクリアしていたので評価は"very well done!great job"をもらえた。3時間かけた甲斐があったなぁ。

下から2段目のパラグラフで「包括的な英語のスキルを身に着ける」という意味で"wear"を使ったんだけどこれには ? を付けられてしまった。どうやら英語にはこういう表現はないらしい。代わりに何の動詞を使うのか聞けばよかったんだけど聞き忘れてしまい少し悔やまれる。

× wear comprehensive skills of English

use : all for uses of the future(present simple,present continuous,be going to,will)
use : at least 5phrasal verbs
use : 2-3 phrases from p72(テキストで扱ったフレーズから2,3コ使用する)

赤:words added and corrected
青:phrasal verb
緑:phrases from a text book
オレンジ:future tenses

"My plans for the future"

Today,I am going to go to the library to study future tenses after school.I usually put in much time in the library.It is difficult for me to understand the future tenses.

Next week,I'm going to go to skating with Young Ju and Gilferi.That is a school activity planed on Tuesday.I have not done gone skating since I was 10.It's just a distant memory.So I am feeling fun and anxiety now.And I decide to take up going to the conversation club.Speaking is my weak point.I want to overcome it by all means.

Next year,I will be 29.I am going to stay at Canada until next October.I have lots of things to do.One,to travel north america.Two,to get a job.Three,to find a flat.Four,to pass the Cambridge exam.

First is to travel north america.I'd like to see aurora,Niagara Falls,Grand Canyon,Ground Zero.

I have to get a job.I want to do office work.But I understand that it is really difficult for me .It helps for me to pass the Cambridge exam.And I am going to see about finding a job.

Finding a flat is a big challenge,too.I have never lived in a foreign country.Now,I stay with hostfamily.But I'd like to experience to contract having a flat by myself.

The Cambridge exam will be a big challenge for me.The exam week is scheduled March 7-12.Although al the most Japanese students choose TOEIC course,I selected the Cambridge exam course.The reason why I selected the Cambridge exam course is the contents of the exam.I can comprehensively learn English,because the exam includes Listening,Reading,Speaking,Writing.On the other hand,Speaking and Writing don't aren't included in TOEIC.I would like to wear(?) comprehensive skills of English through the Cambridge exam.I will cut down on sleep time to study.If I pass the exam,I will gain satisfaction.

If these plans are achieved,I can say that I make a go of my long trip.
