英文のCV・履歴書の書き方 | TONEKOとイギリスで医師、看護師を目指す!


Toneko Limitedはイギリスを拠点とし、イギリスで唯一の日本人を対象とした医療系リクルートメントを行なっております。英国医師免許取得、英国看護師免許取得、IELTS、PLAB、CBT、OSCE等、幅広くサポートさせて頂きます。イギリスで働いてみませんか。



海外で仕事探しをされる時に悩まれるのが、英文のCVの書き方ではないでしょうか。英文のCVの書き方は本当に様々です。"Sample CV in English" とかで検索されれば、山のように検索結果が出てきます。したがって、これが必ず正解だということはないと思って頂いた方がいいとは思います。







Sample CV

Please remember that you should impress your prospective employers with your CV. Please take your time to write your CV properly. Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and inconsistent format of your CV does not deliver a good impression. 



Current Address

Mobile Number


Visa status if you are non-EU national ▶️ VISAステータス・有効期限も含めて必ず書いて下さい‼️


[Summary or Objectives]

If you have an employment history of the medical or healthcare sector, please write a summary of your employment history. Also, write what position you are looking for and your desire to get the role.

If you have no experience in the medical or healthcare sector, please write objectives with comments of what position you are looking for, why you are situatable for the position and your desire to get the position.


[Employment History]

Please write your current or latest job on top and the oldest job at the end. ➡️ 新しいものから順番に‼️

Please write month and year of your employment, the position you had and City and Country of employment.

It is important to express your responsivities and what you have achieved at your previous workplace.

If you have worked in the medical or healthcare sector, please write a full description of your job. 





Please write your current or latest education on top and the oldest education at the end. ➡️ 新しいものから順番に‼️

Please write month and year of your education.



[Qualifications/ Licenses]

If you have any qualifications or licenses including driving license, please write them. ➡️ 看護師免許の記載をお願いします‼️

Please write month and year that you got the qualification/license. ➡️ 日本、イギリスの運転免許を書いて頂いても大丈夫です。


[Other information]

Add information if necessary.




Two references available upon request ➡️ イギリスの医療系で働こうと思うと、必ずリファレンスが2名分必要になるので、このまま書いて頂ければ、大丈夫です‼️









