Best regards.

This is Leo Toyama. I'm a chess player from Japan as 1637(JCA)、1404(NCS)、0(FIDE)、1234(lichess)

As directely, unfortumately I opted out from Japan Chess Federation a years ago. But they reject my account and has been the association of human failure of Japanese political disorder.

Then, I want to apploach you as world class body to be an international arbitor passing such grotesque situation of this crisis from de-humanital gaming mind made from childish disorder as you know.

I can travel all over the world except Australia as my criminal status by the rightest guilty in the Japanese criminal law, and I want to take a rest anywhere in the world untill my suspended sentence goes away for three years.

If you doubt my skills of politiacal psysics, please read my latest craft in English"knight sacrifice/Leo J Toyama" sold on the electorical book marcket in Amazon kindle or Apple books for 3 $. 

Adding your less confidence, you shall read my resent craft about social experiment "vita comtemplativa nova/Leo Toyama" accepted as the nomination of the Prize of Templeton with 100m $ which is hold auual.

And I have a youtube channel bigger than JCF oficial, you can appliciate me as the peaceful age in the future with human being progressing to Archery Democray(one of the greatest noam that I made with my friends and am taking responsibility as possible and realise in my world. If you are interested in it eagerly, you may buy my consecuence for cheaper than a lunch bill.) of world politcal education.

I opt returning good news from your history through 100 years playing lichess avec plaisir, from the alternative headquater loction of this B class island-nation with lessethical-love custom.

With god's bless and grace, sincerely.

軍産学複合体Leo J Toyama