

Danny: (picking Michelle up out of her crib and putting her down again as he speaks) 

Wish Daddy luck honey. it's a big night. 

  • Daddyに幸運を(祈る)

Daddy's getting a tryout as color man for the big fight.

  • パパは大きな試合のコメンテーターとして出演することになったよ
  • tryout→試してみる
  • color man→スポーツ実況のメインコメンテーター

On cable TV. Nationwide. Yes, I see how impressed you are.

  • ケーブルTV、全国放送だよ。うん、君がどのくらい感動しているのか分かるよ
  • Nationwide→全国的な
  • how→どのくらい
  • impressed→感動し(印象づけ)たのか

Michelle: da da
Danny: Michelle, I'd love to give you a hug, but 20 million people will be watching me, 

  • Michelle、とても抱きしめたいんだけど、2千万人の人々が僕を見るんだ

and I'd just as soon them not see your cookies on my shoulder.

  • 視聴者が肩に付いたクッキーに気づかない方がいい
  • (woul)'d just as soon→~した方がいい

Michelle: Uh (to be interpreted as up, I think)

  • be interpreted→解釈される、と見て取れる

Danny: Do you promise that everything inside of you is going to stay inside of you? 

(A little hack/gurgle as he reaches down) That's a preview, isn't it? 

  • hack→(自動詞)咳をする
  • gurgle→ゴロゴロと(喉を鳴らす音)
  • reaches down→手を(下に)伸ばす

Okay, baby dribble guard. (Puts towel over his shoulder, then picks her up and gives her a hug.) Come here...

  • dribble→涎を垂らす

(Jesse is in living room playing the guitar as Danny comes down)
Jesse: Oh cool, yes, all right, all right. May I help you?
Danny: Well Jesse, what do you think?
Jesse: (indicating towel) You plan on burpin' one of the boxers?

  • お前は選手の一人をゲップさせる計画だろう
  • indicating→指す、指し示す
  • plan on→~する計画、予定だ(plan to より確度低め)
  • burpin'→ゲップ

Danny: (as he takes off the towl) A good sportscaster is ready for anything.
Jesse: That's very nice. All right, listen, I picked up the perfect tune for the lyrics here. 

  • ここで歌詞に合う最高な音を拾った(見つけた、閃いた)

this is really cool. (Plays and sings) Listen to this song.

You left me for another, walked right out the door. 

  • 君は僕をおいて別の人のところへいった、すぐにドアから出ていった
  • right out→すぐに

I thought that you loved me. What good is my heart for?"

  • 僕は君が僕を愛していると思っていたのに。僕の心はなんの役に立つのか?
  • What good→~なんて、なんの役に立つのか?

Danny: (getting into the tune) On top of Old Smokey, all covered with snow...


  • オールド・スモーキー山の頂は雪におおわれている...
  • アメリカ民謡(The Weavers - ON TOP OF OLD SMOKY)

Jesse: (stopping, putting guitar down and standing) You realize there are only 7 notes. 

But, Beethoven was right when he said it don't come easy.

  • it don't come easy→(フレーズ)それは簡単なことではない

Danny: Beethoven said 'It don't come easy'?
Jesse: Well, he said it in German.

Joey: (coming in with boxing gloves on) All right, Danny, I'm ready. 

I want you...poom! I want you...poom, poom. Second round, 

you're goin' down! (Gets looks, stops pretending he's a boxer) 

  • お前はここで倒れる(お前の負けだ、やっつけてやる)
  • pretending →フリをする

All right, I'll behave.

  • 行儀よく(いい子に)する

Jesse: You are such a baby. (Pulls a strand of his hair or something, hard to see)
Joey: Long-haired hippie punk. (Walks up to Danny) 

  • hippie→既成の社会体制や価値観を否定し、脱社会的行動をとった若者たち
  • punk→無神経な、ふてぶてしい(チンピラ、若造、くだらないなど)

Danny, I got to tell you I am so proud of you. 

Ever since you were sports editor of our high school newspaper, you've had that dream.

  • Ever since→~だった時から
  • sports editor→スポーツ編集者
  • high school newspaper→高校新聞部

Danny: The one about Sharon Campbell?

  • Sharon Campbellのこと?
  • Sharon Campbell→当時の学校のマドンナ(?)

Joey: Nah, not that dream. Every guy in high school had that dream. 

  • 違う、その夢じゃない。学校の男子はみんなその夢を見たよね

Nah, I mean your dream about making it as a sportscaster. 

  • 僕が言いたいのは、君のスポーツキャスターになるという夢のことだよ

Tonight you go from local news to coast-to-coast. Knock 'em dead.

  • 今日、君は地方ニュースから全国放送だ。やってやれ!
  • coast-to-coast→湾から湾まで=全国に
  • Knock 'em dead→驚かせてやれ!、やってやれ!

Danny: Thanks. And your dream about bein' a comic? 

  • ありがとう。君の夢はコメディアンだよね?

I promise you, one day, I won't be the only one who thinks you're funny.

  • 約束するよ。ある日、"僕だけ"が君を面白いと思わない日がくるよ

(DJ and Stephanie run down the steps with gifts wrapped)
DJ: Wait Dad, don't go yet.
Stephanie: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.
DJ: We got you some stuff for you for good luck. Guess what this is.

  • 私達はパパの幸運のためにいくつかのものを用意(手に入れた)したよ。これ、あててみて。

Stephanie: A tie!
DJ: Steph, you knew!
Stephanie: Daddy, now you guess.
Danny: Oh, I give up.
Stephanie: It's a tie, remember?
Danny: (opens it) Oh, a tie! I'm so surprised. This is beautiful. I'm gonna wear it tonight.
Stephanie: I got you a surprise too, Daddy. (Hands it to him)
Danny: Oh, I love surprises. (Opens it, looks oddly at it)

Oh, this is great. Thank you for the, um, this is great.
Joey: It's the...most beautiful one of those I've ever seen.
Stephanie: try it on, Daddy.

  • try it on→試着してみて

Danny: (trying to figure out how

  • どのように付けるのか解き明かそう(理解しよう)としている

Of course I'm gonna try it on. (Experiments in several places on his suit and even in his ear)

  • Experiments→実験する

DJ: Isn't that a wonderful tie tack, Dad?

  • tie tack→タイピン

Danny: (putting a hand on D.J.'s shoulder) God bless you. 

(To both) Steph, I love this. Thank you, girls. (He hugs them)
Girls: You're welcome.
Jesse: (back into the room with guitar) All right, I finally got it, this baby is a hit-bound.

  • ついにできたぞ、これは成功するだろう
  • hit→売れる、あたる
  • bound→確かに、ほぼ確実に

now. Listen to this. (Plays) 

She left me for another, walked right out the door. 

I thought that she loved me. What good is my heart for?
Others: (getting into tune, too) This land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the New York islands...
Jesse: Everybody sing along...

  • along→一緒に

Others: From the redwood forests, to the gulfstream waters...

  • 歌:This Land is Your Land - Woody Guthrie

(fade into next scene)
Jesse: All right coming right up, girls. Get some snacks first. (Looks upstairs)
DJ: Dad's almsot on; we're gonna watch him in our room.
Jesse: All right. (Grabs something from fridge, starts upstairs)
Stephanie: Dont' forget the ice cream.
Jesse: Okay. (Grabs it, heads upstairs again)
Stephanie: And the bowls and spoons.
(Jesse grabs it, heads upstairs again)
Jesse: How can you eat ice-cream without bowls and spoons?

Stephanie: And licorice.
(Jesse grabs it, heads upstairs again)
Stephanie: Red licorice.
(Jesse grabs it, heads upstairs again)
Stephanie: Okay, got some fruit.
(Jesse grabs it, heads upstairs again)
Stephanie: And milk.
Jesse: Okay, got it. (Grabs it, heads upstairs again)
Stephanie: Don't forget to shut the door.
(Jesse shuts the door, heads upstairs again)
Jesse: OK, got the licorice, the milk, shut the door...
Stephanie: And we need peanut butter and jelly and bread and carrots.
(Jesse collapses against wall and sighs)

Jesse: (coming upstairs with hands extra full, cups on his head) 

  • 余分なものを一杯持って階段を上がってくる
  • extra→余分な

All right, girls, this oughta get us through the first 2 rounds...

  • これで最初の2ラウンドは乗り切れる(足りる)だろう
  • oughta→(ought to)~すべきだ(≒should、より客観的なニュアンス)
  • get through→切り抜ける、乗り切る

DJ: We changed our minds, we're gonna watch the fight downstairs.
Jesse: Freeze, ankle biters; this is as far as your Uncle Lunch Wagon goes.

  • ここがUncle Lunch Wagonの進む限界です
  • ankle biters→相手を食い物にしたがる人
  • as far as→(前置詞)~の限り、~が限界

DJ: Oooh, it's Uncle Bad Attitude.
Stephanie: I guess this is a bad time to mention that you forgot the carrots.

  • たぶん、これはニンジンを忘れていると言いづらいタイミング(時間)だ
  • bad time→都合が悪い
  • mention →述べる、触れる

Jesse: Yes, it's a bad time. Help me out here. 

Come on. (They unload his arms) You grab the ice cream...

  • unload→荷を下ろす

Joey: Jess, quick, I need you in the nursery.

  • nursery→保育園

Jesse: okay.
Joey: here, lemme give you a hand with this

  • 手を貸そうか?手伝おうか?(フレーズ)

(Reaches for a cup, instead of taking them off his head takes only 1 and walks back into nursery, 

  • カップに手を伸ばして、カップ全てを頭から取らないで、1つだけ取った
  • instead of→~しないで、~の代わりに
  • takes only 1→(, he takes only 1)カンマ、主語省略されている

leaves Jesse standing with cups on head.)
Jesse: What is happening to my life?
Joey: Michelle, please don't be sick.
Jesse: All right, Joseph, what's the problem here?
Joey: I heard Michelle cough.
Jesse: Hey, kid, you okay? (Picks her up, looks at her) It's cool
Stephanie: It's time. Daddy's gonna be on right after the underarm commercial.
Jesse: Alright, we're comming.

Joey: jess, I didn't like the sound of that cough, we should bring Michelle with us.

  • 好ましくない咳の音だった(心配なニュアンス)

Jesse: Joey, you gotta realize, babies cough, man. 

  • 気付くべきだ、赤ちゃんは咳をするものだ

babies dribble, babies barf. I Think of 'em as little tiny teenagers. (Picks her up): 

  • 涎を垂らしたり、吐いたり。この"咳とか"は"年頃"だからだな
  • Think of A as B→AをBと考える(みなす)
  • 'em→(them)今までの行動(咳など)
  • teenagers→厳密には13歳-19歳(teenの始まりと終わり/thirteen-nineteen)

Come on, Michelle, come on. 

You okay? (Kisses her) Atta girl.

(DJ and Stephanie are in the living room with snacks now, Jesse and Joey go downstairs with Michelle, baby coughs are heard)
Jesse: You girls ever hear that cough before?
Stephanie: Sounds like a hair ball.

  • 毛玉を吐きそう(な音)
  • hair ball→毛玉

Jesse: Come on, Steph, babies don't get...(thinks a minute, turns to Joey); 

Do babies get hairballs?
Announcer: And now, live from San Francisco, a special boxing presentation, here is Danny tanner.

(Others cheer.)
Danny: (in training room, trying to dodge a bunch of people moving and punching) 


Hi, I'm Danny...Hi, I'm Danny Tanner...Okay, here I am, 

now, I'm really danny tanner, and welcome to tonight's fight. 

We're in the training room of the former heavyweight champion of the world Reggie 'The Sandman' Martin, 

  • former→前の
  • Reggie→(=Reginald)男性名の愛称

only moments away from the Sandman's first attempt on the comeback trail to reclaim his heavyweight crown. 

  • Sandmanの王冠を取り戻すための初の復帰戦(王座奪回)がいま始まろうとしている
  • only moments away from→~する寸前
  • first attempt→最初の試み、初挑戦
  • comeback trail→復帰(過去の成功などに再び戻るニュアンス)
  • reclaim→取り戻す

And here he is now. Well, champ, how do you feel?
Sandman: I feel good, I feel strong, I feel like hittin' somebody!

  • 誰かを殴りたい気分だ→一発見舞いたい
  • hittin' somebody→誰かを殴る

Danny: But not me, right?
Sandman: that depends on the question.
Danny: Okay, no pressure here. Well, champ, the obvious question; why the comeback? 

  • no pressure→緊張しない(皮肉のため実際は真逆)
  • obvious question→明らかな質問(分かりきった質問)

You have plenty of money in the bank; heck, you own a bank

  • あなたはたくさんのお金を銀行に持っています。それこそ、銀行を持つくらい。
  • plenty of→(≒a lot of)たくさんの、必要以上の
  • heck→すごい、とても(強調)
  • own a bank→銀行を所有する(くらいの資産)

You've been retired for two years, what is it? Do you miss wearing the shorts?
Sandman: No, no.
Trainer: It's pride. Pride and respect. 

The Sandman wants to go down as the greatest fighter in the history of boxing.

  • 最高の選手としてボクシング界の歴史に名を残したいんだ
  • go down as→~として名を残る、歴史に残る

Danny: Are you sure it's not the $6 million?

  • 本当に600万ドルのためではないのですか?

Sandman: Okay, I miss wearin' the shorts.

(Danny is tugging at his shorts, revealing her very colorful tie tack)

  • tugging→引っ張る

Stephanie: My tie tack.
Others at home: Yaaay!
Sandman: I know why I'm wearing a cup. But why are you wearing a saucer?

  • 俺が優勝杯を取ることは分かっているが、なぜお前はお皿を付けている?
  • cup→優勝杯(?)
  • saucer→お皿、受け皿

Danny: Oh, this. This is a gift from my daughter Stephanie. 

and the tie is a gift from my daughter DJ.. 

And, I have a little baby daughter Michelle, too. but you can't wear her gifts.
Others: Yaaay.
Danny: You probably haven't seen much of your family during these 3 months of training.

  • あなたは3カ月のトレーニングの間、あまり家族に会えていないのではないでしょうか
  • much of→大して~ない(否定形で)

Sandman: Yeah. He runs a pretty tough camp.

  • ああ、彼は結構キツイキャンプを運営しているからね
  • runs→運営する

Trainer: the toughest. (Grabs mike) Total isolation

  • 最も厳しい、完全に孤立したものだ
  • toughest→toughの最上級
  • isolation→孤立、分離

Just me, the Sandman,and misery. No phone calls, No women, no nothing.

  • (キャンプは)私と、Sandmanと、悲惨だけだ。電話も、女も、何もいらない
  • misery→悲惨、惨め、哀れ

Sandman: Look, I'm sorry about that, Marcie. How ya feelin', honey? (He blows her a kiss in the mike.)
Danny: I think it's wonderful that you and your wife are still good friends considering...

Sandman: considering? Considering what?
Danny: You know...
Trainer: yeah, right, champ, just loosen up, baby.

  • loosen up→緩める、肩の力を抜く

Sandman: Hey, hey, the man said considering. Considering what?
Danny: Uh, considering what happened.

  • 起きたことを考慮しました

Trainer: Loosen up, champ.
Sandman: if I don't get some information, I'm gonna loosen somebody's head. 

  • もし言わないなら、誰かの頭を緩めるぞ(脅しニュアンス)

Now, you said, it's great we're still friends. Why wouldn't my wife and I still be friends?


  • 私達はまだいい友達だと言ったんだ。なぜ"私達はまだいい友達"なんだ?
  • Why wouldn't→なぜ~しないの?→なぜそういったの?
  • ※why don't youの提案と同様の考え方

Danny: So about tonight's fight, let's talk strategy. (Sandman grabs him and lifts him up) 

  • strategy→戦略、作戦

Let's forget about strategy. 

Uh, all I meant was, usually when a woman moves out on a man they stop being friends.

  • 僕が言いたかったのは、たいてい、女性が他の男の場所に出ていった時は、友達であることをやめるから

Sandman: (putting him down gently) She moved out?
Trainer: Hey, c'mon, champ, let's fight.
Sandman: You expect me to fight when I just found out my wife walked out on me?

  • お前は妻が出ていったことに今気づいた俺に戦えと言うのか?

Trainer: that's it, champ, use the anger.
Danny: Oh, champ, I'm sorry. Oh, boy am I sorry. 

I can't believe you didn't know about this.
Sandman: You callin' me a liar?

  • お前は俺を嘘つきだというのか?

Danny: Oh, not at all. Why would I choose those as my last words. 

  • なぜ私の最後の言葉にそのような言葉を選ぶでしょうか

I just figured since the story was in the newspapers, and the magazines, and the soon-to-be TV movie...

  • 出ていったという話は新聞、雑誌、もうすぐ放送開始予定のテレビ映画にも出ていたから知っているものと思ってました
  • soon-to-be→もうすぐ~予定の

Sandman: She left me? And sold the rights

  • 彼女が出ていったのか?権利(離婚話をメディアに売って儲けた)を売ったのか?
  • rights→権利

oh, no, no, Marcie baby, noooo. (He starts crying on Danny's shoulder) 

Oh, no, baby, no.
Danny: It'll be okay, champ, it'll be okay.
Trainer: You're kinda taken the edge off him, eh, Tanner?

  • よくも彼の戦意をだいぶなくしてくれたな?
  • kinda→ちょっと、なんか(かなりの意味で使う事もあり)
  • taken the edge off→勢いを弱める、和らげる、

Danny: You know, in a way this is kind of a beautiful moment. 

  • in a way→ある意味で

Thanks for sharing it with us. And Sandman, best of luck on tonight's fight.
Sandman: Fight? I can't fight.
Trainer: C'mon, champ, you'll fight. (Leading him away)
Sandman: I can't fight now.
Trainer: You'll fight, champ. You'll fight and knock him out, champ.

You're gonna win it. You're gonna win it, baby.
Stephanie: Why was that man crying?
Jesse: Well, the man was crying because...your dad made him so happy.
Stephanie: I don't think so.
Danny: Well, we'll be back after this word from anybody but me.

  • this word→広告やスポンサーメッセージ(CMの後で?)
  • anybody but me→私以外の誰か