

(Later at the pier)

  • pier→埠頭

Danny: Ahoy mates. There she be, Neptune's Bride.

  • Ahoy→やあ(出会いの挨拶、チェコ語など)
  • mates→友達

The finest lady to sail the seven seas.

  • finest→最高の
  • sai→航海する
  • seven seas→7洋(すべての海)

Joey: (pirate voice) Argh, I say we mount 'er.

  • pirate→海賊
  • I say we mount 'er→('er=her)(mount=支配する)支配してやろうじゃないか


Jesse: That's board 'ersquid head.

  • That's board 'er→('er=her)あれは彼女の板だ
  • squid head→イカ頭(バカなやつ=to Joey)

Danny: Isn't this great. 

A night of men doing manly things (places his tackle box on the ground). 

  • tackle box→釣り道具をしまっている箱
  • A night of men→男たちの夜
  • doing manly things→男らしいことをする

You know, there isn't a manlier man among men than the old salty dog who pilots this vessel

  • manlier→より男らしい
  • man among men→男の中の男
  • salty dog→船の甲板員
  • pilots→操縦士
  • vessel→船(特に大きい船)

Old Captain Jack! Where you be?


(A dark haired woman in a pink shirt and jeans come around the corner.)

Caroline: He be retired. I'm his granddaughter, Caroline. 

I'll be your captain this evening (she leaves).

Jesse: Oh yeah. Men don't come any manlier.

  • (any manlier=もっと男らしく)はなれないな

Danny: Okay, so except for Old Captain Caroline, it's boy's night out

  • except for→~を除いて
  • night out→夜遊び

Manly men doing masculine things.

  • 男らしい男たちで男らしいことをしよう
  • masculine things→男らしいこと

(Roxanna comes up behind them with a blonde girl in a gold dress and another in a white dress.)

Roxanne: Jesse!

Jesse: Roxanna! Have Mercy! Come here! (they hug) What are you doing here?

  • Have Mercy→どうかご慈悲をください(まさか!, あらまあ)

Roxanne: I tracked you down

  • tracked ~ down→追いかける、探し出す

I'm going on tour tomorrow and I just had to see you. These are my back up singers.

Yvonne: I'm Yvonne

Vega: I'm Vega.

Joey: I'm happy.

Roxanne: Jesse, this isn't a yacht.

  • yacht→ヨット

Jesse: Oh yeah, you're telling me

  • 俺も全く同じ意見だ。(I completely agree with you)

That's the last time I ever rent a yacht from a guy named Ice pick.

  • 最後に、Ice pickという男からずっと借りているヨットだ

Yvonne: So what? There's not a party?

Danny: We're here to fish! There's no party.

  • 僕達は釣りをするためにここにいる

Joey: There is now!

  • (でも)今はある!(今までなかったものがある=Now, there is)

Jesse: Yeah! (they begin to board the boat) Alright, that's Joey and Danny. 

  • board→乗る(動詞)

Which one's Ivon, and which one's Vega?


(Later on the boat.)

Caroline: Thanks for helping me with the anchor, Danny.

  • anchor→船のいかり

Danny: Oh, Caroline, I live for this stuff.

  • 僕はこういうことのために生きている

Well, take a look at me.

  • take a look→~を見て(誰かに見てもらいたい時に使う)

Did I forget anything?

  • 僕は何か忘れているかい?(完全に釣りバカみたいな恰好だろ?)

Caroline: You could be the centerfold for "Field And Stream".

  • あなたはField & Stream(釣り等アウトドア商品の販売会社)の雑誌の見開きページに載れるわ
  • centerfold→雑誌の見開きページ

Danny: Execuse me, girls. Boy's, it's time for fishing.

Jesse: Oh, boy. Am I a happy camper.

  • happy camper→とても幸せな人、満足に暮らしている人(camp=楽しいものという概念から)

Danny: Okay, Jesse, what do you want?

Jesse: I don't care.

  • (私は気にしない)どうでもいい、どっちでもいい

Danny: You want the Daiwa lightweight grapite super flex or the Shimano triton speed master?

Jesse: I really don't care.

Danny: How could you not care?

  • (どうして気にしないなんてことができるんだろう?)どうして気にならないの?

The Daiwa has a 40-pound test and Shimano has 50.

  • 40-pound→40ポンド(1-pound per about 450-glam=18kg)

Jesse: I don't care. Give me... give me the Daiwa.

Danny: Ooh, the Daiwa?

In these waters? Bad choice.

  • these waters→近海、水域

Jesse: I don't care, give me a worm and some dental floss.

  • worm→ミミズ(釣り餌)
  • dental floss→糸ようじ(釣りしながら寝ようとしてる?)

Joey: I'll take a Shimano.

Jesse: The hell you will.

  • ダメだ(誰かの行為(you will)を禁止すること)

No way I'm getting stuck in these waters with a Daiwa.

  • この水域でDAIWAで釣るのは行き詰まって無理だ
  • stuck→行き詰まる

Look at this. I got the Shimano.

Roxanne: The Shimano? In waters like this?

Jesse: Look at that, a full moon.

Roxanne: There was a full moon the last night we were together. Remember BSurig sur?

  • 私達が最後に一緒にいたときの夜も満月だったね
  • Big Sur→カリフォルニア州の地域

Jesse: I remember we rented the cabin and went crazy in every little room.

  • cabin→小屋
  • in every→あらゆるところで

Roxanne: Yeah. Then we went down to the beach and we got even crazier.

  • went down→~まで降りて
  • we got even crazier→さらにおかしく(最高に)なった

Jesse: Remember the seals were clapping for us. That's ancient history, right?

  • seals→アザラシ
  • clappin→拍手(アザラシはアウアウしながら手を叩くのを見て)
  • ancient history→(個人的な)昔の話

Roxanne: Yeah, it's all in the past.

  • past→過去

Jesse: Just a shooting star that burns itself out.

  • shooting star→流れ星
  • burns ~ out→燃え尽きる

Roxanne: Nothing but memories (they kiss).

  • Nothing but→~以外の何物でもない、~にすぎない
  • memories→思い出

Jesse: Yeah, the magic's gone. (they kiss again)

  • 魔法が解けた

(Joey and Danny walk up behind them.)

  • walk up→歩み寄る

Joey + Danny: (singing) Love, exciting and new. Come aboard, we're expecting you.

  • 愛は刺激的で新鮮だ。さあお乗りください、お待ちしておりました。
  • 「The Love Boat」(アメリカのロマンティックコメディドラマ)のテーマソング

Jesse: You guys just butchered a classic.

  • butchered→台無しだ
  • classic→クラシック(形容詞で最高/最悪の意味あり)

Yvonne: Oh, yoo-hoo! Champagne's gone. Now what?

Joey:Well, ladies, how about  a menage-a-fish?

  • 3人婚(3人で暮らす住む)のはどうかな?

Yvonne: We'd need a lot more champagne.

Joey:Well, you got to admit, it is kinda sexy out here.

  • you got to admit→認めなければならない
  • kinda sexy out here→ここでは君達はちょっとセクシーだね

All the rolling and swaying. Swaying and rolling.

  • rolling→転がって
  • swaying→揺れて

Up and Down, down and up.

Yvonne: Excuse us.

Joey:Yep. Know how to push all the right buttons.

  • (idiom)やりたいことを引き出す(満足させる)方法を知っておかなくちゃ

Caroline: (to Danny) Well, we're in a great spot here.

  • spot→穴場

Danny: Oh yeah, I'm psyched

  • psyched→(興奮して)嬉しい

I've got my lucky pole, my lucky hat, my lucky underwear with the little sharks on it. But I digress.

  • 've got→(have got≒have(手に入れて持っている、手に入れた)
  • pole→竿
  • sharks on it→サメが描かれた
  • digress→余談


Caroline: You're kind of funny.

  • kind of→ちょっと、なんか(曖昧な感覚。話し手のテンションにより"かなり"の意味あり)

Danny: No.

Caroline: Yeah.

Danny: No.

Caroline: Yeah.

Danny: Okay yeah. Alright Joey, it's time for a fishing lesson from the master.

  • master→師匠、達人

Joey: Alright Danny, show me how it's done.

  • how it's done→お手本、どうやるのか

Danny: The art of casting flip back your winder

  • art→コツ
  • of casting→投げる時の
  • flip back→めくりあげる
  • winder→リール

keep your thumb on the line cast forward with a firm flowing motion release your thumb

  • keep your thumb on the line→ラインに親指を乗せたまま
  • cast forward→前方に投げる
  • firm flowing motion→しっかり固定して流れるような動きで
  • release your thumb→親指を話す

and let 'er go (casts into the water).

  • そして投げる

Joey: I've got it. 

Flip back your winder, keep your thumb on the line, cast forward with a firm flowing motion, 

release your thumb and let 'er go (attempts to cast, but looses his fishing pole as it goes overboard).

  • attempts→試みる
  • overboard→船外

(Later on that night)

Jesse: (reels in a fish) Whoa, we got another one. That makes four.

  • reels in a fish→魚を巻き上げる

Danny: I can't believe I haven't caught a thing.

  • 信じられない、何も釣れていない

Yvonne: (reels in a fish) This makes five for us

Vega: Alright!

Danny: How can this be, look what they're wearing? (pulls his hook out of the water) 

  • How can this be→どうしてこうなるの?(理解できない驚き、困惑)

Oh great, my bait is yawning. Wake up! Wake up!

  • bait→釣り餌
  • yawning→あくびしている

Caroline: Danny, is something wrong?

Danny: Where's the scuba gear?

There's something sinister going on down there.

  • something sinister→何か不吉なこと
  • going on→~が起きている
  • down there→この下で

Caroline: You think the fish have gotten together and make a group decision to avoid your hook?

  • gotten together→(get together=集まる)集まって
  • make a group→グループを作って
  • decision→決断
  • avoid your hook→あなたのフックを避ける

Danny: It's the only logical explanation.

  • これが唯一の論理的な説明だ

Jesse: This is so boring, reeling in fish after fish after fish (waves another fish in front of Danny).

Danny: Will you shut up?

Roxanne: (to Jesse) You know, I wish we could see each other more often.

  • もっと頻繁に会えたらいいのに

Jesse: I know. The only time I see you now is on MTV.

  • 今唯一君を見れる時間

Roxanne: I owe a lot of my success to you.

  • 私のたくさんの成功はあなたのおかげ
  • owe→~のおかげ

Jesse: No Roxanna, you made it because you are good. 

Remember the first song that you sang in my band.

Roxanne: Oh yeah.

Jesse: And the dance?

Roxanne: How could I forget?

  • 忘れられるわけがない

Jesse: Do it.

Roxanne: (singing) He rocks in the treetop all day long, hoppin' and boppin' and singin' his song.

  • rocks→揺れる
  • in the treetop→木のてっぺん
  • all day long→一日中
  • hoppin' and boppin' →踊りまくる
  • songs:Bobby Day/"Rockin' Robin"

Jesse + Roxanne: All the little birds on JayBird Street, love to hear the Robin goin' tweet tweet tweet

  • All the little birds on JayBird Street→"JayBird Street"(場所?)の小鳥たちみんな
  • love to hear the Robin goin'→Robinの歌を聞くのが大好き
  • tweet→(小鳥の)さえずり

Roxanne: Rockin' Robin

Yvonne + Vega: Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Jesse: Look at this!

Roxanne: Rockin' Robin

Jesse: Fellas?

Joey + Danny: Tweet, twittley-deet

Jesse + Roxanne: Blow rockin' robin, cause we're really gonna rock tonight!

  • なぜなら今日は本当にロックを歌うんだから

Jesse: This is good! Alright, let's do some choreography!

  • choreography→振り付け

(The girls side step in front of the men.)

Women: Every little swallow, every chickadee,

  • swallow→ツバメ
  • chickadee→(アメリカ)コガラ

Danny: Every little bird in the tall oak tree (the men throw one of their shoes overboard).

  • tall oak tree→高い樫の木
  • throw one of their shoes overboard→男たちの靴を片方船外へ投げる

Roxanne: (the girls move back to the right of the men) The wise old owl

  • wise→賢い
  • owl→フクロウ

Jesse + Roxanne: The big black crow, flappin' their wings singin'

  • crow→カラス
  • flappin' their wings singin'→羽を羽ばたかせながら歌っている

Danny + Joey: 'Go bird, go'

Roxanne: Rockin' robin

Women: Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Men: Rockin' robin. Tweet, twittly-deet

Women: Blow rockin' robin, 'cause we're really gonna rock tonight.

Men: Tweet

All: Twittly-deet.

Jesse: Yeah!

Danny: Oh man! Wow, that was almost fun 

  • almost fun→ほとんど楽しい(魚が釣れていないからalmost)

(returns to his fishing pole, feels something pulling on his hook). 

  • 釣り竿に戻ると、

Whoa! Whoa! Wo...WHOA! (Danny goes overboard).

Joey: (removes his hat) I'm coming beanie boy! (Jumps in the water, Jesse hesitates)

  • 今”ツバなし帽子(?)マン”が行くぞ!
  • hesitates→ためらう

Jesse: Hold on (removes his leather vest, jumps in the water).


(The next day, everyone from the night before is at the Tanner house having breakfast.)

  • everyone from the night before→前夜の全員が

Joey: Anybody else want some of my halibut? (to Danny) My albacore? My swordfish? ...

  • Anybody else→誰か
  • halibut→オヒョウ(魚の種類)
  • albacore→ビンナガ(魚の種類)
  • swordfish→メカジキ(魚の種類)

Danny: Shut up!

Jesse: You're just cranky because you got pulled overboard by a Michelin Radial.

  • cranky→怒りっぽい
  • you got pulled overboar→船外から引き揚げられた
  • by a Michelin Radial→タイヤで(Michelin Radial=タイヤの名前)

Danny: Hey, that tire had an incredible will to live.

  • incredible→信じられないくらい
  • will to live→生きる意志

Yvonne: Hey Roxanna, we'll meet you back at the hotel

  • meet you back→戻って会う

Vega: Yeah, thanks for breakfast guys (Joey, Jesse, Vega, Ivon, and Roxanna exit to the living room)..

Yvonne: (to Joey) Oh, and thanks for the Pepto Bismol.

  • Pepto Bismol→薬(下痢・胸焼けなど)

Joey: I know my antacids.

  • antacids→制酸薬(胃痛を和らげる薬)

Vega: You know Joey, being with you actually bordered on fun.

  • being with you→あなたと一緒にいると
  • bordered on fun→最高に楽しい(bordered on=~の境界、楽しさの限界の境界)

Joey: Yeah, I hear that a lot.

  • I hear that a lot→よく言われるよ(よく聞くよ)

Vega: You know, Joey, we've met a lot of men and, well, now we've met you.

Jesse: Seems like we're always saying good bye huh?

  • Seems like→~な気がする

Roxanne: I hate it. Jesse, come on the road with me.

  • I hate it→そんなの嫌だ
  • on the road→ツアーに

Jesse: And join the band?

Roxanne: Well no, we're an all girl group, and you are definitely not a girl.

Jesse: Then why would I go on the road with you?

  • (バンドに入らないなら、)じゃあなんで一緒に行くんだ?(wouldの仮定法疑問)

Roxanne: Just to be with me.

Jesse: And do what, carry your bags for you? Tune your guitar? Is that what you want?

  • do what→何をする?
  • Is that what you want?→それはあなたが望んでいること?

Roxanne: No. Jesse, it's not like that at all...

  • そういう意味じゃないよ(そんな感じは全然ないよ)

Jesse: What? Do you think that I've got nothing better to do than follow you around like... 

  • nothing better to do →他にすることがない
  • than follow you around→あなたを追いかけても

like a little puppy dog or something?

  • まるで子犬か何かか?

Roxanne: No.


(Joey enters the kitchen to see Danny and Caroline at the counter.)

Caroline: You know, I really had a great time.

  • 本当に楽しい時間を過ごした

Danny: So did I.

Caroline: How about if I make you dinner?

Danny: (nervous) Dinner?

Caroline: You know, the food you eat when it gets dark.

Danny: No dinner.

Caroline: How about lunch?

Danny: No. No lunch, no food.

Caroline: Liquid protein?

  • 液状タンパク質(飲み栄養薬みたいなイメージ。≒protein shake)

Danny: Look Caroline, I'm really sorry, but I think this whole thing was just kind of a big mistake. 

  • this whole thing→このすべてのこと
  • just kind of a big mistake→なんていうか、大きな間違いみたいなもの

You... you really shouldn't be here right now, because you really should be somewhere else. 

  • 君は本当はいまここにいるべきではない。なぜなら、君は本当は他のどこかにいるべきなんだ

Let me walk you to the door, okay.


(Back to the living room.)

Roxanne: Jesse, you're overreacting!

  • overreacting→大袈裟、過剰反応する

Jesse: No, I'm not! I'm not overreacting! Come on, let's go! This is not going to work out!

  • これはうまくいかないよ

Roxanne: Jesse, please! I...

Jesse: Go, be a big star, get in your limousine! It's alright!

  • ビッグスターは行って、リムジンに乗って、さあ

Joey: Everybody Freeze! I need to see Jesse and Danny in the kitchen right now!

I need to see→(会う必要がある)話がある

Jesse: Joey, I'm in the middle of something!

  • in the middle of something→(何かの途中だ)いま手が離せなんだ

Joey: Humor me. Girls, look, please don't leave. 

  • Humor me→(私に調子を合わせて)お願いだから、頼むから

Caroline you like fish, Roxanna you like music, talk about Muddy Waters.

  • Muddy Waters→アメリカのアーティスト(シカゴブルースの父)

(The men enter the kitchen.)

Jesse: Joey, what is your problem?

Joey: You guys are crazy! 

(to Danny) You had a nice time with Caroline. 

(to Jesse) You had a nice time with Roxanna. What's the story here?

  • What's the story here→(この話はなに?)なんでこうなる訳?

Danny: Caroline and I are none of your business.

  • none of your business→大きなお世話、おせっかい、あなたには関係ない

Jesse: Right, neither are Roxanna and I. Thanks Joey (starts to leave).

Joey: Jesse, your attitude wouldn't have anything to do with her success, would it?

  • wouldn't have anything to do with→~とは一切関係がない

Jesse: No... I don't know... Alright, I do know. 

  • I do know→(強調のDo)本当は分かってるよ

I mean, I put her band together, me! 

  • つまり、俺が彼女とのバンドを結成したんだ、俺が!

I put the band together, she's a big star! 

  • 俺がバンドを結成したのに, 彼女はビッグスターだ!

I put my band together, we're playing dives! 

  • 俺が結成したバンドは、クラブ(dives=怪しげなバーなど)で演奏だ!

I promised myself that by the time I was 24 I'm going to have a record deal! 

  • by the time I was 24→24歳までには
  • record deal→レコード契約

I'm 24 1/2, when is it going to be my turn?

  • I'm 24 1/2→(1/2=one half)24歳と半年

Joey: Hey, I know how that feels. It's like when I see Alf, I go nuts. 

  • Alf→アルフ(アメリカのコメディドラマ)
  • go nuts→(nuts=crazy, バカ、アホ)気が狂いそうになったよ

I'm doing my standup in little nightclubs, and a carpet sample as a series. 

  • 僕は小さなナイトクラブで"standup"をやっている
  • (スタンダップコメディ)=壇上でマイク1本で喋るようなもの
  • a carpet sample→Alfの主人公?(毛むくじゃらだから?)

But you know, if we hang in there, we're going to make it. 

  • hang in there→頑張る、諦めないで、しっかり!など
  • ※既に直面している問題に対して使う

Danny, why are you so upset with Caroline?

Danny: Because she wanted to make me dinner.

Joey: The real problem is you like her.

  • 本当の問題は君が彼女を好きかだ

Danny: Okay, I do like her, and it scares me. 

Ever since Pam... everything is just so hard, so confusing.

Joey: I know how tough this has been on you. 

  • how tough this→どれほど大変なことか
  • has been on you→(今までの)あなたにとって

that's how life isIt's a struggle. 

  • 人生はそんなもんだよ。苦労(悪戦苦闘)するものだよ

What helps you get through the tough times are the people by your side. 

  • 困難を乗り越える時に助けてくれるのは、そばにいる人達だよ
  • get through→乗り越える

So when people like Roxanna and Caroline come along

  • So when people like→だから、~のような人が~の時
  • come along→やってくる、現れる

why push them away because you're frustrated with your career and because you're not ready to date yet? 

  • なぜ、自分のキャリアに苛立ったり、デートの準備がまだできていないからって彼女たちを追いだすの?
  • push ~ away→~を押しのける、追い出す
  • frustrated→苛立った、失望した


You're throwing away what could be great friendships.

  • 君達は良い友情ができるかもしれないものを捨てているよ
  • throwing away→捨てる
  • could→(推量)~かもしれない

Jesse: Is this the same guy who spends hours perfecting under arm noises

  • same guy who→~なやつと同じやつ
  • spends hours perfecting→何時間もかけて完璧にする
  • under arm noises→脇の下の音

Where's this coming from?

Joey: From my heart. 

  • 心からさ

I did have some help with the words. 

  • 本当は少し言葉に助けてもらったよ
  • did have→(=had)
  • have help→(have=もらう、受ける)助けてもらう

It's what Scooby Doo told Scrappy Doo last Saturday morning.

  • Scooby Doo→アメリカのアニメ
  • Scrappy Doo→(Scooby Doo)のキャラクター

Danny: Thanks Joey (they hug).

Jesse: Come here, you big goof (they hug).

  • goof→ふざけたやつ、間抜けなやつ(noun, goofy=adjective)

Danny: Alright, we got in some male bonding after all. 

Will you guys excuse me for a moment? (in the living room) 

  • Will you→~してくれない?(依頼)
  • excuse me for a moment→少し時間をくれないか

Caroline could I talk to you please? (back to the kitchen)

  • could I→~できますか?(許可)

Caroline: Hi.

Danny: Hi. Look, I'm really sorry I flipped out. 

  • flipped out→すごく興奮していた

It's just that... Well, you know about my wife. 

And I'm just not ready for this yet. 

  • ただ、まだこの準備ができていない

I really do like you. 

Do you think maybe you and I could... like... just be friends?

  • 僕と君はただの友達でいられないかな?
  • could→~できますか(許可)

Caroline: I think that would be great (they hug).

  • それはいいね(そうなれたらいいね)
  • would→~だろう(仮定法)

(Back in the living room.)

Jesse: Roxanna, I guess what I'm trying to say is

  • 恐らく俺が言いたいことは

maybe I was acting a little bit... 

  • 少しだけ演技をしていたかもしれない

What's the word I'm looking for... insanely jealous.

  • なんて言えばいいんだ...めちゃくちゃ嫉妬している

Roxanne: Jesse, your time's going to come. You're too good.

Jesse: You know I can't go with you.

Roxanne: I know. I just want us to be together.

Jesse: Well, maybe someday we will be. 

  • 恐らくいつか俺達はできるだろう

But in the meantime, you've got to realize, a guy like me. 

  • でもその間に、俺みたいな男を理解しなければならない

I've got to be free wheeling,

  • 've got to→~でなければならない
  • free wheeling→自由気まま

I've got to be riding on the wind.

  • 風に乗って

I've got to be living on the edge...

  • (限界)ギリギリの人生を送る

(DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle reenter the house.)

DJ: Hi, Uncle Jesse.

Stephanie: Will you help me off with my stinger?

  • help off→脱ぐのを手伝う
  • stinger→(昆虫などの)針

Jesse: Sure kid... Well, I'm living on the edge of cuteness.

  • 可愛さギリギリの人生を送っているな

***End ***


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