

(Jesse is playing the guitar in the living room, trying to work out song lyrics.)

  • work out→曲の歌詞を考え出そうとしている

Jesse: She's driving a... She's driving... She's driving, okay...

She's driving a... She's drive... Drive... Dri... No she's... She's driving...

Driving... She's dri... Maybe she's walking.


(Joey enters from the kitchen.)

Joey: Jesse, You got to see this.

  • got to see→見られるぞ(機会を得る)
  • get to=
  • ~しなければならない(have got to のhave省略)
  • ~する機会が得られる
  • ~することができる
  • ~することが許される
  • 「イライラする」「頭にくる」「不快に思う」(get to meの過去系)

Jesse: Not now. I'm working on this new tune about this outrageous Italian goddess who drives a Lamborghini.

  • working on→取り組む
  • outrageous→常識外れの
  • Italian goddess→イタリアン女神

What rhymes with Lamborghini?

  • ランボルギーニはに合うのはどんな韻だ?

Joey: How about Cecil and beany?

  • ~はどうかな?  (ベニーの冒険旅行、アメリカアニメ)

Jesse: How about, you're a weenie?

  • ~はどうだ? お前は臆病者(弱虫、バカ)

(Danny enters from the kitchen with his video camera.)

Danny: Jesse, check out this serious toddling!

  • check out→しっかり見る
  • serious→真面目な
  • toddling→よちよち歩き

(Michelle enters walking from the kitchen)

Tracking shot! Tracking shot! Come on, Michelle!

  • Tracking shot→移動しながら撮る

Jesse: Danny, your kid has been walking for three days.

  • ミッシェルは三日間歩き続けているぞ

You haven't stopped taping her.

  • 録画も止めずに

I'll feel sorry for her when she starts potty training.

  • I'll feel sorry for→申し訳ないと思うよ
  • she starts potty training→ミッシェルがトイレ(赤ちゃん用おまる)トレーニングを始めるとき

(Michelle heads for the kitchen, Joey picks her up)

Danny: Do you know what this means?

My sweet little Michelle, she's now an object-grabbing heat-seeking instrument of destruction.

  • she's now→彼女も今や
  • object-grabbing→物をつかんで?
  • heat-seeking→熱気(恐怖)を求める?
  • instrument→器械(電力を伴わない小規模)
  • destruction→破壊

Joey: (with Michelle, munchkin voice)

Hear this humans. I am robo-baby!


(DJ and Stephanie enter from upstairs, wearing their Honeybee uniforms.)

DJ: Is grandma here?

Danny: Not yet. Oh look how cute you two look!

  • ああ、二人ともなんてかわいいんだ!

Jesse: Cute. Just what we need, more cute.

  • 丁度必要だ。もっと必要だ(皮肉:困ったな、全然思い浮かばない?)

Stephanie: Grandma better get here soon.

  • おばあちゃんは早く来た方がいいよ

We're very bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy with honeybee bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzness.

  • 私達はとっても忙しいから、ミツバチの仕事で(business)

Danny: Joey, keep taping. Girls get up on the steps.

  • get up→~まで登る、上がる
  • steps→階段

I want to ask you somethings. (the girls head for the front steps).

DJ, so how does it feel to finally be retiring as queen bee?

  • 最終的に嬢王蜂をやめることはどういう気持ちですか?

DJ: Great. I am way too old for this outfit.

  • way→かなり(期間の強調)
  • too old→年を取りすぎている
  • this outfit→この服装には

It's time to pass my antenna on to the bees of the future

  • pass ~ on→~を次へ回す(誰かのくれたものを誰かに渡す)
  • bees of the future→未来の蜂へ

(places the antenna hat on Stephanie).

Stephanie: I beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so happy.

Danny: Girls, do the secret honeybee hello.

  • 秘密のミツバチの挨拶をやって

DJ: Okay, but I cannot allow this on tape (Joey shuts off the video camera).

(tap dance around each other and rub elbows) Bizzzzzzzip,

  • rub→こする
  • elbows→肘を

(tap dance back and rub elbows again) bizzzzzzzzzzzzip,

(meet in the middle and bump hips) bizzzzzzzzah! A car honks.

  • bump→ぶつける
  • hips→お尻、腰
  • honks→クラクションが鳴る

Stephanie: That's grandma. We got to buzzzzzzzzz off.

  • buzzzzzzzzz off→立ち去る(buzz off)

Danny: Okay, come here Michelle (kisses Michelle as he picks her up).

Here's the baby's bag (hands a blue bag to Stephanie),

and oh yeah, here's the baby (hands Michelle to DJ). There you go.

DJ + Stephanie: Bye!

Stephanie: Bye! See you later boys!


(DJ and Stephanie leave, Danny closes the door).

Danny: Guys, there's no children in the house.

Do you hear what I hear?

  • 私の聞こえていることが聞こえてる?(何も聞こえない、静けさが分かる?)

Jesse: I don't hear anything.

  • 何も聞こえないね

Danny: Exactly (walks behind them). It's silence.

Jesse: Oh!

Joey: Well... (Jesse and Danny cover Joey's mouth.)

Danny: I can't believe this.

I have no parental responsibilities.

  • parental→親の
  • responsibilities→責任

This is great.

No, that's not true. I really miss my kids.

No, that's not true. This is great!

Jesse: Alright, let's party boys! I got an idea. Let's get some girls.

  • Let's get some girls→女の子を何人か呼ぼう

Joey: Great. There's a Three Stooges festival downtown.

  • Three Stooges festival→3バカ祭りが開催している
  • downtown→町の中心部で

You can meet some really fun girls there and

  • そこでは本当に楽しい女の子達と会えるし

the great part is they don't mind if you poke them in the eye.

  • 良いところはもし彼女たちを突いたりしても女の子達は気にしない 

Danny: I don't know about this.

  • それはどうかね(遠まわしな不賛成)

Jesse: No no no. I got a better idea.

  • 違う違う、もっと良いアイデアがある

I get on my Harley. you guys follow me in the country squire not to close.

country squire→車種(恐らくDannyの車?)

We cruise up to Tahoe, Harrah's is having a Marilyn Monroe look-alike night.

  • cruise up→~まで巡って
  • Tahoe→ (タホ湖?)
  • Harrah's →(Harrah's Lake Tahoe?カジノホテル?)
  • Marilyn Monroe look-alike night→マリリンモンローに似たナイトショーが開催している

Danny: How do you not know about this?

  • どうしてそれを知らないんですか?(良く知っているな?)

Jesse: How do you not know about this?

  • どうしてそれを知らないんですか?(良く知らずにいられるな?)

Danny: Guys, we've never had a boy's night out just the three of us.

  • we've never had→私達はしたことがない
  • boy's night out just the three of us→男3人だけで夜を過ごす

Let's go out together and just do some male bonding.

  • male bonding→男同士の絆を深めよう

Jesse: Male bonding? Joey, do you want to bond?

Joey: All I want is a woman who at just the right moment goes (Three Stooges voice)

  • All I want is a woman→ただ私が欲しいのは ~な女性
  • just the right moment goes→丁度良い瞬間(絶好のタイミング)に去る
  • Three Stooges→3ばか大将(アメリカコメディアン)

Woowoowoowoowoowoo Neeyah!

Danny: Guys time out.

I can't do this. It's only been 5 months since I lost Pam.

  • It's only been 5 months→(It has) まだ5カ月しかたってない

Hey, don't let me stand in your way.

  • (私にあなたの道の邪魔をさせないで) あなたの邪魔をしたくない(好きなようにして)

I'll be fine, I'll just stay home alone maybe change the part in my hair.

  • 僕は大丈夫だよ、ただ家に一人でいて、たぶん髪型の分け目を変えてるよ

You guys, go out, have a great time.

  • go out→さあ出掛けて
  • have a great time→楽しい時間を

Jesse + Joey: Never mind.

  • (直訳:気にしないで) なんでもない(やめた)

Joey: Okay, we're available for bonding.

  • available→~できる
  • bonding→絆を深める

Jesse: I'll do whatever you want. I promise.

Danny: Great. You are not even going to think about women

  • 君は女性のことでさえ考えないだろう

when you see what I've got in store for you.

  • 僕が用意したものを見たとき


(Later on that night in the living room, Danny and Joey are in fishing gear.)

  • fishing gear→釣り用の服装、道具

Danny: Let's go fishing! Neptune's Bride sails at midnight!

  • さあ釣りに行こう!ネプチューンブライド号は真夜中に出航だ!

Joey: Great. I've been dying for a place to wear this outfit.

  • been dying for→~したくて(死にそう)たまらなかった
  • a place to wear this outfit→この洋服を着る場所が欲しくて

Jesse: (enters from up stairs)

Alright, let's get this wonderful, fun-filled, magical night of bonding over with.

  • let's get→さあ済ませよう(get ~ over with)
  • wonderful→素晴らしい
  • fun-filled→楽しさ一杯
  • magical night of bonding→絆を深める魅力的な夜

Danny: Jesse, we're going fishing. You look ridiculous.

  • ridiculous→ばがげている

Jesse: (turns and looks at Joey's clothes) I look ridiculous.


(Phone rings, Joey answers.)

Joey: (drops his voice) [imitating Thurston Howell

  • Thurston Howell→富豪の老人(ギリガン君SOS)

Gilligan's living room. (back to regular voice)

  • ギリガンのリビングルームです

Oh wait, don't hang up.

  • hang up→電話を切る

Sorry, I'm not supposed to answer the phone.

Yes, Jesse's here. Who may I say is calling?

  • どなたですか(誰からの電話と伝えましょうか)?

Jesse: Give me the phone!

Joey: No! Get out of town!

  • 嘘でしょ!信じられない!

The Roxanna, the rock star Roxanna!

Jesse: Come on!

Joey: (to Jesse) Jesse, how do you know Roxanna?

Jesse: Alright, we had this hot and heavy thing for a while.

  • we had this hot and heavy thing→(性的な)激しさを持っていた⇒付き合っていた
  • for a while→しばらくの間

Actually it was kind of serious, we dated.

  • Actually→実は、
  • kind of→少し
  • serious→真剣だった
  • dated→デートもした

She became a big star, went on the road.

  • went on the road→ツアーに行った

so we drifted apart... Give me the phone!

  • drifted apart→(自然と)疎遠、離れ離れになった

Joey: (to the phone) Is this true?

(to Jesse) You're story checks out.

  • checks out→確認する

So Roxanna, got your new album.

Jesse: Joseph, you leave me no choice.

  • leave me no choice→私には選択肢がない(強硬策を取らざるを得ない)

Joey: uh huh. Uh...


(Jesse walks behind Joey with other end of the phone, and chokes him with the phone cord.)

  • walks behind Joey→Joeyの後ろへ歩く
  • with other end of the phone→電話のもう一方の端を持って

Jesse: Say good-bye.

Joey: Good-bye.

Jesse: (to the phone) Hello. Oh sorry, that was Joey.

He was raised by a family of really stupid wolves.

  • raised→~に育てられた
  • by a family of really stupid wolves→本当に頭の悪い狼に(wolf=女性に対して積極的な人を指す)

How are you doing?... I'm doing great. Yeah. ... My music?

Oh, my music is going really well. Yeah

  • is going really well→本当に順調だよ

Joey: That's great! You told me you couldn't even find a job!

Jesse: (to Joey) Beat it wolf boy! (to the phone)

  • Beat it→失せろ、あっちへ行け

You know, it'd... It'll be really nice to see you again. ...

Tonight, yeah. Tonight would be good.

Danny: Jesse you promised. (Joey starts doing an impression of a fishing reel)

  • impression→(笑わせるために)真似する
  • fishing reel→釣り用リール

Jesse: But actually, I can't tonight. ...

No, I'm going fishi... I'm going boat... I'm going yachting actually.

  • yachting→ヨット(大型の船、boatより大きい)

Yeah, I'm going yachting on a boat. Yeah.

  • 'm going yachting→ヨットに乗りに行く
  • on a boat→(船で)旅行する

Well, we're having a big party, Neptune's Bride. Yeah.

Champaign, caviar, what-have-you. ...

Alright good, I'll call you in the morning. Bye (hangs up the phone)

Danny: Thanks Jesse. You're not going to regret this.

  • regret→後悔しないよ

Jesse: Oh, why would I want to hang out with a big, beautiful rock star,

  • hang out→遊ぶ

when I can spend an evening with Thurston Hall III (points to Joey)

and Mr. Paul, the human fish stick (points to Danny)?

  • the human fish stick→人間釣り竿の