

(Later, Jesse and Joey come back.)

Joey: Honey, we're home.

Danny: Boys, we got some trouble.

  • いくつか問題が発生した

Jesse: I'll say we got trouble.

  • I'll say→(同意の意味)まったくその通りだ
  • we got trouble→問題がある

Look at this place! It's a pigsty! I think you're mum's lost her touch.

  • pigsty→豚小屋だ!
  • lost→失った
  • her touch→腕前(手際)

Danny: She doesn't want to clean up our mess. She wants us to do it.

Joey: She wants us to do it?

Jesse: What's the matter? Can't you handle your mum? You wimp!

  • wimp→弱虫、意気地なし

You're a totally mummy whipped!

  • totally→完全に
  • whipped→支配されてる、尻にひかれてる

Danny: Oh, I suppose you handle your mum differently?

  • suppose→~と思う(確信度低め)
  • differently→~と違って

Jesse: I play my mum like a piano. Yeah.


(Claire comes in from the kitchen.)

Claire: Well, I'm glad you're back. Come on in!

  • Come on in!→さあ入って入って(come inより熱心)


(Two women walk in.)

Jesse: Your mum called our mums?

Irene: Hello Jesse.

Mindy: Hi, Joey.

Jesse + Joey: Hi mum.

Claire: Yes, I thought that Irene and Mindy would be very interested to see how you boys keep house.

  • アイレンとミンディはどのように家事をしているのかとても関心があるだろうと思ったの

Danny: (to Jesse) OK, Piano-man.

Why don't you show the wimp how to tickle those ivories.

  • Why don't you→~しませんか
  • show the wimp→弱虫(な僕)に見せて
  • how to tickle those ivories→どうやってピアノを弾くのか(昔の言い方)


Jesse: (sternly) Ma?

Irene: (sternly) Jesse?

Jesse: can I make you some tea?

Danny: Oh, bravo, bravo.

Jesse: Guys!

Irene: No tea, thank you. Oh, tuck in your shirt!

  • tuck in→しまい(押し込む)なさい

Jesse: Ma!

Irene: Oh, Jesse, I remember when you were eight years old.

Jesse: Oh, Ma, please don't tell that story.

Danny: No, tell. Tell. We love stories.

Irene: I'll never forget it.

My little Jesse tugged on my apron

  • tugged on→~を引っ張って
  • my apron→私のエプロン

and said, " Mummy, can I please help you iron?"

I said "sure. Finish the sleeves."

  • sleeves→袖を

It must have been like when Babe Ruth picked up his first bat.

  • It must have been like→~だったろう、~だったに違いない
  • when Babe Ruth picked up his first bat→ベイブルースが初めてバッドを握ったときのよう

To this day, he's the only one I'll trust with my chiffon blouses.

  • To this day→今日(に至る)まで
  • only one→唯一の
  • I'll trust with my chiffon blouses→私がシフォンブラウス(レース生地)に関して信頼できる

Joey: To iron or wear?

  • シフォンブラウス(レース生地)のアイロン掛け?着ること?

Jesse: Hey, man! To iron!

Claire: All right, enough of this talking. now you boys have a lot of work to do. so where's the vacuum cleaner?

Joey: Oh, Vacuum cleaner? We'll handle this.

Mum, let's show them the hoover.

  • hoover→掃除機(イギリス呼び)

Mindy: Great. You're just gonna love this.

  • みんなきっと気に入ると思うわ

(Joey lies on some roller skates making hoover sounds while Mindy hold his legs.)

Claire: Mindy?

Mindy: Of course. Joey, there is a time to have fun and a time to be serious.

  • 楽しいときもあれば、真剣にやらなければいけないときもあるの

Claire: Listen, girls, I think that one of us should be here at all times

  • one of us should be here→私達のうちの一人はここにいるべき
  • at all times→いつも

to see that things go properly.

  • things go properly→物事をきちんと(適切に、ちゃんと)やっているか

So, I mean , after all, this is where our grandchildren live.

  • after all→だって、~だから
  • this is where our grandchildren live→ここには孫達が住んでいる

Irene: You are so right. I can be here Monday through Wednsday.

Mindy: Well, I'm free Thursday and Friday.

Claire: And I can fly in on the weekends, so it's all settled.

  • I can fly in on the weekends→私は週末に飛んでこれる
  • all settled→これですべて解決ね

Irene: Terrific.

  • 素晴らしい

Danny: Boys, we are staring into the jaws of a never-ending living hell.

  • staring into→覗いている
  • jaws→入口を(jaw=入口)
  • never-ending living hell→終わりのない生き地獄の

Mums: What?

Danny (to the mums) no offence.

  • 悪気はない、気を悪くしないで

Joey: Mums, I don't blame you for treating us like children.

  • I don't blame you→ママ達を責めないよ
  • treating→扱う
  • us like children→私達を子供みたいに

I mean, because sometimes that's how we act.

  • だって時々、そういう振る舞いをしているから

Jesse: Yeah, listen, girls.

When we moved in here we know we had some responsibilities to do,

  • responsibilities→責任

but we haven't really followed through.

  • followed through→最後までやり通す

And from now on, we're really going to buckle down.

  • from now on→これからは
  • buckle down→真面目にやる(精を出す、専念する)よ

Danny: Mothers, I have a proposition for you.

  • proposition→提案・意見

You all go shopping for a couple of hours.

  • couple of hours→2~3時間

and if this place isn't clean by the time you get back,

  • by the time you get back→戻ってくるときまでに

you can all move in here and just run our lives forever. Deal?

  • run our lives→僕達の人生に口を出していいよ

Mothers: Deal!


(The guys are at the top of the starirs in front of the bathroom.)

Danny: OK, there's the bathroom.

Jesse: Yep, there's the bathroom.

Joey: Same place it was last time we didn't clean it.


(They all stare inside.)

Danny: Here's a thought.

  • こうしたらどう?、考えがあるの(=here's an idea)

why don't we see if the girls have finished cleaning their room.

  • why don't we→~しませんか
  • see if→~かどうか確認する

Jesse: Loving it. Loving it.

  • イイネ!(冴えてるね)


(They walk into the girls' room. The room is a mess.)

Danny: What happened?

Joey: There's been a bedroom tornado.

  • (There's=has、現在完了形)寝室で竜巻が起きている

Stephanie: We lost something.

Danny: Might that be your minds?

  • Might→~ですか(推量)
  • your minds→あなたの正気、心

DJ: We lost (muffling the last word with her hand)mmmph.

  • muffling→くぐもる、覆う

Jesse: What exactly is mmmph?

  • What exactly→~は具体的(正確)に何?

Stephanie: Mmmph is what you say when you don't want to say "Bubba".

  • あなたが言ってほしくないこと

Jesse: You lost Bubba?!

Joey: He loves that amphibian.

DJ: We're really sorry.

We turned our backs, for one minute and he was gone!

  • turned ~ backs→背を向けた

Danny: It's OK, girls, I'm sure Bubba is somewhere in the house.

  • I'm sure→~と確信している
  • somewhere in the house→家のどこかにいる

Jesse: All right, guys, we're going to turn this house upside-down until we find that turtle.

  • turn ~ upside-down→~を隅々まで探す

Ready? Go!

Everyone: Bubba! Bubba!


(Later in the living room which is a total mess)

Stephanie: No Bubba?

Jesse: No Bubba.

DJ: Uncle Jesse, me and Steph will buy you another turtle.

Stephanie: You can have all my money - two dollars and fifty eight cents.


(The three mums walk in.)

Irene: My advice is don't clean any more, just move.

  • just move→どいて

Danny: We'll be right with you.

  • 少々お待ちを(すぐに対応します)

we're having a little family problem here.

  • we're having→~を対処している
  • a little family problem→ちょっとした家族の問題を

Stephanie: We'll look for Bubba for the rest of our lives.

  • rest of our lives→残りの人生をかけて

Jesse: That's all right. Bubba's work here was done.

  • Bubbaのここでの仕事は終わったんだ

I'm sure he's out in the world saving other lives.

  • I'm sure→~と確信している
  • out in the world→彼は世界に飛び出して
  • saving other lives→他の人の人生を救っている

DJ: You mean you're really not mad at us?

  • You mean→つまり
  • mad at us→私達に対して怒っていない?

Joey: You didn't think we'd get mad over a stinky turtle.

  • 君達は、僕達が臭いカメに腹をたてるとは思わないだろ

Jesse: Hey, if you had four armpits and you were an inch off the ground, how would you smell?

  • four armpits→4つのわきの下
  • an inch off the ground→1インチ(約2.5cm)離れた場所にいたら


Danny: Girls. Girls, I know you feel bad. 

But that's because you love your Uncle Jesse and you feel like you let him down.

I know that losing Bubba was an accident.

You've got to understand we're right behind you no matter what you do.

  • 've got to understand →(gotta)理解しなければいけない
  • we're right behind you→私達はずっと後ろにいる(見守る)よ
  • no matter what you do→君達がどんなことをしたって

Joey: And if you ever have a problem, we'll be there for you.

  • おまえ達に問題があるときはいつも、俺らがそばにいるよ

Jesse: That's right,

and if we ever have a problem, we know you guys would be there for us, too, right?

  • もし僕達にこれから問題があったら、君達が僕達のためにそばにいてくれることを知っているよ

(DJ and Stephanie nod)

All right. Come here you little munchkins. Give us a hug.


(They hug Jesse and Joey.)

Danny: Next.

The girls hug Danny.

Irene: That is so sweet.

Jesse: All right, enough of this warmth junk.

  • warmth junk→感動的なバカげた話は

Claire: Oh, we're going to have a great time living here, right girls?

Mindy: Oh yes. We are.

Danny: Just a minute ladies. We would like another shot at this please.

  • Just a minute→ちょっと待って
  • another shot at this→もう一度同じこと

Joey: Why don't you take the girls to the zoo for three hours.

DJ: Yeah!

Stephanie: Yeah!

Jesse: We got some work to do, all right?


(Soon, the guys start cleaning while dancing to a song, and finish off by doing the splits.)

Joey: I split my pants.

  • split→破れた

Danny: I can't stand my pants.

  • can't stand→耐えられない

All right, guys. We made it with five seconds to spare.

  • 僕達は5秒をの余裕を持ってやり切ったよ

Everybody up. Let's go. 5.....

Jesse: We're done.

Danny: 4...

Joey: We're cool.

Danny: 3....

Jesse: We're calm.

Danny: 2.....1....


(The mothers and the girls walk in.)

Claire: We completely lost track of the time.

  • completely→完全に
  • track of the time→時間を忘れていたわ

Irene: Oh, it's immaculate.

  • immaculate→汚れ1つない、潔癖な

Stephanie: Grandma Irene, does this mean hell is freezing over?

  • つまり、絶対にありえない、ってこと?(地獄が凍る=ありえない)

Danny: Go on. Find a speck of dirt, a microbe of filth.

  • speck of dirt→ほこりのみじん
  • microbe of filth→ゴミの微生物

I double dare you.

  • さあ、どうぞ(2回目だからdouble, 最高でもtripleまで)

Mums: OK,


(The girls put their suveniers from the zoo on the front step.)

Guys: Hey! Whoa! Whoa! That's not where these go.

  • ここに置いちゃダメだよ

Jesse: Take Granmda's goodies, and you take them right upstairs and put them in the toy box now!

  • goodies→うまいもの(楽しいもの)

DJ: Whoa! And he used to be the easy one!

  • used to→昔は、かつて


(Irene, Mindy and Claire walk towards the kitcken.)

Joey: Hold it! Hold it!

You are about to enter a sterile environment.

  • are about to→まさに~しようとする
  • sterile environment→無菌環境


(He hoovers each one as they walk into the kitchen)

Jesse: Don't even think about it!

  • 変な事考えるなよ!

 (in the kitchen) 

Ma, what about those creases, huh?

  • what about→どう思う(意見を聞く)
  • those creases→洋服達のしわ

Irene: Oh, Jesse, you still have your touch!

  • あなたはまだ才能(腕前)を持っていたのね

Danny: (to Claire) Perfect. Everything is just perfect.

Joey: Look, mum, you could eat off these dishes.

  • 取って食べれるよ(くらい綺麗だよ)

Claire: Congratulations I am really proud of all of you.

  • Congratulations→おめでとう
  • proud of all of you→みんなを誇りに思う


(A woman walks in.)

Mrs. Sinski: Sorry. Banks' closed. Can you pay me in cash.

  • ごめんなさい、銀行が閉まっていて。現金で払えますか

Joey: Uh, Mum, I'd like you to meet my fiancee, Jennifer.

  • I'd like you to meet→~を紹介するよ

Mindy: Are you going to give me a grandchild?

Mrs. Sinski: Not for this kind of money.

  • そんな大金はもらっていない

Danny: Here you go Mrs. Sinski. Thanks for everything. See you you next weekend.


(The mums nod unapprovingly.)

  • unapprovingly→満足気でない(不本意に)

Danny: OK, so we had a little help.

  • a little help→少しの助け

Jesse: Well, just with the hard stuff and the toilets.

  • just with the hard stuff→難しいところだけね

Joey: But we make a great team.

Danny: From now on, things are going to go a lot smoother around here.

  • From now on→これからは
  • a lot smoother→もっとスムースにいくよ
  • around here→この手のこと

Claire: I'm sure they will. Does that mean you won't need us anymore?

  • I'm sure they will→できると確信している
  • Does that mean→つまり
  • you won't need us anymore?→私達の助けはこれ以上いらないってことよね?


(The mothers give "the lip".)

Joey: Oo, they're good.

Jesse: Of course we still need you. You girls come by and visit anytime.

  • もちろん今でも必要としているよ。いつでも遊びに訪れにきて

Claire: OK, listen.

I have to admit that I was a little worried about how you boys were managing the girls.

  • I have to admit→認める必要がある
  • a little worried about→~について少し心配だった
  • how you boys were managing the girls→どのように子供達の面倒を見ていたのか

well, you may be a little sloppy but those kids are getting a lot of love.

  • sloppy→いい加減

Danny: Thanks Mum.


(Joey, Jesse and Danny hug their mums. DJ comes downstairs.)

DJ: Aw, this is nice. I wish Bubba was here to share this.


(Bubba comes in through the back door on a skateboard.)

DJ: Bubba!

Stephanie : I found him. I love that amphibian!

*** End***


貼り付け元  <http://www.full-house.org/episodes/episodes_script_004.php>