

Joey: Cereal, cartoons, pajamas.

  • cartoons→漫画、アニメ

This is why God created Saturday.

DJ: Let's watch MTV.

Stephanie: No, let's watch Bugs Bunny.

Joey: But, Steph, Bugs Bunny is kids' stuff.

  • kids' stuff→子どもっぽい、子供の遊び

We've got to watch Yogi Bear.

  • 've got to→(=gotta) しなくちゃ

Stephanie: But I like Bugs Bunny.

Joey: Yeah, but Steph, every episode is the same.

First Elmer Fudd says (imitating Elmer Fudd) "Why you pesky wabbit."

  • pesky wabbit→なんて厄介なウサギだ(wabbit=rabbit)

then he takes a shot at Bugs.

  • そして、彼はバッグスを撃つんだ

Then Yosemite Sam comes in. (imitating Yosemite Sam)

  • comes in→入ってくる

"Ooh, I hate that rabbit." Then he takes a shot at Bugs.

  • "Ooh, あのウサギは嫌いだ"と言って、彼はバッグスを撃つんだ

I mean, with all this shooting going on

  • with all→にもかかわらず
  • this shooting going on→こんなに撃つれ続けている

I don't know why Bugs ever pops his head out of that hole.

  • I don't know why→なんで~なのか分からない
  • ever→いつも
  • pops ~ out of→~を飛び出す
  • hole→穴から

Let's face it - the rabbit has a death wish.

  • Let's face it→現実的に考えて
  • death wish→自殺願望

Stephanie: Better than watching Yogi steal the same picnic basket. Boring.

  • Yogiが同じカゴを盗むのを見るよりマシだよ。つまらない。

(Danny comes downstairs in a dressing gown)

  • in a dressing gown→部屋着を着て

Danny: Good morning kids.

Joey + Stephanie + DJ: Hi dad!

Danny: I don't really see you eating cereal out of pots with wooden implements, do I?

  • out of pots→鍋から
  • wooden implements→木べらで

DJ: Yes. You do.

  • うん、見ないね

Danny: Great. after breakfast why don't we just take this laundry down

  • why don't we→~しませんか?
  • take this laundry down→この洗濯物を下ろす

to the bay and beat it against some rocks?

  • bay→山のふところへ
  • beat it against→~へ(に対して)打ち付ける
  • rocks→岩に

Joey, can you come with me right now into the kitchen, please?

Joey: What, now? I'll miss the start of Yogi!

  • Yogiの開始を見逃しちゃうよ!

Danny: It's not Agatha Christie - you'll catch up.

  • Agatha Christie→(イギリスの推理作家)推理ものでもないし、
  • catch up→すぐ追いつけるよ

Joey:(following Danny into the kitchen) Girls, take accurate notes!

  • accurate→正確に
  • take notes→メモを取っておいてね

(Danny and Joey walk into the kitchen. The dishwasher is crammed with dirty dishes.)

  • walk into→~に入る
  • dishwasher→食器洗い機
  • is crammed→詰め込まれている
  • dirty dishes→汚い食器

Danny: Whoa! It's Howdy dirty time!

  • Howdy→(Howdy=How do you do) やあ!

Joey, the deal we made was this is your week to take care of the dishes.

  • the deal we made→私達の取り決めでは
  • this is your week to take care of the dishes→今週はあなたが食器洗いをする番だよ

Joey: I'm just waiting till the dishwasher's full.

  • I'm just waiting→ただ待っていたんだ
  • till the dishwasher's full→食器洗い機が満タンになるまで

(he puts a dirty spoon in the dishwasher) 

There, now we won't be wasting water.

  • ほら、これで私達は水を無駄遣いしないよ

Danny: Of course we won't. There's no room for water.

  • Of course we won't→もちろん無駄にしないさ
  • There's no room for→~の余地がない

(Jesse comes up from the basement.)

  • comes up→上がる、現れる
  • basement→地下から

Jesse: Boy, what a night!

  • なんて(ひどい)夜だ

Danny: Jess, what's going on here?

  • 何していた?

You told me you were going to take care of the laundry.

  • 君は洗濯物をする予定だと僕に言ったよね

Jesse: I did, I did mine.

  • やったよ。自分の分は。

Danny: What about everybody else's laundry?

  • What about→~はどうするんだ?(解決策は?)(how=~はどう?(提案))
  • everybody else's→他のみんなの

Jesse: Looks to me like they haven't touched it. The lazy bums!

  • Looks to me like→私には~に見える
  • they haven't touched it→これらは一度も触っていないように
  • The lazy bums!→怠け者だ!

Fellows, let me tell you about this story.

  • ちょっと話をさせてくれ

Last night, my band's playing this gig in Chinatown.

  • 昨夜、バンドメンバーはチャイナタウンで仕事(演奏)だったんだ(歴史的現在法で会話)

A sweet and sour sixteen party if you will.

  • sweet→甘くて、
  • sour→酸っぱい
  • sixteen party→16歳の誕生日パーティー(アメリカでよくある)
  • if you will→いわゆる

Anyway, I'm cruising home on my Harley, I come to a red light, I stop.

  • とにかく、ハーレーで家に帰っていて、赤信号へ来て、止まったんだ

Danny: Great story.

  • いい話だ

Joey: Yeah, and you told it great.

  • ああ、うまく話せていた

Jesse: Fellows, I'm building, I'm building.

  • I'm building→まだ途中だ(話を組み立て中だ?)

Anyway, the light turns green, right?

I try to move. I can't - there's something wedged under my tire.

  • wedged→くさび形の

Just then, this runaway street cleaner comes barreling through the intersection

  • runaway→暴走した
  • street cleaner→街路清掃車
  • comes barreling through→ものすごい勢い(急速に)通り抜ける
  • intersection→交差点を

right where I would have been.

  • まさに、俺がいたであろう場所で

I came this close to being a really clean dead guy.

  • came this close to→危うく~しそうになった
  • really clean dead guy→本当に綺麗な死人

Fellows, I'd like to introduce to you the little dude that saved my life…

  • introduce to you→君達に紹介
  • dude→やつ

(he takes a live turtle out of his bag)... Bubba! I love this amphibian!

  • amphibian→両生類

Danny: You just hate coming home alone, don't you?

  • ただ一人で帰るのが嫌だっただけ、だろ?

Jesse: I've got to go (and) get my guitar. Here, hold Bubba

  • 've got to→(=gatta) しなくちゃ
  • go (and) get my guitar→ギターを取りに

(he gives him to Danny) Keep him happy. It just may save your life.

  • 幸せにしていてくれ。それだけで君の命も救ってくれるかもよ

(Jesse runs downstairs to the basement.)

DJ : (calling from the living room) Joey, where are you?

Danny: (to Joey) Don't let the girls see him. they're going to want to keep him.

  • 子供達にカメを見せさせたくない。子供達は飼いたいというだろう

Joey: Hide him. Hide him.

Danny: Where?

Joey: The pot. The pot. Under the pot.

Danny: Good idea.


(they put Bubba under a pot on the kitchen counter.)

Joey: OK, I don't see a turtle.

Danny: Act casual.

  • さりげなく振る舞え

Joey: Oh, yeah. Nonchalant.

  • 平然とね(さりげなく)

Danny: good word - nonchalant.


(DJ and Stephanie walk into the kitchen.)

DJ: Joey, Yogi may be smarter than the average bear

  • Yogiは普通の熊より賢いけど

but he's much dumber than the average three-year-old.

  • dumber→バカ

(The pot on the counter moves a few inches.)

Stephanie: What's that?

Danny: That? Oh, it's dinner. Roast beef. Yeah, roast beef.


(The pot moves some more.)

DJ: and where is our roast beef going?

Joey: It's going to the oven.


(DJ lifts the pot. Jesse comes upstairs from the basement.)

  • lifts→上げる

Stephanie: Roast beef comes from turtles?

  • comes from→~から出来ているの

Jesse: Not my turtle, it doesn't. I love this amphibian.

Stephanie: I love him, too. Can we keep him?

Jesse: Of course we can keep him. Bubba's a hero!

DJ: Uncle Jesse, we'll take care of him for you.

  • take care of→世話をする
  • for you→あなたの代わり(ため)に

Jesse: All right.

Danny: Are you sure, honey? It's a big responsibility.

  • responsibility→責任

DJ: No problem.

Jesse: (staring Bubba in the face) Let's go (and) get Bubba settled.

  • settled→落ち着かせよう

He looks a little pasty.

  • pasty→顔色が悪い

(Jesse and DJ run upstairs.)

Stephanie: what a great day, we get a turtle and Grandma's coming to visit.

  • coming to visit→尋ねに来る(尋ねるために来る、まだ来ていない)

Danny: Stephanie. Sweetheart, honey, baby. Did you just say Grandma's coming?

Stephanie: That's what she said on the phone.

Danny: Well, why didn't you say something?

Stephanie: Nobody asked me.

Danny: Steph, it's not possible for me to ask you every question.

  • it's not possible for me→僕には不可能だ
  • ask you every question→毎回質問をすることは

Do you know how many questions there are in the world?

Stephanie: (thinking for a second) eight!

Danny: what time is Grandma coming, honey?

Joey: The plane gets in at 5:12, sugar hips!

  • The plane gets in at 5:12→飛行機は5:12につくよ
  • sugar hips→(親から子供への愛称、DannyMumがDannyを呼ぶ愛称)

Danny: Sweetheart, go upstairs and play with Bubba.

(to Joey) Joey, how did you know about my mother?

Joey: I answered the phone when she called.

Danny: Well, why didn't you say something?

Joey: Nobody asked me.


(Jesse comes downstairs.)

Jesse: I found a home for Bubba.

It's calm, cool, comfortable. Nobody flush, OK?

  • calm→落ち着いていて
  • cool→冷静で
  • comfortable→快適だ
  • Nobody flush→誰も水を流さなくていい(トイレ?)

I'll shred him lunch, and swat him dessert (he holds up a fly-swatter)

  • shred→細かく刻む
  • swat→~(虫など)を叩く
  • holds up→持ち上げる
  • fly-swatter→ハエたたき

Danny: Jesse, forget about the turtle. My mum's on her way.

  • on her way→彼女が向かっている途中

Jesse: She's coming back already? She just moved out of here!

  • 彼女がもう戻ってくるのか?ちょうどここから出てったばかりだ!

Danny: I know that, but she's coming to check up on me.

  • to check up on me→僕をチェックするために

She doesn't think I can take care of things.

Jesse: What? The place looks great!

Danny: You don't understand - All my life I've had somebody take care of me.

  • 僕の人生は全て、誰かに世話してもらうばかりだ

First it was my mum, and then I got married, and it was Pam.

For the first time, I want to prove to my mum and myself

  • For the first time→初めて、
  • prove→証明する
  • my mum and myself→ママと僕自身に

that I can take care of my family on my own, by myself, Just me.

  • 僕は家族の世話ができることを、僕の力で、僕自身で、僕だけで。

That's why I desperately need your help.

  • だから、僕はどうしても(必死に、喉から手が出る程)君達の助けが必要だ

Jesse: What do you want us to do?

Joey: Yeah.

Danny: Jesse, take another shot at the laundry.

  • take another shot→~をもう一度やり直してくれ

Jesse: All right.

Danny: Joey, see if you can wedge some cleaning detergent into the dishwasher.

  • see if→~を確かめる
  • wedge→詰め込んで使えるか
  • some cleaning detergent→いくつかの掃除用洗剤を
  • into the dishwasher→食器洗い機に入れて

I'm going to mop the floor.

  • mop→モップ掃除をする

Jesse: Bad news, dad-o. We're out of detergent.

  • out of detergent→洗剤を切らしている

Joey: We're ditto on the dish soap.

  • ditto→~も同様だ
  • dish soap→食器洗剤

Danny: And we're out of floor wax. Let's go shopping.

  • out of floor wax→床用ワックスも切らしている

Jesse: Whoa! You're in your pajamas!

Danny: Oh, I know. I just woke up. (He suddenly realises what Jesse meant)

Oh! I get it! I've got to go (and) put clothes on.

  • 've got to→(=gotta)  しなくちゃ
  • go (and) put clothes on→服を着に行く

Gee, I wish you could wear pajamas at the market. (he runs upstairs)

  • Gee→うわ~
  • I wish you could→~できたらいいのに

Joey: He may need his mother.


(Soon, in the living room...)

Danny: DJ, let's go. Stephanie, hurry up.

Grandma's going to be in t-minus-seven hours and counting.

  • t-minus-seven hours→(t-7=来るまでの時間, 数式っぽく言ってる) 7時間後に来るぞ
  • counting→数えると

Joey: Can't we wait till Yogi's over?

Danny: Tape it.

Joey: Of course I'm going to tape it, I tape all of them.

It's just that Yogi is so much better live.

  • It's just that→~なだけだよ
  • so much better live→生の方が断然良いんだ

Jesse: (coming in from the kitchen) All right,

we need Turtle Chow, Leafy green, there's no such thing as fly helper, is there?

  • Chow→食べ物
  • Leafy green→葉物野菜
  • there's no such thing as fly helper, is there?→ハエ捕りヘルパーなんてものはないよな?

DJ: (coming downstairs) I got the baby diapers, baby wipes, extra baby clothes

  • baby diapers→おむつ
  • baby wipes→お尻ふき
  • extra baby clothes→洋服の替え

and the baby's backpack.

Danny: Great.

Stephanie: Here's baby apple juice and baby biter biscuits.

  • baby biter biscuits→商品名、赤ちゃん用ビスケット

Danny: Wonderful.

Jesse: Hey, the baby loves music, You think we should bring along the organ?

  • bring along→持っていく(bringだけより、必要・使うから持っていくニュアンス)

Danny: I got it covered. I'm bringing her crib blaster. OK, troops. Move out!

  • I got it covered→既に対応済みだ
  • crib blaster→ベビーベッド(曲を流すおもちゃ?)
  • troops→全軍
  • Move out!→出発!

Stephanie: Don't forget Mr. Pandy.

Danny: Oh, that's right, honey, Michelle won't go anywhere without Mr. Pandy.

  • ミッシェルはPandyなしでどこにも行かないよ(仲良しだからずっと一緒)

Let's go. Everybody move it.

  • move it→急いで

(Danny closes the door then comes back in again and picks up Michelle)

I am so sorry. You won't remember this, will you?

  • これ(忘れたことを)覚えていないでね?

(He closes the door again, then opens it again.)

How many times do I have to tell you?

  • (何回言う必要がありますか)何回言えば分かるんだ?

Make a tinkle before you leave the house!

  • Make a tinkle→おしっこに行く

(Joey comes running in.)

(Later, in the kitchen, the guys are passing boxes up from the basement.)

  • passing ~ up→下から~を渡す

Danny : Coming up.

Joey : Coming up

Jesse : It's up.

Danny: (passing Michelle to Joey) Coming up.

Joey: Coming up.

Jesse: Don't we have one of these?

  • (これからのうちの1つを持ったっけ?)これ買ったっけ?

DJ: I'll take Michelle.

Stephanie: (dragging Mr. Pandy) I hate this thing!

Danny: Only five hours before my mum shows up.

  • shows up→現れる、姿を見せる

Now, here's the plan. I'll do the kitchen.

  • さて、これが計画だ。僕はキッチンをやる

Joey, you do the living room. Jesse you take the bedrooms.

Now, who's going to do the toilets.

  • Now→ところで、

Joey + Jesse: Oh, girls!


(In the living room, Michelle is riding on Bubba'sback.)

Stephanie: Giddy up, Bubba. Giddy up. Come on.

  • Giddy up→(馬を走らせる掛け声)さあ、行こう
  • Come on→行け行け

(The guys walk in.)

Joey: Can I go next?

  • 次は僕がやっていい?

Jesse : Look at Bubba. (Have you~) Ever seen a turtle that good with kids?

  • こんなに子供達と仲の良い亀を見たことあるか?

Danny: DJ, go (and) put Annie Oakly in her bunkhouse.

  • Annie Oakly→女性の射撃名手(西部劇の"アニーよ銃をとれ"のヒロイン)
  • bunkhouse→宿泊小屋(昔の酒場的な見た目)

(DJ takes Michelle upstairs.)

Danny: Jesse, find a corral for Trigger.

  • find a corral→(見つけて 囲いを)柵に入れて
  • Trigger→馬を(西部劇"My Pal Trigger"の愛馬名称)

(Jesse puts Bubba in Michelle's cot.)

  • cot→ベビーベッド

Danny: Joey, I'm all out of cowboy metaphors,

  • all out of→~がすべて尽きた
  • metaphors→隠喩、例え

so let's just put away the grub. I was wrong, I had one left.

  • so→さて、
  • let's just→~しよう
  • put away→片づける
  • grub→食事(ウジ虫と略すとカウボーイネタに関連する) 
  • I had one left→もう1つネタが残ってたよ

Joey: Danny, we've been shopping all morning,

  • all morning→午前中ずっと

How about a little Yogi break?

  • How about→~はどうかな
  • a little Yogi break→少しYogi休憩するのは

Jesse : Yeah, sit down with your family here. Relax. Watch the bear.

Danny: All right, All right, but we're just going to watch until Yogi steals a picnic basket.

OK, he's got one.


(Claire walks in.)

Claire: Hi.

DJ + Stephanie: Grandma!

Danny: Oh, my god.


(Claire walks up to Michelle's cot and looks inside.)

Claire: Oh, my god, my granddaughter is a turtle!

Joey: (lifting up Bubba) Michelle needs your love now more than ever.

  • now more than ever→今まで以上に

Jesse: Give me that! (to Claire)

This turtle saved my life. Bubba, Claire, Claire, Bubba. I love this amphibian!

Stephanie: Isn't he cool?

DJ: Pet his head, Grandma, he really likes that.

  • Pet his head→頭を撫でてみて

Claire: Oh, he's a reptile!

  • reptile→爬虫類よ

Jesse: Hey, back off. He's been nothing but nice to you!

  • back off→ほっといてくれ
  • nothing but→ただ

Danny: Mum, what are you doing here so early? Joey said you'll be in at 5:12.

  • be in at 5:12→いる(着く)  5:12に

Claire: Try 12:05.

  • 前文のi'll be in atが省略されている

Joey: I guess you had to find out sooner or later.

  • find out→気付く
  • sooner or later→遅かれ早かれ

My name is Joey, and I'm a time dyslexic.

  • time dyslexic→時間失読症

I would have told you earlier, but I'm just not sure when earlier is.

  • I would have told you earlier→(仮定法)早く言うべきだったと思う
  • but I'm just not sure→でも、分からなかった
  • when earlier is→早くがいつなのか(何か省略されている?)(to tell you?)

Claire: Girls, will you just go on upstairs and clean your room?

  • just go on upstairs→そのまま2回に行って、
  • clean your room→部屋を掃除しなさい

Stephanie: How did she know our room is a mess?

  • mess→散らかっている

DJ: Grandma vision.

Danny: Mum, don't worry, we're on the verge of a major cleanup, aren't we boys?

  • on the verge of→~するとこ(直前)だった
  • major cleanup→大掃除

Jesse: Well, we were, but now what's the point?

  • we were→そうだな
  • but now→だが今となっては
  • what's the point?→それに何の意味があるんだ?

I mean, no one cleans the house like your mum, right Joseph?

  • ママのように家を掃除できる人は他にいない

Joey: Oh, you're awesome, Mrs. Tanner.

  • ターナー母は本当に素晴らしいからね

Jesse: So why don't we just get out of your way?

  • why don't we→~しませんか
  • get out of your way→~の邪魔をしない

and Claire, go nuts!

  • go nuts→とても怒る

Joey: Absolutely. We'll just catch a movie or something,

  • 絶対そうだね。僕達は映画でも見たり、何かしてるよ

and Mrs. Tanner, if you happen to finish up before we get back,

  • それと、もし偶然にも僕達が戻る前にすべてが終わっていたら

I'd just like to leave you with these two words - lamb chops.

  • 僕はただこの言葉をあなたに残したい-ラムチョップス(掃除終わって暇だったら作っておいてねの意味)

(They leave.)

Danny: Don't listen to them mum, you can cook anything you want.

  • 彼らの言う事は聞く必要ないよママ、作りたいものを何でも作っていいからね