

(DJ and Stephanie are in their room with Kimmy)

DJ: So Kimmy, we've got to be the first one to in class tomorrow to get the seats in the back row.

  • 've got to→(=gotta)~しなきゃ
  • the first one to in class→明日の最初の1つの授業
  • get the seats in the back row→後ろの席に座ろう

Kimmy: Okay, why?

DJ: Because it's the best place to pass notes.

  • pass notes→メモを渡す(授業中にこっそり筆談する)

Kimmy: I love the way your mind works.

  • あなたの考え方大好き(天才!頭いい!)

(Stephanie is sorting through her clothing on her bed.)

  • sorting through her clothing→(=sort through one's cloths) 服を選り分ける、整理する

Stephanie; This outfit is all wrong.

  • outfit→洋服・服装

Tomorrow's the first day of kindergarten and I have nothing to wear.

DJ: Your bed is full of clothes.

Stephanie: Yeah but they're not me. Well, they're me, but they're the preschool me.

Kimmy: I'll sit anywhere you want as long as it's not near Arthur Wilcox.

  • I'll sit anywhere you want→どこでもあなたの好きなとこに座るよ
  • as long as it's not near Arthur Wilcox→アーサー・ウィルコックスの近くでない限り

DJ + Kimmy: Arthur Wilcox, ewwwwwwww!

  • ewwwwwwww→うえっ、げっ、生理的な拒否感

Stephanie: (walks to DJ's bed) Who's Arthur Wilcox?

DJ + Kimmy Ewwwwwwww!

DJ: Stephanie please, Kimmy and I are talking about school.

Stephanie: So am I. What if I walk into class wearing a goofy outfit,

  • walk into→中に入る
  • class→教室
  • goofy outfit→間抜けな服装(goofy=ふざけた、ばかげた、天然など)

and everyone says ‘Stephanie Tanner, ewwwwww!'?

DJ: Would you stop worrying? Kindergarten is so easy.

The only thing you have to know is the pledge of allegiance.

  • the pledge of allegiance→忠誠の誓い

Stephanie: The What?

DJ + Kimmy: (rise from the bed, speaking very fast) 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

  • pledge→誓う
  • allegiance→忠誠
  • the flag→国旗へ
  • United→団結した
  • States→州(列国)
  • of America→アメリカの

and to the republic for which it stand, 'one nation under God, indivisible'

  • republic→共和国
  • nation→国家
  • indivisible→分割できない

with liberty and justice for all.

  • liberty→自由
  • justice→正義



Stephanie: I'm dead meat.

  • お手上げ、何もできない


(Jesse and Joey enter, Jesse is holding a very messy Michelle)

  • messy→汚い、ベチャベチャ

Jesse: Kimmy, your mom's downstairs.

Joey: She said you were supposed to be home a half an hour ago.

  • were supposed to→(家に)いなければならなかった
  • a half an hour ago→30分前に

Kimmy: Uh oh, that's the third time today. She's going to kill me.

  • third time→3回目
  • going to kill me→彼女に殺されちゃう

DJ: Don't panic, just set your watch back a half hour.

  • Don't panic→慌てないで
  • just set your watch back a half hour→ただ時計を30分前にセットすればいいの

Kimmy: I love the way your mind works. (exits the room)

Stephanie: (wearing a blue sweater, jeans, and a brown jacket)

  • sweater→セーター
  • jeans→ジーンズ

Uncle Jesse, how do I look?

  • 私はどう見える?(この服どう?)

Jesse: Like a bag lady.

  • bag lady→女性のホームレス(バッグに全財産を入れてる様子)

DJ: What happened to Michelle?

Jesse: Well, your sister Michelle tried to eat her dinner by pushing it through her face.

  • pushing it through her face→無理に顔から(を通して)

Joey: Yeah. We'd better give her a bath.

  • give ~ a bath→~を風呂に入れる

Jesse: That's a good idea, Do we know how to do that?

Joey: Sure, it's just like giving a puppy a bath, only there's a little less tail to clean.

  • it's just like giving a puppy a bath→子犬を風呂に入れるようなものだよ
  • only there's a little less tail to clean→唯一、尻尾の掃除をする(手間がないから)少し少ないね 


Jesse: Hey Joey, the kid's ready.

Joey: So am I.

Jesse: This is the most terrifying shower scene since "Psycho".

  • the most terrifying→最も恐ろしい(形)

Hey, it's alright, pal.

  • pal→仲間、友人、友達[おい、君、お前(呼びかけ)]

Here, you go to your Uncle Joey there. There you go.

  • There you go→よし、いいぞ(お先にどうぞ, それでいい)

Joey, the baby has better muscle tone than you do.

  • 赤ちゃんの方が良い筋緊張をあなたより持っているぞ(=あなたの方がぽっちゃりだ)

Joey: And what do you bench?

  • どのくらいベンチプレスできるの?(ベンチ何キロ?)

DJ: If we missed anything stupid would you start all over?

  • もし私達が何かバカを見逃していたら、最初からやり直してくれませんか?

Jesse: Girls, get out. Go to bed. Get out of here.

Don't worry, Joey will do something Just as stupid tomorrow.

  • Joeyは明日も同じように何かバカなことをするだろう

Listen, you got a call from the Laugh Machine.

  • got a call from→~から電話が来た

Somebody got sick, you have to go on at 9:30 instead of 1:30.

  • Somebody got sick→誰かが病気になって、
  • instead of→~の代わりに

Joey: 9:30! That's prime time! Yes!

  • prime time→テレビのゴールデンタイム

Jess, what do I open with?

  • (最初は)何から始めよう?

Jesse: How 'bout a joke?

  • 冗談を言うのはどうだ?

Joey: Perfect. Thank god you're here.

  • 素晴らしい。君がここにいてくれて良かった

Ah, okay, I've made a decision.

  • made a decision→決めたよ(decision=決断)

I'll open with a joke. What's my best joke?

Jesse: That outfit.


(Later that night, DJ is asleep. Stephanie shines a flashlight in her face.)

  • flashlight→懐中電灯

Stephanie: DJ, are you asleep?

DJ: I can't tell. I think I'm blind.

  • I can't tell→(≒I don't knowよりも情報は少しあるけど)分からない
  • I'm blind→私は盲目(目が見えない)だわ

Stephanie: Will you look at one more outfit?

DJ: Stephanie, I've seen your entire wardrobe twice.

  • entire→全体
  • wardrobe→衣装ダンス

Stephanie: Okay, want to listen to the pledge.

  • pledge→誓い

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of some states of America..

DJ: (DJ picks up Stephanie and puts her in her own bed)

I am going to tuck you in. very tight.

  • tuck→押し込む、くるみこむ
  • tight→堅く、しっかり固定して

Stephanie: and to the public which understands with God and liberty I'm dead meat!

  • public→国民全体
  • God and liberty→神様と自由..


(Jesse and Joey have finished Michelle's bath.)

Jesse: Okay she's clean.

You could eat off this baby (puts Michelle in the basinet).

  • この赤ちゃんを食べることができる(食べられるくらいcleanになった)

Joey: Hey Jesse, thanks for helping me out with the baby.

  • helping me out→手伝ってくれて(ある状況からoutすることを)

Jesse: No problem, I've got a date tonight with a dancer, but not until midnight.

  • got a date tonight with a dancer→今夜はダンサーとデート
  • but not until midnight→だが、真夜中までない(真夜中まで空いている)

Joey: Another exotic dancer?

  • 他のストリップショー(裸の)[変わっている、外来の意味あり]のダンサー?

Jesse: For your information Joseph,

  • ご参考までに

I happen to be dating a ballerina. (Joey stares)

  • 偶然(たまたま)バレリーナとデートすることになったんだ

Okay, she's a topless ballerina. Good luck tonight pal.

  • topless→女性の水着などで乳首が隠れていない服装
  • Good luck tonight pal→今夜は幸運を、仲間よ

Joey: Yeah, tonight 9:30. This could be the big break I've been waiting for, Jesse.

  • This could be→これは~になるかもしれない
  • the big break→大ブレイクに

I've been at this comedy stuff since I was 4 years old when I did my first impression.

  • 4歳の頃に初めて感動した時からコメディものをし続けている(継続)

Ever since then, all's I've wanted to do was make people happy.

  • それ以来ずっと、(=all is)全てのやりたいことは人々を幸せにさせることだったんだ

this making any sense to you?

  • この言っていること、あなたに分かる?

Jesse: Oh yeah, I know what you're saying.

You see Joey, you're talking about that magical moment

  • お前が話していることは~(=↓)の魔法の(素晴らしいことが起きた)瞬間のときの話だ

when all of the sudden you know what you want to do with your life.

  • 突然、何を人生でやりたいか知ってしまう時

It happened to me when I was six.

I turned the TV on, and there was Elvis Pressley, in "King Creole".

  • Elvis Pressley→エルビス
  • in "King Creole"→"King Creole"(映画に)出ていた

He actually played a two-fisted fun-loving, girl-chasing singing busboy.

  • actually→本当に
  • played→演じた
  • two-fisted→力強く
  • fun-loving→ 楽しむこと好きで
  • girl-chasing→女の子を口説こうと追いかける
  • singing busboy→歌う皿洗いを

Joey: They stole that Oscar from him.

  • オスカー受賞者が彼から受賞を盗んだんだ

Jesse: Robbed him blind.

  • 彼らは完全に奪ったね(協会が悪い=しっかり選んでない?)

Anyway, Elvis made me feel that music was something special, you know.

  • とにかく、エルビスは俺に音楽は特別なものだと感じさせたんだ

I've got to be honest with you, when he started singing "Hardheaded Woman",

  • 've got to be honest→(=gotta)正直に言うと(言わなければならない)
  • "Hardheaded Woman"→"冷たい女"

huh, forget about it, I was touched.

  • forget about it→忘れてくれ,
  • I was touched→感動したよ

I mean, I was like, Goes like this

  • つまり,好きだったのは, こんな感じだな

(stands up in the tub and starts trying to sing and dance like Elvis).

Joey: Jesse, you are great. Man, you, you got all the moves

  • got all the moves→凄い良い(体の)動きだよ

Jesse: Well, I feel it, you know. I feel it.

I'm doing this lip thing, you know which is new.

  • 俺がやっているこの唇の動き、どっちが新しいか分かるか?

Joey: Sing another song. would you? Please? for Michelle. She loves music.

Jesse: Alright, I need a scarf. I need (takes a towel off the rack).

  • off the rack→既製品のタオル

Here we go. Alright, get a load of this. (singing)

  • get a load of→注意して(よく)聞けよ

Love me tender, love me sweet (throws the towel over Michelle).

  • 優しく私を愛して、甘く私を愛して

Never let me go. You have made my life complete

  • 決して離さないで。あなたは私の人生を完璧なものにさせる(ものを持っている)

And I love you so. Love me tender, love me (Danny enters the room).

Danny: Oh my God!

Jesse: What! We were just giving the kid a bath!

  • なんだ!俺達はただ子供をお風呂に入れていただけだ!

Danny: Then why isn't she in the tub?

  • じゃあ、なぜ赤ちゃんが浴槽にいない?

Jesse: Because Joey's in the tub, and I'm in the tub,

and there's not enough room for, you know, all of us!

  • 私達全員が入るための十分なスペースがないんだ!

Danny: It's obvious, I I really am intruding.

  • obvious→(スペースがないのは)明らかだ,
  • intruding→(私は本当に)邪魔者だ

I'm going to put Michelle in her crib (kisses Michelle),

  • ミッシェルをベビーベッドへ置いてくるよ

I'm going to go (and) check on my other girls,

  • go (and) check→様子を見に行く

and just leave you two sailors to your suds and your singing.

  • just leave→すぐ去るよ
  • sailors→船員の
  • suds→せっけんの泡と

(Danny leaves, Jesse resumes singing)

  • resumes→再開する

(Danny enters DJ and Stephanie's room)

Stephanie: Hi daddy!

DJ: (sleepy) Hi dad.

Danny: (turns on a light) Why is everybody awake?

DJ: I'll show you (flips the covers off of Stephanie's bed).

  • flips ~ off→ひっくり返す

Stephanie: (wearing a bright pink dress, carrying a lunchbox, rises from bed)

I'm ready for school!

Danny: Honey, you're ready for the prom.

  • prom→ダンスパーティーだ(高校生などの)

Stephanie: You said this would be good.

  • これは良いと思うって言ったのに

DJ: Hey, if you can't have fun with your little sister, then what's the point in having one?

  • もし妹で楽しめなかったら、妹を持つことに意味がないでしょ?

(Next morning, Danny is in the kitchen, Jesse and Joey enter.)

Danny: Good morning boys.

Joey: Good morning,  Paw, Hoss.

  • Paw→パパ
  • Hoss→男、やつ(To jesse)

Jesse: Little Joe.

  • Joe→男、やつ

Danny: How did it go last night?

  • (=How'd) 昨夜はどうだった?

Joey: Well, I started out great, but right in the middle I

  • 最初は順調だったんだが、ちょうど真ん中で僕が..

Danny: No. No, I meant in the bathtub with Hoss.

  • 違う、私が言いたいのはHoss(jesse)との浴槽の件だ

Jesse: Look, I finished "Love Me Tender",

we did a short medley from "Viva Las Vegas", and got the hell out of the tub.

  • ラスベガス万歳の短いメドレーをやって、急いで浴槽から出たよ

(DJ and Stephanie enter the kitchen.)

DJ: Dad, we're all ready.

Danny: Girls, I don't want to brag,

  • 自慢したい訳ではないが

but Chef Boy-r-dad has made some super great lunches for a super great first day of school.

  • Chef→コック

And you know what Stephanie?, For you I've got a brand-new lunchbox! (shows Stephanie a ‘Jetsons' lunchbox)

  • 've got→(=have)
  • brand-new lunchbox→新品のお弁当箱

Stephanie: The Jetsons!

  • アニメ(宇宙家族ジェットソン)

(Joey takes the lunchbox, imitates the sound of the Jetson jet car as he gives it to Stephanie.)

  • imitates→マネする

Joey: (imitating George Jetson)

Hi, I'm home. Hi Jane, hi Elroy, hi Astro (switches to Astro the dog voice).

Danny: And DJ, for you, I've got a brand new Barbie lunchbox!


(The girls turn to Joey.)

Joey: I don't do Barbie.

Jesse: Oh darn.

  • くそっ、ちくしょう

DJ: Thanks, dad, but fifth graders don't carry lunch boxes anymore.

  • fifth graders→5年生は
  • don't carry lunch boxes anymore→もう弁当箱を持って行かない

Danny: Try to sell it to a first grader.

  • 1年生に売ってみよう

DJ: Come on Stephanie, we don't want to miss our bus.

  • miss our bus→バスに乗り遅れたくない

Stephanie: (mumbles) I guess not. 

  • (つぶやき)そうだね(否定形の質問を肯定する時は否定形で返す)

Danny: Wait girls. Stephanie honey, are you sure you don't want me to go with you?

  • are you sure→本当に~と思わない?

DJ: Don't worry dad, I'll make sure she's okay.

  • I'll make sure→私が確認したわ

Stephanie: (mumbles) Yeah, it'll be fun.

Danny: You girls are really growing up.

  • growing up→成長する(大人になる)

Stephanie's starting school. Wait here, I'm going to get my video camera. Don't move.


(Danny moves into the living room with his camera.)

Danny: Okay just come in when I tell you to okay?

  • just come in→入ってきて
  • when I tell you to okay→大丈夫と言ったときに

when I say action. Okay, now give me love. Action!

  • when I say action→その時にアクションというね
  • now give me love→愛をください(愛嬌良くして?)

(DJ and Stephanie enter the living room, Jesse and Joey enter behind them.)

Jesse and Joey: (singing)

  • 歌っている曲名:Sunrise, Sunset/Perry Como

Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little girl at play?

  • これが私が抱っこした女の子か? これが遊んでいた女の子か?

I don't remember growing older, when did they? (Danny hugs the girls)

  • 大きくなったのを覚えていない。いつだったかしら?

Sunrise, sunset! Sunrise, sunset,

swiftly flow the years. (DJ opens the door, the girls wave as Danny joins the chorus)

  • あっという間に月日が流れる

One season following another, Laden with happiness and tears.

  • 1つの季節が次から次へと変わり、幸せと涙でいっぱい

Danny: My little baby is starting school.


(Stephanie reenters the living room.)

  • reenters→再び入る

Stephanie: I changed my mind. I'm not going.

Danny: Stephanie honey, what do you mean you're not going to school?

Stephanie: (sits on the steps) I don't feel good, maybe I'll go next year.

Jesse: You don't look sick.

Stephanie: (frowns) Is that better?

  • (顔をしかめて)こっちの方がいいかな?

Joey: (walks up to Stephanie) Well, your face is almost there.

  • walks up→(歩きあがる)
  • almost there→あと一歩だね

Give it kind of a (pushes in her lips) like that, and

  • (唇を)出して、こんな感じで

throw in a real hacking cough (coughs loudly).

  • 本当にひどい咳をして

(Stephanie and Joey trade coughs three times, DJ reenters the house.)

DJ: Come on, you're going to miss the bus.

  • miss the bus→バスに乗り遅れるよ

(Stephanie coughs) Stephanie, are you okay?

Joey: See?, now you're tricking people.

  • tricking→騙せるだろ?

Danny: DJ, you go on ahead.

  • go on ahead→お先にどうぞ(=go ahead, onが付くと既にやっていた動作をそのまま継続する)

Stephanie's a little nervous about her first day at school.

  • nervous→緊張している

I'll make sure she gets there.

  • make sure→確認するよ
  • gets there→彼女が学校に着けるか

DJ: Okay, see you there. (closes the door)


(Stephanie moves to the couch.)

  • couch→ソファ

Danny: Stephanie, Wait a minute, where are you going?

Stephanie, I want to talk to you. Sweetheart,

don't you want to go to school and be smart?

  • 学校に行って 賢くなりたいと思わない?

Stephanie: I'll stay home and watch public television.

  • watch public television→公共放送を見る(テレビで勉強する?)

Jesse: Come on Stephanie, spill your guts.

  • spill your guts→(知っていることを)全部話してみろ

Why don't you want to go to school?

Stephanie: Because I don't know anybody. I will be all alone, it'll be real scary.

I won't know anybody, and I won't have any friends.

Danny: Oh. Stephanie, you're going to make friends, I promise.

You and I, we're going to go down there together.

  • go down there→そこに行って(下るニュアンス, 学校が南にある?)

And daddy's not going to leave until everything's alright.

Joey: Yeah, you're just nervous 'couse it's your first day.

Jesse: See, first times can be scary, but they can be exciting, too.

  • first times can be scary→初めてのことは怖いかもしれない
  • but they can be exciting, too→だけどそれらは楽しいかもしれない

I remember a real exciting first time for me.

  • 俺の本当に刺激的な初体験も覚えている

I was 14. I went out with this incredible college girl Marissa Dellacrue.

  • 俺が14歳の時、素晴らしい学校の女の子マリッサと外出したんだ

We went to the drive-in.

First I was, you know, kind of nervous and a little scared.

  • kind of nervous→まあ(=kinda) 緊張して
  • a little scared→少し怖かったよ

But then Marissa, she kind of..

  • But then→でもその時、
  • kind of→なんか(=kinda)

I don't know, she got kind of friendly and..

  • 分からないけど、彼女とはなんか(=kinda) 親しくなって..

Let's just say first times can be great.

  • とりあえず、"初めて"は良いことだよ

Danny: Not a helpful story.

  • 役に立たたない話だ

Joey: But darn entertaining.

  •   でも、くそ楽しい(めっちゃ面白い)