

============Jesse and Joey are in the front room. Danny has just come home from work...============

Danny: Hey guys, how'd it go today with - whoa! What happened? What's with all the dirty baby clothes?

  • how'd it go→(how did) うまくいった?
  • dirty baby clothes→汚れたベイビー服

(The doorbell rings)

Joey: I'm sorry, but every time we fed her, she'd drool, or dribble, or spit up.

  • fed→食事を与えた   
  • drool→(had or would)よだれを垂らす、
  • dribble→滴らせる、
  • spit up→吐き捨てる 

Jesse: Your baby's a pig.

  • pig→豚

Jesse opens the door, and Vanessa is sitting in the doorway

Vanessa: Hi, Jesse.

Jesse: Vanessa, have mercy. I thought you were supposed to go to the Philippines with Bob Hope.

  • have mercy→まさか、あらまぁ(本当はご慈悲を!)
  • supposed to go to the Philippines→フィリピンに行くことになっている
  • Bob Hope→ボブと

Vanessa: Oh, well, I am, but the airport's fogged in. So, is that offer to stay with you any time still good?

  • fogged in→濃い霧で動けない
  • So, is that offer to stay with you any time still good→だから、あなたといさせてもらないかと (霧)が良くなるまでの間

Jesse: Oh, it's more than good. It's... uh... amazing!

  • more than good→goodより良い…
  • amazing→最高だ!

(Stephanie enters)

Stephanie: Hi, uncle Jesse. Ready for more ballerina?

Jesse: Uh... we'll play later, okay?

Stephanie: Okay... it's later! Catch me! Ohh!

Jesse: Listen; why don't you go upstairs and play ballerina with your big sister.

  • why don't you→~してみたらどうだ
  • upstairs→上の階
  • big sister→お姉ちゃんと

Stephanie: I can't. She moved out.

  • moved out→引っ越した

Danny: Stephanie, honey, what do you mean, "She moved out"?

Stephanie: She's gone. She rolled up her crepe paper and took off.

  • rolled up→まとめて
  • crepe paper→(学校でお花を作るシャバシャバの色紙のこと)
  • took off→持って

Danny: Okay, everybody follow me.


(Danny, Joey, Jesse, and Stephanie are in DJ's bedroom)

Danny: You lost my daughter? I went to work for seven hours, and you lost thirty-three percent of my children?

Joey, call the police. Jesse, start driving around our neighborhood. I'm gonna call up DJ's friends.

  • start driving→車で
  • around→周りを
  • our neighborhood→近所の
  • call up→(電話)する、で連絡をとる

Stephanie: And I'll go get DJ.

  • go get→(go and get 人)呼んでくる

Danny: Stephanie, honey.

Stephanie: Yes, daddy?

Danny: Sweetheart, do you know where DJ is?

Stephanie: Uh-huh.

Danny: Why didn't you say something sooner?

  • sooner→もっと早く

Stephanie: Nobody asked me.

Danny, Jesse, and Joey go into the garage, where DJ is on the telephone with Kimmy Gibbler

Danny: DJ, can I talk to you?

DJ: (on the telephone) Kimmy, hang on. (to Danny)

  • hang on→ちょっと待ってね

I'm talking to Kimmy Gibbler. She called me on her own phone from her own room. She has three sisters.

  • called me→私と電話していた
  • her own phone→ 彼女自身の携帯で
  • her own room→彼女自身の部屋で
  • three sisters→3人姉妹だよ

Danny: DJ, you don't want to live in the garage. It's filthy... it's stuffy

  • filthy→不潔
  • stuffy→息苦しい

DJ: You want some fresh air? (DJ opens the garage door)

Danny: (in a firm voice) Donna Jo, I want you back inside right now this instant.

  • firm→キッパリした声
  • right now→今すぐ
  • this instant→今この瞬間

 (in a milder voice) Is that okay?

  • milder→穏やかな声

DJ: No thank you, dad. (on the telephone)

So Kimmy, where were we?

  • where were we→それでどこまで話したっけ?

Jesse: (to Danny) Nice job, dad. You've been reading Cosby's book?

  • Nice job, dad→良い仕事だな、パパ(皮肉)

Joey: Cosby? I'll handle this. (imitating Bill Cosby, talking to DJ)

Hello there, small child- like person.

Mmha... ha... ha...

If you move back into the house, you can have a big, juicy bowl of jello.

  • juicy bowl of jello→ジューシィなボウル一杯のゼリー(jello oという商品名)

Mmha... ha... ha... ha... ha... ha.

DJ: (on the telephone) No, Kimmy, that's not really him. I'll call you later.

Stephanie enters the garage

Stephanie: Daddy, the baby's crying. She's got that thirsty look in her eyes.

  • thirsty→喉が渇いた(赤ちゃんだからお腹空いたと同義)
  • look in her eyes→目が訴えている

(Stephanie goes back upstairs again)

Danny: Okay, honey. I'll be right up. Joey, would you mind warming up the baby's bottle?

  • right up→すぐ上がる
  • would you mind→~してくれないか
  • warming up→温める
  • baby's bottle→哺乳瓶

Joey: Well, not at all. Although with this particular baby,

  • not at all→全然気にしないよ
  • Although→だけど、
  • particular baby→この (特定の)赤ちゃんは

it might be simpler just to pour the formula directly into the diaper. Well, think about it.

  • it might be→だろう
  • simpler→より単純に
  • just to pour the formula→ただ注ぐ方式
  • directly→直接
  • into the diaper→おむつの中に
  • think about it→考えておいて

(Joey leaves to warm up the baby's bottle)

Jesse: All right, DJ's all set and I got Vanessa upstairs waiting, so best of luck to both of you.

  • all set→準備完了(readyの口語表現)
  • got Vanessa upstairs waiting→(状態を持っている) 上の階で待っている
  • so best of luck→幸運を祈る

Danny: No, look, Jesse, look;

  • ダメだ、見てくれ

I got to go check on the baby;

  • got to go check on the baby→(=have to) 赤ちゃんを確認しなければならない

won't you just stay here with DJ? Talk to her; I'll be right back.

  • won't you→してくれないか
  • just stay here→ここにいて

Your her uncle - try to be parental, or something. (Danny walks upstairs)

  • be parental→親のように

Jesse: Parental. That's cool. I can be parental. I got parents. (Jesse taps DJ's shoulder)

  • Parental→親のように
  • That's cool→いかすぜ

DJ: Can I help you?

Jesse: Yes. You can move your little bod back in the house.

  • bod→体

Look, DJ, I don't blame you for wanting your own room.

  • don't blame→責めないよ
  • wanting your own room→あなた自身の部屋を欲しがること

But you got to understand; this world's not a perfect place.

  • got to→(=have to)理解しなければならない
  • this world's not a perfect place→世界は完璧ではないのだ

Bruce Willis has a record deal.

  • record deal→レコードを出したり

But then a Vanessa shows up at your door, and it all evens out. You know what I'm saying?

  • shows up→現れた
  • all evens out→プラマイゼロだな(すべてが平らになる)

DJ: Yeah.

Jesse: Good, so you'll move back in?

DJ: Nah.

Jesse: Nah! All right, I'll speak the language you understand.

Five bucks if you'll move back.

  • Five bucks→5ドル

DJ: Fifty.

  • 50ドル

Jesse: Ten.

DJ: Forty-nine.

Jesse: A buck? You went down a buck?

  • 1ドル?    1ドルだけしか下がんないのか?

DJ: Okay, it's back up to fifty.

  • じゃあ50ドルに戻すわ

Jesse: All right, my final offer : twenty bucks.

  • my final offer→最後の提案だ

DJ: Twenty-one. Vanessa's waiting…


(Danny, Joey, Jesse, and Stephanie are in the front room. Joey is putting his things away in the alcove)

Jesse: All right, DJ is moving back in.

Danny: She is? That's fantastic! What did you do?

Jesse: I have a very special way with kids.

  • have a very special→~を扱う特別な方法を持っている

(Jesse starts to go upstairs)

Danny: Uh, Jesse, hang on. Vanessa's not upstairs.

  • hang on→ちょっと待って
  • not upstairs→上の階にはいないよ

(Jesse comes back downstairs)

Jesse: Where's Vanessa?

Danny: Well, uh...

Stephanie: She's history.

  • history→もう行っちゃったよ(過去の人になったという比喩)

(Jesse covers Stephanie's ears)

Jesse: What the hell did you do with Vanessa?

  • What the hell→なんてこった

Danny: I didn't do anything with her.

I just told her that with three little girls in the house,

I thought it would be better is she slept on the couch. And she left.

  • it would be better→の方がいいだろう
  • couch→ソファ
  • she left→いなくなった

Jesse: You hate me, don't you.

  • 俺のこと嫌いだよな

(DJ enters the room)

Danny: DJ.

Jesse: Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa.

Vanessa is gone. The deal is off. I want my money back.

  • deal is off→取引はなしだ

Danny: What money?

DJ: The money uncle Jesse paid me to move back in.

Danny: That's your special way with children - you buy them off?

  • you buy them off→子供たちは買収したのか?

Jesse: It works. Kid, money.

  • It works→効果はあった

DJ: Fine, I have other sources of income. I'll go back to my new room and have a garage sale.

  • other sources of income→他の収入源
  • go back to my new room→新しい部屋に戻って
  • have a garage sale→ガレッジセールをするわ

Danny: DJ, wait. DJ. (to Jesse) Here, take Michelle. (to Stephanie) Come with me, honey.

  • take Michelle→Michelleを見ててくれ

Jesse: (looking at Michelle) Don't even think about it.

  • 変な事(おしっことか)しようと考えるなよ

Danny, DJ, and Stephanie are in the kitchen

Danny: DJ, honey, I can't let you have a garage sale.

  • I can't let you→あなたにさせられない

DJ: What if I give you ten percent of the profits?

  • What if→もし
  • ten percent of the profits→利益の10%

Danny: DJ, come here.

Can't you just try sharing your room with your sister?

Your mom was always so good at this stuff.

  • this stuff→こういう事の扱い

I'd come home from work, and everything was always perfect.

  • (I had)家に帰ってきたら, すべていつもうまくいっていたよ

DJ, how would mom have handled this?

  • how would→どうしただろう
  • have handled this→この問題を対処

DJ: She would have caught me before I moved into the garage.

Mom knew everything I did before I did it.

Danny: What is it, honey?

DJ: It's just not fair.

First, I lose my mom; then, grandma leaves; now, I even lose my own room?

Everything keeps disappearing.

  • keeps disappearing→消え続ける

Danny: I know exactly how you feel.

And I know how much you girls miss your mother, because I miss her too, very much.

But you still got me.

  • →(have got=haveと同じ意味、口語でhave省略、現在形でのみ利用可)あなたには私がいる

Stephanie: You got me, too.

Danny: You got Michelle, and you have your uncle Jesse, and Joey.

DJ, we're still a family, and now is when we really need to stick together.

  • still→今でも(?)
  • stick together→(人と人がくっつく=)協力しあう、一緒にいる

DJ, you and I, we go back a long time - ten years.

  • we go back→昔からの付き合い、長い付き合い
  • ten years→10年だ

The ten happiest years of my life.

  • 私の人生で最も幸せな10年だ

So look; it's up to you. Either you move back inside, or all five of us are moving into the garage.

  • it's up to you→あなた次第、任せるよ

But nothing is gonna break up this team.

  • でもこのチームを壊すものは何もない

DJ: I'll move back in.

Danny: I love you, angel. You too, little ballerina.

Jesse in the front room, talking to Michelle. Joey is in the alcove putting his things away

Jesse: Hey, Michelle. Michelle. Can you say, "Uncle Jesse"?

Michelle: Ah-ah.

Jesse: That's it; you said it. You said, "Uncle Jesse." (Danny, DJ, and Stephanie enter)

Starting tomorrow, you use the toilet just like the rest of us.

  • just like the rest of us→(~と同じように)私たちと同じようにトイレを使え

DJ: Good news. Uncle Jesse, our deal's back on. (Jesse starts to take out money)

  • our deal's→私達の取引
  • back on→再開する

It's okay; I'll put it on your tab.

  • put it on your tab→ツケにしておくわ(私はあなたにツケておく)

Jesse: All right.

Danny: Aw. Is this working out great, or what? These girls are crazy about you.

  • Is this working out great→素晴らしい効果だな、
  • or what→何をしたんだ?
  • crazy about you→Jesseに夢中みたいだ

Jesse: Oh, sure. I dance around; I give them money.

  • もちろんだ、踊って、お金を渡しているからな

Michelle: Uh... uh...

Jesse: Now what's the problem?

Danny: Oh, there's no problem. She's singing. Michelle loves music.

Joey: Music? I'll handle this... (Joey starts to sing)

Ooh... Flinstones... meet the Flinstones...

Joey & Jesse: (singing) They're a modern stone-age family...

  • modern→近代的

Jesse: Everybody sing along!

  • sing along→一緒に歌って

Everybody: (singing) From the... town of Bedrock, they're a page right out of history.

Jesse: Let's take a walk.

Everybody: (singing) Let's ride... with the family down the street. Through the... courtesy of Fred's two feet...


貼り付け元  <http://www.full-house.org/episodes/episodes_script_001.php>




(※1)Stephanie: And I'll go get DJ.


よく会話の中で「go get」という表現を耳にします。動詞の原形が続いているようですが、これは文法的に正しいですか?

動詞の原形が続いており文法的には正しくありませんが、アメリカ英語で口頭でよく使用されるフレーズです。「go get」は「取りに行く」という意味を持ちます。本来「go」と「get」の間に入る「and」が省略されています。尚、一般的に助動詞と一緒に使用されます。また、動詞「get」を他の動詞と入れ替えることも可能です。


(※2)Joey: Music? I'll handle this... (Joey


アニメ:The Flintstones
