

(In Michelle's Room)

Jesse: All right

Joey: And the diaper is...ON

  • diaper is...ON→おむつを履いて...

Jesse: Beautiful! 17 minutes. We beat our old record by 37 minutes.

  • beat→破る
  • by 37 minutes→37分差だ!

Joey and Jesse: Baby wipe.

  • 赤ちゃんのおしりふき(で手を拭く)

Joey: Hold it.I'm about to make a quantum leap in diapier theory.

  • Hold it→待って、
  • about to make a quantum leap→(突然の進歩)画期的なことを思いつきそうだ
  • diapier theory→おむつの原理

Jesse: Go with it,go with it.

  • 言ってみて、

Joey: If we triple the diapier, we get three times the protection,

  • triple→(動)3重にする
  • get three times the protection→3倍の守る効果を得られて、

but we change her one third as often.

  • but→しかも
  • one third as often→3分の1の頻度になる

Jesse: Loving it, loving it.

  • イイネ!

We get two diapiers and Michelle Tanner, come on down.

  • get two diapiers→2つおむつを手にして、

Joey: The other way to go is to tie a hefty bag around her waist.

  • The other way→別のやり方は
  • to tie→結ぶこと
  • hefty→大きい
  • around her waist→ウエスト周りに

That way we'd only have to change her on trash day.

  • That way→そうすれば
  • only have to change her on trash day→交換するだけだ(大きいバッグを) ゴミの日に

Jesse: (talking to Michelle) Jr.Jammy time. Ha!

  • Jammy→パジャマ

Joey: (talking to Michelle) It's you!

Jesse: All right. We go. (talking to Joey while doing the diapiers)

We put the leg in...like....so...simply...uh...we tie...like this...very nice.

Joey: Wow! snag in the plan.

  • イマイチだね(計画に問題がある)

I suggest We go with the lovely two peice ensemble from baby Almani.

  • suggest→提案する
  • go with→合わせる
  • lovely two peice ensemble→可愛らしい2組の組み合わせ
  • from baby Almani→赤ちゃんのアルマーニで

Jesse: Using your head,using your head.All right. here you go.

  • Using your head→頭を使え(よく考えろ)

Joey: Oh yuppie,baby.

  • 若いエリート(サラリーマン)

Jesse: Oh,this is great.


(Danny walks in)

Danny: Ok I got the girls...

Joey and Jesse: TADA!!!

Danny: Gentleman,Tarzan,

who was rasied in the jungle by apes, went to bed in better shape than that baby.

  • rasied→育てられた
  • in the jungle→ジャングルで
  • by apes→猿達に
  • went to bed→ベッドに入る
  • in better shape→もっと良い状態で(赤ちゃんより)

Jesse: Big deal. You're about a guy who wore diapiers his entire life.

  • Big deal→一大事(問題だ)
  • You're about a guy→あなたの言ったやつ(ターザン)は
  • wore diapiers his entire life→(一生おむつを着た)一生オムツ姿だぞ

Danny: I really appreciate the effort, but I'll take it from here.

  • appreciate→感謝しているよ
  • effort→努力に
  • take it from here→ここから連れていくよ

Jesse: Oh yeah! Now that all the work is done. Good night, Michelle.

  • Now that all the work is done→いますべての仕事が終わった

Joey: (imatating a baby) Good night, Uncle Jesse.

Next time you see me, I'll have a big surprise for you.

I don't care how many diapers I have on. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

  • I don't care→気にしない
  • how many diapers I have on→何枚おむつを履いているかを

Danny: (Taking Michelle) Give me my kid!

(to Michelle) Oh! You really are a good sport.

  • a good sport→オモチャにされているね(良い人、ノリの良い人)


(In Jesse's Room, Stephanie walks in.)

Stephanie: Hi,Uncle Jesse

Jesse: How are you doing, kid?

Stephanie: (looking around) What's happened to my room?

Jesse: It's pretty cool, huh?Look at this! (walks to Elvis poster) I'm hanging Elvis up right here.

  • pretty cool→かなりクール
  • hanging ~ up→~を掛ける

Stephanie: Over my bunnies?

Jesse: Stephanie, you're bunnies are very...pink.

Stephanie: My mom made these bunnies just for me. Don't you like them?

Jesse: These bunnies.

I love these bunnies.

I'm sure Elvis had bunnies hanging all over Graceland.

  • I'm sure→だと思う
  • hanging all over→あちこちにぶら下がっている
  • Graceland→エルビスの邸宅

(Danny walks in)

Danny: Ok riddle time.

  • riddle→なぞなぞ

What has blonde hair, purple pajams, and is up way past their bedtime?

  • blonde hair→金髪で
  • purple pajams→紫色のパジャマで
  • up way past→とっくに過ぎている
  • bedtime→寝る時間

Stephanie: Um...Elvis?


(Joey walks in)

Joey: Steph,the sandman express is coming. All aboard.

  • sandman express→(砂男エクスプレス(砂男は子供を寝かせるための架空のキャラクター)
  • All aboard→出発進行


(Stephanie goes on Joey's back)

Stephanie: HO HO

Jesse: (to Danny) You see that? Any of your ape friends do that for Tarzen?

  • Any of your ape friends→猿友達の誰かは、
  • do that for Tarzen→ターザンにあんなことするか?


(In Stephanie and DJ's room.Joey and Stephanie go throught the door while DJ is already in bed.Joey and Steph to to her bed.)

Joey: Next stop...Stephanie's bed.

Stephanie goes in to bed under the covers

Stephanie: Thank you,sandman express.

Joey: And the sandman express runs every night.

DJ: If I get on now, you'll drop me off at the nearest hotel?

  • get on now→今乗ったら、
  • drop ~ off→~を送ってくれる
  • the nearest hotel→最も近くのホテルまで?

(Danny and Jesse walk in)

Danny: Ok, lets say goodnight.

  • (軽い提案②) 寝ようね
  • ①「仮に~として」「例えば~としましょう」という仮定やたとえ話を表現(現在形=可能性高, 過去形=可能性低)
  • ②「~なんてどうでしょう」「例えば~というのはどうでしょう」という控えめな提案表現


Jesse: Alright, goodnight junior babes.

Stephanie: Uncle Jesse,tell us a bedtime story.

  • bedtime story→おとぎ話

Jesse: Uncle Jesse doesn't not know any bedtime stories.

  • doesn't not know any bedtime stories→1つもおとぎ話を知らない

Stephanie: Yes he does.

Jesse: No he doesn't.

Stephanie: Yes he does.

Jesse: (sternly) No he doesn't.

Stephanie: (pretending crying. Rubbing her eyes) Yes he doesssssss.

  • pretending→ふりをする

Jesse: I'll make one up!

  • make ~ up→1つ作り話をするよ(でっち上げの意味もあり)

Stephanie: Yeeeeahhhhh!!!


(Stephanies runs to DJ's bed and lies to the right of her)

Jesse: Alright fellows, help me out here.

  • fellows→仲間
  • help me out→手伝ってくれ(help outはhelpの口語, 強調)

Joey: We'll make it a game.

  • make it a game→ゲームにしよう

Steph, you start the story and you girls point to us when you want someone else to take over.

  • point to→指す
  • take over→引き継ぐ

Stephanie: Ok. Once upon a time there was a pretty girl named Cinderella.

  • Once upon a time→昔々
  • pretty girl named Cinderella→シンデレラという可愛い女の子が

(points to Danny) Daddy.

Danny: And uh..Cinderella wanted to go to this big fancy ball.

  • big fancy ball→大きな仮装舞踏会

And on the way she wandered into this cabin, and she fell alsleep in papa bear's bed.

  • on the way→途中で
  • wandered into→迷い込んだ
  • cabin→山小屋
  • papa bear's bed→パパ熊のベッドで

Stephanie: I don't think so.

Danny: No wait honey, it gets better.

  • gets better→これから良くなるんだ

So she is on the bed, she's out like a light. When all of a sudden....

  • on the bed→ベッドの上で
  • out like a light→(あっという間に)寝入ってしまい
  • all of a sudden→すると突然...

Stephanie: Gggg! Joey...

Joey: Um..when Cinderella woke up, she was real thirsty.

So she went to 7-Eleven for a Slurpee where...she ran into, Bullwinkle.

  • Slurpee→(アメリカのコンビニで売られているフローズンドリンク)スラーピー
  • ran into→バッタリ会う
  • Bullwinkle→ロッキーとブルウィンクルの大冒険のトナカイキャラクター

So Bullwinkle says (acted like Bullwinkle)

  • acted→演じる

"Hello Cinderella. Would you like to come to the ball with me?

  • Would you like to come to the ball with me→一緒に仮装舞踏会に行きませんか?

Not only am I a great dancer but you can hang your coat on my antlers."

  • Not only~but~→~だけではなく~も
  • hang your coat on my antlers→僕の枝角に君のコートを掛けられるよ

(to Danny and Jesse) Kids love this stuff. (Back to the story) So…

  • stuff→こういうの(事柄、事象)

DJ: Gggg! Uncle Jesse!

Jesse: So Cinderella and Bullwincle, they get married right.

They go on "the Newlywed Game".

  • go on→参加して
  • "the Newlywed Game"→"新婚ゲーム"というTV番組

And they win a grand prize selected especially for them.

  • win→獲得する
  • grand prize→豪華賞品
  • selected especially for them→特別に彼らのために選ばれた   

The End. Good night.

Stephanie: Gggg! Daddy.

Danny: Untill the big bad wolf came over.

  • Untill→そこへ
  • came over→やってきた

And he said "Open up, or I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down".

  • huff→ムッと怒って
  • puff→ひと拭きで
  • blow ~ down→~を吹き倒す

And I can do it, too, because as we all know wolves have an amazing lung capacity.

  • I can do it, too→パパ(Danny)もできるよ     
  • as we all know→言うまでもなく(皆が知っているように)
  • wolves have an amazing lung capacity→狼達は持っている 素晴らしい 肺活量
  • (役にのめり込んで、Danny自身が狼になりきって話している)

Stephanie: Gggg! Joey!

Joey: Hhhhhhuuu!!

DJ: Ggggg! Uncle Jesse!

Jesse: So the wolf, the moose, and the babe, they all fell in love right.

  • wolf→狼と
  • moose→ヘラジカと
  • all fell in love→全員恋に落ちました。

They moved to Sweden where the people are a lot more cooler about that sort of things.

  • moved to Sweden→スウェーデンへ引っ越した
  • people are a lot more cooler→人々がより、とてもクールな
  • about that sort of things→そういう系のことについて

And that's the end of the story. Good night and good bye.

DJ: No monsters, no witches, but that story was very scary.

Danny: Ok sweetheart. (Kisses Stephanie) It's time to go to bed.

Stephanie: Can I ask one more favor?

  • one more favor→もう1つお願い

Danny: Sure honey. What is it?

Stephanie goes to her bookshelf and takes out a pile of books.

  • pile→山

Then gives them to Danny then goes to bed under the covers

Stephanie: Study these story books. We'll talk about them in the morning.


Danny: (to Jesse and Joey):

Ok. Who wants "Puddle Duck and the Quack-Quack Gang"?

  • "Puddle Duck and the Quack-Quack Gang"→池のアヒル(お池のいたずらアヒル)

Jesse and Joey: Read it!

  • 読んだ