結弦君、次の対談は・・・ OP Gold Medallists | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments









Since yesterday, Sarah was watching some videos of 2015 NHK Trophy, and among them, there’s a video Yuzu was interviewed after the competition, and in it, it’s a very short moment though, Judo-ka, Nomura talked to Yuzu.

Well, Sarah also likes to watch Judo, and Nomura was a hero of Sarah, he got three consecutive Olympic gold medals.







N: Looking at you, we usual have an image of friendly “Hanyu-kun”, but once you get on the ice, it looks like you are a different person, having very sharp eyes, very strong and tough looking.
Do you change your mind-set intentionally?

Y: No, well, when I’m concentrating myself, or when I’m wearing the skates, like that when I started thinking about my skating, I feel as if another personality of me is there.
I focus on concentrating myself to skate and perform seriously and earnestly.










Sarah really wish Yuzu will have a long talk with Nomura.

Actually, there was a lovely moment that Yuzu and Nomura were sitting together in a TV news shows for about 20 minutes, but oh gosh!!

Mostly, two announcers were talking, so that only one and half minutes for Yuzu + Nomura talk.

He seems very much interested in how Yuzu control his mind in competitions.








N: Just one word, AMAZING. Even before the Olympics, I have been evaluating him as the true genuine athlete, however, in fact, you are facing to difficulties and adversity too much! 
Y: Well, myself too think I got so often. 

N: As you mentioned in the interview before the events, and executed amazing performances, I think you were very confident. Your strength, well, what made you trust yourself that much, enough to be so confident?


Sarah wants to tell you really, that Nomura believed that Yuzu would win in PyeongChang even when no information came from Toronto after his injury, Nomura mentioned he believed Yuzu would appear and definitely win.






Y: Well, I believe only my desire toward the goal. Also, many people have supported me, and with all my supporters we were only looking at the Olympic gold. I think all those wishes and thoughts made me so strong.

“And at the very moment, you can exert all your power. . .”


N: When such a thought is too much then it’d pressure you too much. . “


Y: You are right, but pressure can be felt physically but I usually try to make such pressure as a part of my power.


N: That’s your strength!”





Nomura‘s Judo may (well, Sarah personally feels) had something common to Yuzu’s skating, or well, their mind. Nomura’s Judo was (is) really beautiful, he was especially particular about his Seoi-nage (shoulder throw), and he might want to win beautifully.

So if Yuzu and Nomura have a chance to talk, oh, it’ll be very interesting one.




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