ゆづくん、ありゃまじでよくないっす Miya reviled a secret? | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments






Even hi-tech Japanese camera

can't catch Yuzu's super-hi-speed

beckoning hand!








Miya, finally reviled the secret of

the moment

Yuzu beckoned Miya to join the interview camera.






In twittercast, Miya streamed very early this morning, (Sarah didn't listen it live though he posted archive.) In it Miya suddenly reviled how his mind was when Yuzu beckoned. The translation is coming below.





While Yuzu-kun was interviewed, I was passing through the area clinging to the wall, not to make any noise, but suddenly our eyes met, lol . . . well, ahh, somewhat he was beckoning crazily, as if he was sending me cool air with his hand, beckoning so quickly. I never thought he was calling me, but he kept beckoning, I was not able to understand the situation, but just blanked out, yet Yuzu-kun was beckoning, but I was just gazing at him, feeling “what is going on here?” For some seconds, I was trying to understand the situation but my brain stopped working. Then I pointed at myself, then he nodded many times, “what? me? there? but you are interviewed now?”






Although looking at the video, it was jus a moment though,

Miya was confused a lot . . . 

But, yeah understandable.

And even confusing, Miya was also amazed by

Yuzu's super-hi-speed hand move😁




You know, it was the moment. . .you know, what we often watch on TV, like a hero interview, such an interview was going on, yeah what I used to watch on TV, there’s “Hanyu Yuzuru” there being interviewed. How could I understand the situation?
Anyway, during off time, Yuzu-kun is very cheerful and super-kind for us but once he’s in work mode, he is in full of spirit, so looking at other skaters, I was learning how to do what I should not do in front of him. Especially just before his performance, not only him but also other skaters too though, I tried not to disturb them, even a small matter I was very careful, as if I was trying to delete the signs of being there.


Miya too care other people warmly, it's really lovely.





Then Yuzu-kun finished his performance, me too finished singing, then also after the finale, I was on the way to my greenroom, but Yuzu-kun was there being interviewed on the way to my greenroom. “Oh, Yuzu-kun is interviewed. . .” I thought, but I had to go through there to my greenroom. . . so that, like a Ninja, I was clinging to the wall and moved . . . but yeah, then it happened as you’ve seen. I was very tensed, although Yuzu-kun kept talking with his lovely smile, and since he looked so fun and me too, and he kindly let me be there with him, I knew I should say something but my voice slept, although I wanted to say something but lost all of my words. Then I just said “Arigatougozaimashita” and “Excuse me. . . “ like a punliv spolohy lol After the interview, I said Yuzu-kun “oh, really, it was tough for me, Yuzu-kun.” Well, I’m missing those day seriously, I’d like to meet him again.



After telling the episode, Miya said "I'd like to meet him again", in a slow voice,

yeah, Sarah too want them to meet each other again. . . . 






You know, during the FaOI tour, days were very dense, like upheaval days, so that after it, I missed those days terribly. Really, like the last day, really I was in a panic. I felt as if I were in a dream, but I realised this dream was ending, suddenly I was not able to hold my tears, it was when I was talking on the stage, really somewhat a strange feeling I had, I was really nervous but I was very much emotional on the day.








Well, what did you promise?







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