


Morning everyone.

I had a largevhospital appointment for my youngest daughter Tuesday. Since she was diagnosed as having epilepsy with seizures in March she has been having them weekly and up to two times a day in some cases.

We have been gradually increasing the medicine but she keeps getting bigger and the doctors say that during a growth spurt seizures are more likely to occour.


I got the results back from an EEG she did last month. They sound evidence of seizure in several parts of her brain during the time she was asleep which to be honest put me at ease more than anything as we had been doing EEGs and not finding anything for the last 7 years. For now we will have EEGs regularly so they can keep an eye on the situation.



After the hospital I went to kyudo keiko. I showed my sensei my kake and got the ok to try to use it. The woman at the kyudo shop mentioned, I don't need to move my hand as much once I have done torikake on the tsuru. So on Tuesday and Wednesday I just focussed on letting the kake hold the tsuru and as such I was able to draw with my elbow alot better.

For the time being I'm going to try to make friends with my new kake. It's a very important piece of kyudo equipment and hopefully I will be able to use it properly soon.

Oh and the praying mantis came back again😊