





報告書では調査対象国の教育をとりまく環境を4段階に分類。以下の上位9カ国の環境を最上(best environment)と位置づけている。

1位 ニュージーランド
2位 カナダ
3位 フィンランド
4位 スイス
5位 シンガポール
6位 英国
7位 日本
8位 オーストリア
9位 オランダ

報告書「世界各国の未来に向けた教育」(The Worldwide Educating for the Future Index) 





New Zealand’s education system were ranked first among 35 economies around the world in the Worldwide Educating for the Future Index created by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The survey released last month attempted to quantify education systems around the world by examining various factors in three areas: policy environment; teaching environment; and socio-economic environment. The report said that “New Zealand views educating for future skills as a broadly-agreed strategic imperative; it is a small and remote country, with a vigilance that comes with knowing it has little choice but to be globally competitive, now and in future.”

The report grouped the surveyed economies into four categories, placing the following top nine nations in the index into the “best environment” for education.

1. New Zealand 
2. Canada 
3. Finland 
4. Switzerland 
5. Singapore 
6. United Kingdom 
7. Japan
8. Australia 
9. Netherlands  

The Worldwide Educating for the Future Index: 