【本会議】 8月18日〜22日 | Welcome to the            Japan-Kenya Student Conference Blog!!

Welcome to the            Japan-Kenya Student Conference Blog!!

私達、日本ケニア学生会議(Japan-Kenya Student Conference = JKSC)は



Japanese Bath
When we stayed at the hotel sunplaza, we had the option to take a japanese bath. A japanese bath basically follows these steps. You rinse of at a western style over head shower, then wash and rinse yourself at a tiled area before getting into a bath that is similar to a hot tub. Soap and shampoo should never be used in the bath. the bath is for soaking and relaxing. after the bath you do not drain the water as someone may wish to use it. Most of the JKSC members where afraid to use it because it was a public bath but some of us where interested in giving new   experiences a try. In my opinion a Japanese bath is the most relaxing way I have ever ended a hard days work. 
会でした。私はお風呂に浸かることは、一日の疲れを癒す最高の方法の一つだと思います。by IT study topic group (Kenyan member)

As soon as we arrived at Zensho ,it was evident that the staff was ready to welcome us. Everything was set and laid out in detail; including a seating placement and snacks.
It was great to learn that Zensho’ s vision is to create food sustainability towards an eradication of world hunger. To achieve that, they set up many food c

in restaurants at reasonable prices to ensure that income earners across the board can afford to eat at their restaurant.
We were happy to meet Sebastian; a Tanzanian national that had been working for the food company for many years. He now deals with sea food procurement. He narrated to us his experience in japan and how he began working there…he also told us of how different African and Japanese culture is and the need to be adaptive to change if one wants to survive in a foreign country. It was really surprising and amazing how eloquent his Japanese is.
We learnt about fair trade and how zensho works to ensure that both the supplier and the buyers needs are met…also about the different agricultural products the company imports from various African countries such as Kenyan tea and cocoa from Ghana. We experienced a true taste of home when we were served Kenyan tea. That was a pleasant surprise as we had missed Kenyan tea.
It was also amazing to learn how Zensho has been involved in community development in Africa. They set up a maternity clinic in Tanzania to  improve maternal mortality as well as an involvement in in-vitro fertilization of cows in a small village in Kenya. This led to an increase of the cows’ production levels hence a major economic boost to farmers.
After an interactive session and all our curiosity satisfied; we headed to Eltorito, a Mexican restaurant owned by Zensho and had amazing dinner.

Jetro is an external trade organization that was established in 1958.It was meant to promote mutual trade between Japan and the rest of the world. So far, jetro supports 40 developing countries in Africa among which is Kenya. Jetro holds demonstration programs where they give information on the Japanese market for instance the rates of exchange.Jetro also promotes kenyas economy by importing cut flowers, coffee ,tea and music.
Jetro emphasizes most on the intensive education farmers to farmers on available goods and resources that can be realized in the business sector like food-t provides education to African countries on how to realize new production of good quality goods which can fetch good market value to promote the growth of their economy so as to be free from donars.
I felt good to visit Jetro since I got to learn that the organization was interested in promoting the economy of Africa especially the Kenyan farmers.

<22日 横浜市立神橋小学校訪問> 

