*英単語パズル(16)* | ミスター・ビーンのお気楽ブログ






「ひとつの心(One Hand, One Heart)」









見出し語は最初のアルファベット()とそれに続く文字の数が数字で示されています。例えば、activityなら、最初のアルファベット群がac、その後の文字数が6ですから、ac 6になります。




(76)  s 4 (verb)

1. to look for something / somebody

Ex.) Drivers are advised to ( s 4 ) alternative routes.

    (BrE) They ( s 4 過去形 ) in vain for somewhere to shelter. (A.L.D.)


2. to try to obtain or achieve something

Ex.) to ( s 4 ) funding for a project

    Highly qualified secretary ( s 4 三単現 ) employment. ( = in an advertisement )

    We are currently ( s 4 現在分詞 ) new ways of expanding our membership. (A.L.D.)


3. to ask somebody for something

Ex.) I think it’s time we ( s 4 過去形 ) legal advice.

    She managed to calm him down and ( s 4 ) help from a neighbor. (A.L.D.)

    On important issues, they ( s 4 ) a second opinion. (Cobuild)


4. to try to do something ( syn. attempt )

Ex.) They quickly ( s 4 過去形 ) to distance themselves from the protesters. (A.L.D.)

    Moscow is ( s 4 現在分詞 ) to slow the growth of Russian inflation. (Cobuild)


(77)  ap 5 (verb)

1. to choose somebody for a job or position of responsibility

Ex.) They have ( ap 5 過去分詞 ) a new head teacher at my son’s school.

    She has recently been ( ap 5 過去分詞 ) to the committee.

    They ( ap 5 過去形 ) him ( as ) captain of the English team.

    A lawyer was ( ap 5 過去形 ) to represent the child. (A.L.D.)


2. (usually passive) (formal) to arrange or decide on a time or place for doing something

Ex.) A date for the meeting is still to be ( ap 5 過去分詞 ).

    Everyone was assembled at the ( ap 5 過去分詞 ) time. (A.L.D.)


ap 5 ment (noun)

1. Ca formal arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work

Ex.) I’ve got a dental ( ap 5 ment ) at 3 o’clock.

    to make / keep an ( ap 5 ment )

    Viewing is by ( ap 5 ment ) only ( = only at a time that has been arranged in advance ).

    an ( ap 5 ment ) with my lawyer

    an ( ap 5 ment ) for a blood test

    She made an ( ap 5 ment ) for her son to see the doctor. (A.L.D.)


2. C, Uthe act of choosing a person for a job or position of responsibility ; the fact of being chosen for a job, etc.

Ex.) her recent ( ap 5 ment ) to the post

    his ( ap 5 ment ) as principal (A.L.D.)

    His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing. (Cobuild)


(78)  op 6 (adj.)

that you can choose to do or have if you want to

Ex.) Certain courses are compulsory ; others are ( op 6 ).

    This model comes with a number of ( op 6 ) extras ( = things you can choose to have but which you will have to pay extra for ).

    (BrE) Metallic paint is an ( op 6 ) extra. (A.L.D.)


(79)  b 2 (verb)

1. to decide or say officially that something is not allowed ( syn. prohibit )

Ex.) Chemical weapons ( b 2 過去分詞 ) internationally. (A.L.D.)

    Canada will ( b 2 ) smoking in all offices later this year. (Cobuild)


2. (usually passive) to order somebody not to do something, go somewhere, etc., especially officially

Ex.) He was ( b 2 過去分詞 ) from the meeting.

    She’s been ( b 2 過去分詞 ) from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.

(BrE) He was ( b 2 過去分詞 ) from driving for six months. (A.L.D.)


b 2 (noun)

an official rule that says that something is not allowed

Ex.) There is to be a total ( b 2 ) on smoking in the office.

    The government imposed a ( b 2 ) on tobacco advertising.

    A ( b 2 ) was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. (A.L.D.)

    The General also lifted a ( b 2 ) on political parties. (Cobuild)


(80)  ex 8 (nounC, U)

1. a scientific test that is done in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge

Ex.) to do / perform / conduct an ( ex 8 )

    proved by ( ex 8 )

    laboratory ( ex 8 s )

    Many people do not like the idea of ( ex 8 s ) on animals. (A.L.D.)


2. a new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has

Ex.) I’ve never cooked this before, so it’s an ( ex 8 ).

    the country’s brief ( ex 8 ) in democracy  (A.L.D.)


ex 8 (verb)

1. to do a scientific ( ex 8 ) or ( ex 8 s )

Ex.) Some people feel that ( ex 8 動名詞 ) on animals is wrong. (A.L.D.)

    In 1857 Mendel started ( ex 8 動名詞 ) with peas in his monastery garden. (Cobuild)


2. to try or test new ideas, methods, etc. to find what effect they have

Ex.) I ( ex 8 過去形 ) until I got the recipe just right.

    He wanted to ( ex 8 ) more with different textures in his paintings. (A.L.D.)

    He believes that students should be encouraged to ( ex 8 ) with bold ideas. (Cobuild)




(76) seek  (77) appoint (verb), appointment (noun)  (78) optional 

 (79) ban   (80) experiment

