
On Febriary, I had an offer from the women's rugby team, which aims to become the top women's rugby sevens team in Hirosaki , for the team interpreter. Compared to baseball and soccer, women's rugby is not publicly subsidized, so the Sakura Ovals are a team that relies on the full support of local corporation. In preparation for the National Sports Festival to be held in Aomori Prefecture in 2026, they are currently working on various measures, including a large indoor practice field that is available in winter, an invitation of a former coach of the NL Women's Rugby World Cup team, the addition of domestic and international top players, and a full support system of sports medicine rehabilitation staff from (actually world renowned) Hirosaki National University. They will receive full support before the 2026 event.




My task is to interpret for the NL coaches. I had covered a wide range of different English genres so far, including conference interpretation, translation, guiding, and lecturer, so I thought it would be no problem, but the issue of rules and terminology loomed large (for me, a rugby amateur). The issue of rugby rules and terminology was an obstacle (for me, not knowing rugby at all). While I started getting the knack of it, but it became difficult to coordinate with ongoing tours. The interpreter is fine, but I had to turn down interpreting assignments on a regular basis because a half-hearted commitment would not be good for the team. This results in an increased workload for the other interpreter, which he agreed this in advance.



国内の主要大会でも上位に入り込み、選手は日本一のチームにも勝てる確かな手ごたえを感じているという。このチームが成長する姿を間近で一緒に観る事はできないが、彼らのため、今後も協力を惜しまないつもりだ。女子ラグビーといえば「サクラオーバルズ」と言われる程 強くなってほしい。

The team has advanced to the final round in major domestic tournaments, and the players feel a solid sense of confidence that they can beat even the best teams in Japan. Although I will not be able to be with this team up-close, I'll continue to support them. I want people to remind "Sakura Ovals" when it comes to the best women's rugby, and I believe that day will surely come in the near future.