Impact of bear attack on Sukayu Onsen-Spa


One popular optional tour on cruise ships is a course that includes the Hakkoda Cable Car, the Oirase stream, and Lake Towada. The best part of the Hakkoda Cable Car is the view of the Tsugaru Plain and Mutsu Bay. The panoramic view of Aomori City, Mt. Iwaki in the distance, and the Shimokita Peninsula and Tsugaru Peninsula across Mutsu Bay spreads out below. The tour is often forced to change because the cable car stops operations at wind velocity of 25 m/second. The alternatives are Jogakura Bridge, which offers a panoramic view of the Tsugaru Plain, Jigoku-numa or Hell Swamp, and Sukayu Onsen Spa.

【新緑の季節 ~ 眼下に広がる青森市内と陸奥湾 Aomori City and Mutsu Bay spread out below】


Bear attacks have become a nationwide issue, and this month there have been reports of attacks in the Jigoku-numa area as well. And finally, a fatality was reported the other day. Even though all the accidents occurred deep in the mountains, tours to Hakkoda in the upcoming July are already on sale . It is up to the travel agencies to decide what to do in the future.

【地獄沼 Hell Swamp】

【城ヶ倉大橋 Jogakura Bridge】

もし野外ツアーを避ける事となれば、この一帯で成り立つツアーは酸ヶ湯温泉の館内ツアーの一択となる。館内ツアーでは浴室を除くことは厳禁だが、混浴、長期滞在の湯治、効能など日本の文化風習を説明しつつ、酸ヶ湯旅館になぜ青森ヒバが使用されるのか?など 興味を惹きだすネタには事欠かない。実際のゲストの食いつきも予想以上だ。昨年、「期待していた八甲田ロープウェーだけど、中止にならなければ知らなかった素晴らしいツアーだった。中止に感謝しなきゃ!」とのコメントもゲストから頂いている。

If outdoor tours are avoided, the only tour that can be made in this area is the Sukayu Inn tour. Although it is strictly forbidden to see the bathrooms in the tour, I explain Japanese cultural customs such as mixed bathing, long-stay hot-spring cures, and the benefits of hot-spring therapy, and so on. There is no shortage of other interesting topics, such as why Aomori hiba cypress timber is used at the Acid Spring Ryokan. The response from the guests has also exceeded expectations. Last year, "I had high hopes for the Hakkouda ropeway, but it was a wonderful tour that I would not have known about had it not been canceled. I'm glad Cable car tour was cancelled!"

混浴体験ツアー Gender Mixed Bathing tour ~ Fuji | 通訳案内士による青森県のインバウンドを振興する会 ~ Aomori Inbound Tourism Promotion Committe by the Licenced Interpreter Guides (



However, the reason this tour was available was because a staff of the Inn is a close acquaintance of our Association. If other guides were to give tours in the Inn, the tour operator would have to make a formal request to the Inn. If this were possible, I’m sure it would be a wonderful experience for the foreign guests.