地元を代表する新聞の社説欄に刀匠に関する記事が掲載された(一部 自分のコメント有り)。日本の伝統工芸や技術の継承問題は深刻だが、依り代の対象として1,000年以上守られてきた日本刀鍛錬術は特に危機的状況にある。これまで何度も日本刀は消滅の危機を乗り越えてきたが、継承者問題は過去最大の危機と言える。

An article on Japanese swordsmith was published in the editorial section of a leading local newspaper (with some of my comments). The issue of passing on traditional Japanese crafts and techniques is serious, but the art of Japanese swordsmithing kept for over 1,000 years as an object in which God dwells is particularly critical. Japanese swords have survived the crisis of extinction many times in the past, but this succession issue is the biggest ever.

日本刀は、武器として日本人(の体型)に合わせた結果 行きついた究極の姿。反り(姿)、刃紋、地鉄の模様、沸(にえ)、匂(におい)は全て鍛錬工程で生まれる必然の産物。これらは全て、日本刀の鋭敏さと強度を保ちながらも、究極まで細く、長く、そして折れにくくした結果できた機能美である。

The current form is the ultimate state of the Japanese sword resulting from adapting it to the Japanese body size as a weapon. The warp called "Sugata", wavy pattern on edge, from 4,000 to 33,000 fine patterns on blade, faint line on edge called "Nie" and ""Nioi," are all inevitably designs out of the process of forging. These are all functional beauties that are the result of maintaining the sharpness and strength of the Japanese sword while making it ultimately thinner, longer, and more resistant to breakage.


「これまで沢山の国を旅したなかで、ここが最も印象的だ。」かつて ツアー元の海外旅行社が私に直接送ってきたゲストのメッセージだ。この10年間、数え切れないほどの訪日客に日本刀の魅力を伝えてきたなか、感動しない人など一人もいない。この伝統を守る為に自分にできることは何か? それは、刀匠の技術を受け継ぐ事ではなく、日本刀の美しさを多くの人に伝えていく事だ。それが自分に課された使命と思っている。

"Of all the countries I've traveled to, this is the most impressive." This was a guest message to me directly sent by an overseas travel agency organized the tour. Over the past ten years, I have convey to countless foreign tourists about the charms of Japanese swords, and there hasn't been a single guest who has been dissapointed with the sword. What can I do to preserve this tradition? It is not about me becoming a swordsmith. It is to continue as before to convey the beauty of Japanese sword to as many people as possible. I believe that is my mission. I believe this is the mission given to me.


【刃紋と沸, 匂】