当会とも繋がりの深い佐々木さんが、昨年末に由緒ある居合術の大会で好成績を収めた。美しさ、斬れ・・・どれを取っても彼の技術が卓越している事は誰にでもわかる。なお、大会が開催された(茨城県)鹿島神社は、(千葉県)香取神社と共に武神を祀る総宮として有名だ。余談ながら、歴史上最強と言われるは宮本武蔵と言われている。しかし、武蔵以前に存在した伝説の武士 塚原卜伝が最強だったという評価が特に武術家の間では多い。その卜伝が鹿嶋市出身であることからも、約600年に渡って鹿嶋と剣術は深い縁がある。

At the end of last year, Mr. Sasaki, who has close ties to our association, won two categories in the authentic Japanese sword martial arts competition with a long history. Beauty, clean slashing ...... his excellent skills are apparent, even to first-time viewers. The Kashima Shrine (Ibaraki Prefecture), where the tournament was held, is famous, along with the Katori Shrine (Chiba Prefecture), as the 2 major shrine dedicated to the god of war and martial arts.  As a side note, Miyamoto Musashi is said to be the strongest in history. However, many, especially among those who are martial arts experts, believe that the legendary Samurai Tsukahara Bokuden, who existed before Musashi, was the strongest of all. Since Bokuden was from Kashima, there has been a deep connection between Kashima and swordsmanship for about 600 years.