年末、物価の高いドイツを逃れ、残り10日間をトルコで過ごす事にした。西洋と東洋、そしてアフリカの文化が交わる国ながら、国民のほとんどがイスラム教徒である。 今回は観光地イスタンブールではなく、比較的 旅行者の少ないイズミル地方を選んだ。最初は「エーゲ海の真珠」と例えられる美しい海辺の街。ここでは、時間がゆっくり流れている。ホテルのバルコニーから眺める景色の美しさに、夕陽が海に沈むまで何時間も座ったまま過ごしたほどだ。

At the end of 2023, I fled pricey Germany and decided to spend the rest 10 days in Turkey. Although Turkey is a country where Western, Eastern, and African cultures meet, most of the nation are Muslim. Instead of Istanbul, a tourist destination, I chose Izmir, a region with relatively few travelers. The city I visited was a beautiful seaside town, often compared to the "Pearl of the Aegean Sea," where you can feel the flow of time at a slow tempo. The ocean view from the balcony was so breathtaking that I watched it for hours until the sun set over the ocean.

その後、さらに観光地化されていない山間の地方に移動した。ここは至る所に遺跡があり、古い家並みはどこかギリシャの島にも似た原風景が広がっている。何より、感動したのは住民の優しさ。立ち止まって地図を広げているだけで、必ず誰かが声を掛けてくれる。お土産やホテルの客引きでさえ、仕事抜きに助けてくれるのだ。人の優しさはどんな景色よりも心に残る。 私が案内する(決して観光地と言えない)片田舎に、訪日客に人気のある場所がある。ここは町民が一体となって、おもてなしをする事で多くの訪日客が心を動かされるという。青森県でも、こうした取り組みを醸成することができないだろうか? 特にインバンドの波が行き届いていない下北半島、津軽半島には大きなポテンシャルを感じる。

Then I moved on to a mountainous town with lesser tourists. Here, there are archeological sites everywhere, and the old houses and narrow streets are somewhat like the original landscape of a Greek island. Above all, I was moved by the kindness of the local residents. Just by standing still and spreading out a map, someone is sure to come to help me. Even the touts of souvenirs and hotels forget their jobs to help me. The kindness of people is more memorable than any scenery. There is one rural town popular among many foreign visitors although it is definitely not a tourist destination for Japanese. This is because many are moved by the united hospitality of the local people. Why doesn't Aomori Prefecture foster such an approach? In particular, I sense great potential in the Shimokita Peninsula and Tsugaru Peninsula, where the in-band wave has not reached.


On the other hand, during the past two weeks, the number of Chinese and Korean words in every place was striking. Here again, I was reminded of Japan's fragile presence.... There are only a few days left. The more I learn about Turkey, the more I am fascinated by it. I would love to live here for the rest of my life.