#青森 #ねぶた に比べても、海外における#津軽 #弘前の知名度は格段に低い。ただ、観光コンテンツという意味では国内のどの地方都市と比べても、通訳ガイドとして解説に苦労する事がないほど内容は豊富であり多岐に及ぶ。これはひとえに、そうしたコンテンツが原石のまま手付かずの状態にあったと言う事だろう。

Compared to #Aomori #Nebuta, #Tsugaru #Hirosaki is much less well known overseas. As an interpreter guide however, in terms of tourist content, Hirosaki has more to offer than any other city in Japan, and the content is so rich and varied that we don't have a hard time to giving tours to foreign tourists. This is due to the fact that Tsugaru region remains hidden gem.




In fact, when the Czech National Broadcasting Corporation visited Aomori Prefecture in July and August to cover the Nebuta festival, we took staff out to Tsugaru. But once the director visited the first destination, she was all out for another filming.

Permission for the air was finally granted from HQ. And it was aired in the country on December 4. Unlike the Nebuta ver. with the Chinese BGM, it seems they adjusted it this time.





It should be noted that Hirosaki, famous for its cherry blossoms, attracted foreign media attention for something other than cherry blossoms.

It will be interesting to see how the people of the Czech Republic perceive this small city in Far East Asia, and we hope that the charm of Japan will be conveyed well beyond Tsugaru.

These two programs are a great accomplishment for us!!

We hope that the Czech people who showed interest in Tsugaru through the programs will visit Tsugaru someday.


The program is shared with the consent of the TV station.