【Czech State Broadcasting:Aug 6th】



それは、有名なねぶた師の作品ほど、夜、灯りが灯った時に最も美しく見えるよう設計されていることだ。そうした作品の多くは、伝統的な手法で製作されているため日中は比較的目立たないものの、灯りが灯った瞬間にどの山車よりも輝きを放つ。そして、今年の大賞とそれに次ぐ賞を受賞したのは今回我々が取材した竹浪さんの作品2台である。早速これを報告したところチェコ国営放送のディレクターも大変喜んでいた。This time, due to tensions between the U.S. and China, the director had to return to Tokyo following day, so the planned Akita tour was abruptly canceled and only the Nebuta Festival was covered. Upon filming, I explained to the director that the wonder of Nebuta Masters is that the float’s design is based on only a draft drawing, in other words, they have the 3D structure in mind at the draft stage. Through the day and night filming, I discovered a new surprise. What I noticed was that the more famous an artist is, the more calculated it is to make his or her work look beautiful when lit at night. Although those works are made in traditional fashion and are relatively "inconspicuous" during the day, from the moment they are lit, they shine brighter than any other floats. And this year's grand prize and the second best prize were awarded to Mr. Takenami's 2 works that we interviewed for this report. I immediately reported this to the director of Czech National TV, and she was very pleased as well.

さて、 3年ぶりに開催された「ねぶた祭」、世の中を少しずつ以前の状態に戻りつつある事を実感させてくれた。一方、阿波踊りを始めとした日本の代表的祭りは消える可能性があり、日本で一番有名なねぶた祭でさえ例外ではないという新聞の社説を5~6年前に読んだことがある。


The Nebuta, held for the first time in three years, made me realize that the world is slowly returning to its previous state. On the other hand, I once read a newspaper editorial that the festival of Japan can disappear and even the most famous Nebuta Festival in Japan is no exception. After the Nebuta Festival was suspended for two years, it turns out that many groups announced they stop to participate for good due to a lack of successors. Editorials that I thought were impossible have become realistic.※Photographs are posted with the consent of the people concerned.