10月3日 クイーン・エリザベスなどを運航する英船会社「キュナード・ライン」が発表した「寄港地観光ツアートップ10」で、八甲田山にある酸ヶ湯温泉がトップに選出された。ただ、誰が何を基準に選定のか不明なうえ、選定理由では温泉について一切触れていない。

October 3, 2010 Cunard Line, the British shipping company that operates the Queen Elizabeth, has selected Sukayu Onsen hot springs in Mt. Hakkoda, Aomori Prefecture, as the best in their “Top 10 Destination Sightseeing Tours. However, it is unclear who selected it and on what criteria, and there is no mention of the most important factor, hot spring, in the reasons for the selection.


自分は酸ヶ湯温泉の高田主任の協力の下、永年、独自にクルーズ船のゲスト向けに旅館内を解説するツアーを個人レベルで実施してきた。その独自ツアーでは老若男女問わず ほとんどが興味を示し、自分の解説に真剣に耳を傾ける。おそらく、それは欧米人にとって古宿の湯治が異文化、異空間であるからだろう。そうした経験からすると、最大の売りである泉質、湯治、混浴の文化など、酸ヶ湯独特の魅力を伝なければ正当な判断などできない筈だ。その魅力が伝わらずに訪日客が間違った認識を持ってここを訪れた結果、「世界で最も失望した観光地」のレッテルを貼られる危険性さえある。そうなれば今回の結果はむしろ逆効果となる。

For many years, under the support by Mr. Takada, the chief manager of Sukayu Onsen, I have been giving tours for guests of cruise ships in my own style, walking the inside of ryokan (Japanese-style inn).  Most of the guests, young and old, male and female, showed great interest in the tours and listened intently to my explanations every time I give. Perhaps this is because a traditional Japanese "hot-spring treatments" at an old inn is a different culture and space for Westerners. Based on my experiences, it would be impossible to make a valid judgment wothout conveying the unique charms of Sukayu, such as the quality of the springs, the hot-spring treatments, and the mixed bathing culture, which are its greatest features. If foreign tourists fail to appreciate the charms of Sukayu hot spring, it might be known as “the world's most disappointing tourist destination” with their wrong perception. If this happens, the results of this result will have the opposite effect.


【インタビューを受けたニュース映像 ~ TV News footage】


By Chief Takada's contact, the other day, then I was interviewed by a TV station. I spoke about the charms of Sukayu hot spring from a Westerner's point of view. However, the current issues that I prioritize the most were omitted from the news. One of the issues is that I am the only one who can give the tour.  Since the inn tour has high potential to become a popular tour, it is urgent for tour operators to make it "official tour" by getting agreement with this inn. With this in mind, I have been lobbying major travel agencies for several times. If this can be made, it will be possible to give an inn tour for any interpreter-guide.


The next thing I wanted to convey was to build a firm relationship among stakeholders. Last year, the New York Times ranked Morioka, Iwate prefecture, as the second best city to visit in the world, but no one talks about it anymore. No matter how buzzworthy a city may be, if they can't provide continuous topics, they will fade away from people's memories in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, cities that have established themselves as popular among foreign tourists, such as Kyoto, which is ranked number one in the world in the “World's Most Popular Cities” ranking, have been conveying their charms to attract tourists for many years.



かつて、あるシンクタンクが、東北地方には継続性ある魅力発信や組織の一体感が著しく欠如していると指摘している。今回の話題から、官民学による協力体制を速やかに構築し、県を挙げて酸ヶ湯の魅力を発信し続ける事ができればと願う。他にも県内に沢山ある秘湯(青荷温泉、谷地温泉、猿倉温泉、下北 薬研温泉など)への波及効果も期待できる。ひいては東北の魅力発信にも繋がる筈だ。

One think tank once pointed out that there is a serious lack of continuity and a sense of unity among Tohoku region. Based on this topic, I hope that a cooperative system between the public, private, and academic sectors can be quickly established and that the charms of Sukayu can be spread wildly. In the long run, this should lead to the promotion of Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture, and by extension, the Tohoku region.


In order to make the most of the reputation of being the best in the world that only Sukayu hot spting was given, it is necessary to create a system that will attract money to the inn and to promote its charms in a sustainable manner. There are worth enough charms to promote to overseas here.  Once everything is in place, it is our member, "competent" interpreter guides, duty to convey those charms without leaving anything out.

※過去の酸ヶ湯関連投稿内容Past posts related to Sukayu


