23 December tweets. | barchieのブログ

23 December tweets.



This morning, we completed half of the rehearsal period. Afterwards, I waited until night. Annual event to dine at a Soba shop. The year final annual work finished at over 5 o’clock. 


On the day of rehearsal day at the hall. I didn’t have any assigned tasks. I completed some work to support our team. Afterwards, We dined a relatively luxurious Yakitori shop. 


I attended a rehearsal at “ioi”st.  I met Motchi for the first time in about a year. Afterwards, I visited the hall and supported our team until 11 o’clock. 


I attended a meeting to set up location at IOI st. Afterwards, I went to the office and completed preparation for tomorrow. It was too harder than I thought, as it was a one-man oparation.


I went to leo to pick up repaired Rhoz. Our team completed preparations for the sng battle.  Afterwards, loaded it in and set it up. 


I attended the recording for the annual year-end special TV program. After that, the band change the studio to rehearsal for same program. 


I went to the office, completed several tasks in preparation for tomorrow's work, and participated in a meeting for the annual year-end sng battle.


My family and I went to Chofu for Christmas shopping. We had Tanmen for lunch. Afterwards, I took a short nap as I felt a bit tired. Finaly, we enjoyed our Christmas dinner.


Matsu successfully performed a show in Chiba with almost no troubles. After the show, I enjoyed drink with Azuma and Mackie on the Yokosuka line.


I arrived at the office at noon and bought a cup noodle of chili tomato. After completing some tasks, I headed to Chiba for tomorrow's work. 


I commuted to the office by bicycle and completed some tasks. An equipment that was supposed to arrive today didn't.


I attended a rehearsal at Shinanomachi.  A young member has join our team aas a new player.  After the rehearsal, we went out to eat in Shinjuku.


I took a day off. I didn't drink alcohol last night. I spent the entire day at home. I completed a task to back up data on my PC.


This morning, I arrived at the office at 6:30. I've been frequently assingned to early shift recently. I participated in new program instead of the one that abruptly cancelled in the hall. However, there was only a small amount of work that I needed to do. I had to return to the office to pick up the necessary equipment for my work the day after tomorrow.


This morning, I attended 1o1st in early in the day. After completing my tasks, I returned to the office. I picked up a coffee for a break. After finising some tmore asks, I returned home early. 


Today was  long day. I arrived at the office at 6:30 AM and transported equipments to Takesiba. Afterwards, I headed to Shibuya and waited near the park until noon, setting up to tomorrow's work. Upon returning to the office. I prepared for next week's tasks. Finaly, I went back to Takeshiba to retreve the equipments. I had dinner in yudetarou. 


Setagaya Avenue was very busy. I used it to commute to Shibuya. A festival at the “boro” market took place around Shoin Temple. I spent the entire the day completing various tasks.


For breakfast, I had a grilled beef bento that I had saved from yeasterday's meal. I attended the office.  I completed some tasks.


I couldn’t sleep well, getting only about three hours of rest. I visited Odaiba for two consecutive days. On the way there, I made a misstake and borded the wrong train. My work was completed with almost no troubles. I felt sleely the entire day.


Today,I went to Odaiba to support a performace at the song sing Festival. Unfortunately, the  Rinkai line was delayed. It was a long day that didn't end until one o’clock in the morning.


Today, I took a day off. In the morning, I spent some time reading books and checking the stock market. I also made some estimates. For dinner, I prepared a delicious Georgia chiken meal. 


I went to Tennouzu for a work as a technical staff member for DJ equipment. A DJ brought only a PC, but he didn’t have enough cables. I managed support him.


I took an unscheduled day off because I had fever yesterday. My fever has almost returned to normal. I spent almost the entire day. My family went to Tokyo station to buy a birthday present for my son. 


This morning, I work up with a fever. I was uncertain whether I should go to hospital or not. Despite my condition, I decided to go to work, a decision I later regreted. My health deteriorated thoughout the day. Eventually, I returned home and decided to visit the hospital. I initially suspected that I had influenza, but it turned out to be a common cold.


This morning, I left my home and realized I had forgotten my cell phone. I attended to my work deligently, despite feeling slightly under the weather. To pass the time, I bought a book. Fortunately, my work finished early today.


I've completed some tasks related to transport a equipments and checking the sound of the "seq" data from matsu. I might have caught a cold, as I'm feeling slightly under the weather. 


I took a day off. My son had influenza. I need to look after him, but he has almost recovered from his illness. I made flied chiken skin, which is my son's favorite dish. in the afternoon, I cleaned the  oil pot that I used for frying. I used sodium sesquicarbonate, also known as  "sesuki tansan soda". which has a marvelous power to clean awful oil stains. Afterwards, My children and I enjoyed playing animal chess.


I rode my bicycle to the office. I spent the entire day fulfilling some responsibilities, Which included organizing storage and replacing mute pad entire a day.


This morning, my son come down with a fever. Meanwhile, my wife accompnied our daughter to an information session at her prospective high school. For lunch, I whipped up some fried rice, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the entire family. Post-lunch, I spent some time engrossed in a few books. Later, in the evening, I headed out for my late shift at work.


I rode my bicycled to the office in early this morning. The cold temperature made me realize that winter has arrived. I completed as  an early bird and accomplished my mission  punctually. When I returned home, my family was enjoying cup noodles, which filled the hose with a pleasant aroma. My son offered me curry soup, and I made soup gyoza for my lunch. After a short nap, I took spent the afternoon readin a book.


I rode my bicycle to the office today. Deciding to I take a half day off, I attended a meeting of kabr'z also by bicycle. After the meeting, I returned my home and enjoyed a special shrimp edition cup noodle.