NEW Facelift Class in Vancouver ☆ | Love is Like a Rainbow ☆ 

Love is Like a Rainbow ☆ 





















The Access Facelift™ has been used in salons, spas, private sessions, doctor’s offices, wellness centers and anti-aging clinics.



What clients have noticed after receiving a process:




・Lessening of lines and wrinkles
・Improved eyesight
・Firming and toning of facial muscles and overall skin
・Healing of and reversal of the scarring process
・Healthier skin and overall appearance







The energy permeates your whole body, inviting all of you to reclaim your natural vitality.

And it gets better........the energetic facelift is about much more than just looking younger and better! 



The energies are literally changing the way your body functions – as the cells return to their original blueprint, 


as you release held in trauma in your face, your jaw, your eyes, and as you release the judgement you have of you and aging – a miracle occurs!

You start to feel way more alive, joyful, your natural vitality and spontaneity and love for life return, and that energy starts to affect other areas of your life too – so your whole life can change!!!





the symptom of Alzheimer improved:












And if you can notice the difference from just one session, imagine what it would be like if you had more than one?



Learn the Access Energetic Facelift® with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits if this dynamic process on a weekly basis.


The day's training in itself is an amazing experience:

you will receive the delicious process, and you will gift the process – 


you will be fully guided in placing your hands gently on different parts of the face, neck and head and allowing the different energies to run

You will receive clearings around aging and vitality and becoming more alive and vital


You will receive a manual and a diagram which gives you information on the process, running the process, hands positions for the process, 



It's a certified day – so you will be able to offer it to clients, friends and family. It is a great addition to your work, if you're a healer, a bodyworker, or work in beautician.






宝石赤    Part of the Video in the class :


「What is Access Facelift?」













You can also continue to receive the process through swaps and shares with other people who have also learned the process– 



and the benefits for the face and the body are cumulative.

Possibilities for your life showing up better than you may have ever imagined!



Facilitator Facebook  :   Miyuki Shintani



Registration & Contact :










筋肉バランスが整って、体の不調なども改善されて、本来の体が持つ機能を進化させていくものに なっています。










もちろん 子供たちの健やかな発育にも。



















「新生フェイスリフトでHappy Body」


「続 ワンネスの魔法」 






9月 17日(日)  10:00~16:00


受講料 : 200ドル  
      15歳以下は無料 ・16歳&17歳は 半額



※ クラスは、日本語と英語通訳で行われます。








※「Access Bars in Vancouver」



