セルビアのベオグラードで短歌を詠む会 'Tanka' | IORI handmade 旅と絵

IORI handmade 旅と絵

美大院卒→フィレンツェ留学→世界一周→結婚→出産→子育て 旅の絵を描いています。InstagramとYou TubeチャンネルもIORI handmadeです。

Today I felt so good!! I went out from afternoon.

Asian noodle with soy sauce.

Oil on canvas. Abstract art is really interesting.
It was good paint!!

There were many paints outside.


He was painting four elements.


I was thinking something at the garden of a castle in the bank of Danube.


I like to space out.

Even if we are anywhere in the world,we can see the same moon.

That is our heart and what it is all about.

月見れば  Tsukimireba
同じ國なり  Onajikuninari
山こそば  Yamakosoba
君があたりを  Kimiga atariwo
隔てたりけれ  Hedatetarikere

あしひきの  Ashihikino
山は無くもが  Yamawa nakumoga 
月見れば  Tsukimireba
同じく里を  Onajikusatowo
心隔てつ  Kokorohedatetsu

万葉集十八巻  Manyōsyū 18





黄昏れて  Tasogarete
里を染めし  Satowosomeshi
まほろばの  Mahorobano
隔てし君にも  Hedateshi kiminimo
月は上がりぬ  Tsukiwa agarinu

Belgrade, Serbia
By myself

Manyōsyū is the oldest japanese anthology of 1300 years ago.

In the anthology, there were two short poems (Tanka) about moon written by Ōtomo no Ikenushi and Ōtomo no Yakamochi.
Ikenushi sent Yakamochi the first one.
After that, Yakamochi answered the second one.

Ikenushi said that 'When I see the moon, I feel like I stay with you. However, mountains separate our'.

Yakamochi answered 'If there are not mountains, we wouldn't drift apart'.

I feel that a feeling or heart haven't changed all through the ages.

The third poem, I write in the first time :D

Writing 'Tanka' is very difficult. Because we have to make using five units: 5 7 5 7 7. Each unit has 5 or 7 sounds. This is rule.

Most japanese sounds consist vowels. Therefore older japanese had a rule of poetry like this.

