Orthodox psychotherapy pdf template

Orthodox Psychotherapy in Action

Orthodox Psychotherapy PDF eBook by Hierotheos Vlachos, Esther Williams (2005) Review ePub. Orthodox Psychotherapy. 665 likes 2 talking about this. The Orthodox understanding of how the communion of our souls with God, our Creator, is the medicine of all mental and psychological illnesses.

Whereas “Orthodox Psychotherapy” sets out the teachings of the Fathers of the Church as a spiritual hospital where man is healed of his spiritual sickness, The science of spiritual medicine deals with the practical aspect. It is about Orthodox psychotherapy in action

Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Format

It should be stressed that man is healed of his spiritual illness within the Church, which is the body of Christ, a community of deification and “the Gospel of the Kingdom” (Matt. 4:23, 9:35, 24:14, Mark1:14) This healing is not some sort of theoretical system, but the action of the Church’s ascetic and neptic tradition.

Orthodox psychotherapy pdf file

The three basis Sacraments are Baptism, which is the introductory Sacrament; Christmation, through which we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit; and the Divine Eucharist, by which we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. As well as all the other Sacraments , the whole of the Church’s life belongs in this perspective.

Jcb 3cx 1989 manual online. The three basis Sacraments are Baptism, which is the introductory Sacrament; Christmation, through which we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit; and the Divine Eucharist, by which we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. As well as all the other Sacraments , the whole of the Church’s life belongs in this perspective.


When we speak of the Church’s ascetic and neptic tradition we are referring to our effort to practice Christ’s commandments in our everyday life and to follow in its entirety the method analyzed by the Fathers of the Church. Through this method, by the grace of God and our own endeavor, we cleanse our nous from thoughts and fantasies, transform our passions (in other words, the powers of the soul) and acquire communion with God.

Orthodox psychotherapy pdf free

If every branch of knowledge inevitable includes both theory and practice, the same is true of our Orthodox Tradition. Man is made up of soul and body, and there is mutual interaction between them, particularly in his fallen state. The passions of the soul also act upon the body, and the bodily passions influence the soul and every aspect of human behavior. In addition, various biochemical processes take place within the body and the brain which affect man’s psychological world.

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A human being is not an autonomous entity, but a person who relates to God, other people, society and the environment. When these relationships are disturbed, this has consequences for the person on the spiritual, psychological and physical level. The devil also influences human beings in various ways and this demonic activity is resisted by means of man’s free will, which is strengthened by the grace of Christ.

Some so-called psychological problems are due to biological or neurological causes, others to spiritual causes (the loss of a person’s relationship with God), and others to demonic activity; these factors also influence one another. It is important for someone to be able to discern these causes, to see the mutual action between them, and to take steps to heal people. When Father Paisios encountered such cases, he would sometimes say, “What is needed is prayer and spiritual life within the Church.” At other times he would recommend, “Go to the doctor”, and sometimes he used to state categorically, “The child needs help from a saint”, in other words, he urged them to visit places where the relics of saints are keep, so that the demons would go away.

There is a scriptural basis for this distinction, as is clear from the occasion when people who were “moonstruck” were healed. Those referred to as “moonstruck” were people with epilepsy, whose illness was due to organic damage to the brain and who acted in a particular way. In those day’s this was regarded as due to the influence of the moon, so such people were called “moonstruck”. Sometimes those possessed by evil spirits were also referred to as “moonstruck”. According to St. John Chrystom the moon has no affect in these cases, but the devil in his wickedness this impress by attacking people “according to the phase of the moon”. St. Mathew the evangelist uses the word “moonstruck” in both of these senses.

In one passage, recording the healing of someone possessed by the devil, he writes, “They came to Him a certain man, Kneeling down to Him, and saying, Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic [“moonstruck”], and sore vexed.”Because Christ knew that this was the work of demons. He “Rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour ” (Matt, 17:14-18). Here someone regarded as “Moonstruck” was possessed by an evil spirit.

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Elsewhere the same Evangelist gives another meaning to the word “Moonstruck”. He writes, “And they brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers disease and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic [“Moonstruck”],and those that had the pals; and He healed them” (Matt. 4:24), A very clear distinction is made here between those possessed by evil spirits the “moonstruck”, and the paralyzed, which is why the word “and” is inserted between each category of people. In this case the “moonstruck” are not possessed by demons but suffer from what we nowadays refer to as epilepsy: they are epileptics with disorder of the nervous system. Those possessed by evil spirits have been overpowered by the devil. And “those who had the palsy” are suffering from physical illness. The difference is very clear.

Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Free

These clarifications are essential to enable us to distinguish between what is spiritual and what is physical, and to prevent us attributing to the devil something that is a physical illness, or ascribing something demonic to those who are physically sick. Thus we neither reject medical science and its work, and the biological functions of the human organism, or do we overlook spiritual illnesses and their causes, which subsequently create physical disorders as well.

Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Format

What is written here refers mainly to spiritual problems that concern human beings in connection with their communion with God, and not to neurotic or psychotic conditions. I pray that those who read this may benefit from it, so that God may be glorified.”

Interpersonal Psychotherapy Pdf

Written in Nafpaktos on the 30th June 2008, the Feast of the Holy Apostles – The Metropolitan of Nafpaktos, Hierotheos, copyright- 9789607070661

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CONTENTS:Translator's Note
Preface to the english edition
Author's Prologue
    1. What Christianity is
    2. Theology as a therapeutic science
    3. What therapy is
    4. Method of therapy - therapeutic treatment. How then is the soul cured?
    1. Rekindling the Spiritual Gift
      Basic qualities of priest therapists
    2. Spiritual Priesthood
    3. The search for Therapists
    1. The soul (`psyche')
    2. What the soul is
      Sickness and dying of the soul
      Therapy of the soul
    3. Interrelations of soul, nous, heart and mind

    4. Nous and soul
      Nous and heart
      Nous and reason
      Nous and attention
    5. Nous, heart and thoughts
      1. The nous

      2. The natural life of the nous
        Sickness of the nous
        Curing the nous
      3. The heart
      4. What the heart is
        Characterisations of the heart
        Sickness of the heart
        Curing the heart

        I. Intelligence
        II.Thoughts - Logismoi
        What logismoi are
        The cause of evil thoughts
        Consequences of evil thoughts
        Curing of evil thoughts
    1. What the passions are
    2. Types of passions and their development
    3. Cure of the passions
    4. Dispassion
    1. Hesychia, or stillness
    2. Hesychasm
    1. The three kinds of knowledge according to St. Isaac the Syrian
    2. Knowledge of God according to St. Gregory Palamas
    Index of persons
    Index of subjects

This book contains the important message that the church can heal an ailing personality. The term 'Orthodox Psychotherapy' does not refer to specific cases of people suffering from psychological problems of neurosis. Rather it refers to all people. According to Orthodox Tradition, after Adam;s fall man became ill; his 'nous' was darkened and lost communion with God. Death entered into the person's being and caused many anthropological, social, even ecological problems. In the tragedy of his fall man maintained the image of God within him but lost completely the the likeness of Him, since his communion with God was disrupted. However the incarnation of Christ and the work of the church aim at enabling the person to attain to the likeness of God, that is to reestablish communion with God. This passage way from a fallen state to divinization is called the healing of the person, because it is connected with his return from a state of being contrary to nature, to that of a state according to nature and above nature. By adhering to Orthodox therapeuthic treatment as conceived by the Holy Fathers of Church man can cope succesfully with his thoughts (logismoi) and thus solve his problems completely and comprehensively.

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