[Taiwan's new puppet President Lai Ching-te said in his inaugural address, "the Republic of China Taiwan is a sovereign, independent nation", May 2024][1]

By forcing their pawn Taiwan to declare independence, the US and UK would try to draw China into a Taiwan war and prolong the war as long as possible, during which they would attempt to launch a coup and uprising in the Chinese mainland to topple the Chinese Communist Party government.

The US and UK's plot will fail.

In case a Taiwan war breaks out either by DPP's desperate declaration of independence forced by the US or the US's false-flag operation in which the US destroys its own warship and claims it is China's attack, a Taiwan war will be finished quickly by China's victory.

As the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, the intervention by the US, Japan, Australia, NATO or whatever nations will constitute an aggression. In accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter, the war will become China's legal and legitimate defensive war against evil aggressors.

China will put into the operation a huge maximum massive amount of military personnel, warships, warplanes, military vehicles, missiles, paratroopers, special operation forces, civilian ships and everything that China can mobilize as much as possible from the day one.

Also, after a warning to evacuate, China will destroy the aggressor US's military air bases in Japan and the Philippines with hundreds of hypersonic ballistic and cruise missiles so that China will have air supremacy over Taiwan.

PLA's colossal gigantic blitz will overwhelm Taiwan military forces quickly.

Above all, Taiwan has only 90 days stockpiles of oil and 2 weeks stockpiles of natural gas. Considering China's probable saturated intensive attack against Taiwan's oil tanks and liquefied natural gas tanks, Taiwan will run up its oil and gas storage within a few weeks. A war is all about logistics. A Taiwan war will be finished quickly. [2]

At the same time, to prevent oil and gas supply, China will impose naval blockade around Taiwan so that no oil tankers, no liquefied natural gas carriers and no freight ships can approach.

On the side of the US, for the purpose of prolonging Taiwan War as long as possible, the US may launch the largest scale supply and logistical operations together with Japan, Australia and NATO countries to sustain Taiwan's resistance.

The US may desperately organize multi-national naval fleet and convoys that would supply weapons, ammunitions, oil, natural gas, foods and other necessities to Taiwan through the Bashi Channel between the Philippines and Taiwan.

However, such convoy operations will be destroyed and neutralized as China will have air supremacy. Convoys without air cover are suicidal.

The US and Japan may put aircraft carriers to escort a convoy. But, Chinese ballistic missiles will destroy both US and Japan's aircraft carriers and a convoy.

The US may deploy cruise missile submarines to launch cruise missiles from thousands kilometers away to attack Chinese warships that are imposing the blockade.

However, according to news reports, China is developing a hyper radar that can detect a missile incoming from up to 4,500km away. US attack submarines’ Tomahawk missiles have a range of only 2,500 km. China's hyper radar can detect and locate a missile launched by US submarines as soon as the launching, and China's navy vessels will kill US submarines with missile-torpedoes. [3][4]

In addition, China would destroy Taiwan's harbor facilities such as piers, container cranes, gantry cranes, transfer cranes and container yards so that the US-led convoy would not be able to unload and supply weapons, ammunitions, foods or other necessities to Taiwan.

[A container yard in Kaohsiung, Taiwan]

China would also destroy Taiwan's oil terminals, oil pumping facilities, LNG terminals and LNG pumping facilities so that the US-led convoy would not be able to unload and supply oil or liquefied natural gas to Taiwan.

[Taiwan Chinese Petroleum's oil terminal]

[Taiwan Chinese Petroleum's liquefied natural gas terminal in Kaohsiung, Taiwan]

The US may try to construct portable artificial harbors in Taiwan shores like Mulberry harbors assembled during the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944.

[Mulberry B harbor at "Gold Beach" in Arromanches, France in 1944]

But, such artificial portable harbors will be instantly destroyed by China.

In case, the US uses tactical nuclear weapons against PLA forces, China, with no hesitation and no mercy, will retaliate by attacking with tactical nuclear weapons the US's military bases in Japan, the Philippines, Guam, and Hawaii.

Recently, China revised and updated her anti-espionage law. It is a timely revision. The US and UK's attempt to stage a coup and uprising in the Chinese mainland will be foiled completely.

Thank you.

(1) Inaugural Address of ROC 16th-term President Lai Ching-te, May 20th 2024, Office of the President, Republic of China (Taiwan)

(2) "Assessing Taiwan’s strategic energy stockpiles", May 7th 2022, Caribbean News Global

(3) "China Begins Development Of World’s ‘Most Powerful’ Warship Radar That Can Track Multiple Targets Upto Guam", June 7th 2023, The EurAsian Times

(4) "China develops an anti-submarine missile-torpedo hybrid weapon", August 17th 2016, Next Big Future

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect nor represent the policy or position of any government, party, or organization.