I am writing this article not for the purpose of smearing China at all. I am writing this article for the purpose of asking China to pay attention to her most formidable enemies, i.e. the Oxford network.

1. Jewish international financial power's tendency to penetrate into and take over from inside

After having visited African nations of Egypt, Tunisia, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire in January, China's top diplomat Wang Yi attended the Munich Security Conference and visited European nations of Germany, Spain and France in February. Wang Yi is doing a great job as always. [1][2]

[Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also Director of the CCP Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission Office, talking to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Madrid, Spain, February 2024]

It is necessary and important for China to forge good relations with EU countries especially when the US government, both Trump administration and Biden administration, regards China as a strategic competitor, trying to contain China militarily and economically.

Some people may liken the EU-China ties against the US to the KMT–CCP Alliance against Imperial Japan of 1937 to 1945.

However, Jewish international financial power represented by EU and UK is totally different from KMT. Unlike KMT, Jewish international financial power would try to penetrate into China and take over China from inside.

When it is difficult to destroy its enemy from outside, Jewish international financial power tries to penetrate into the enemy and destroy or take over from inside as exemplified in the case of collapse of Soviet Union.

It is probable that, while the US is taking a hard attitude against China, EU and UK are taking a soft and lenient attitude so that they can come close to China. It is all orchestrated.

After all, despite some differences and frictions, EU and the US/UK are birds of the same feather. They are all "rich people first" and really hate China's "people first" and Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Thus, they will do anything to destroy or take over China.

Under these circumstances, China especially needs to be vigilant and guard herself against the Oxford network. Graduates of Oxford University have been playing central and most notorious roles in Britain's imperialism, which include Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, to name among others. Bill Clinton and Jake Sullivan are Oxonians too, being sent to Oxford University through Rhodes scholarships. China needs to beware Oxonians. They are everywhere in various governments.

[Cecil Rhodes, who was a committed imperialist, Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, and a founder of Rhodes Scholarship]

[Alfred Milner, who was born in Germany, became a British Governor of the Cape Colony and High Commissioner for Southern Africa, and a British secretary of state for war during the WW1.]

[University of Oxford]

2. The Bo Xilai incident

China must remember the Bo Xilai incident very well. Bo Xilai was a rising star in the Chinese hierarchy. Born as a son of former Chinese Vice Premier, he was steadily promoted to be a provincial governor, a Minister of Commerce and CCP Committee secretary of Chongqing. He initiated a series of Maoist-style campaigns called 'red culture' movement and was even considered the main political rival of Xi Jinping before Xi Jinping became the paramount leader of China. [3]

[Bo Xilai, CCP Committee secretary of Chongqing]

Bo Xilai and his wife had close relationship with a British merchant, Neil Heywood, who was revealed to have worked as a consultant for the business intelligence firm set up by former MI6 officers and had a contact with an MI6 officer. Heywood helped the Bo Xilai family to secretly move large sums of money overseas. [4][5]

When Heywood had a dispute with Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, over commission for his services and threatened to reveal the family's business dealings and overseas assets, Gu Kailai poisoned and murdered him.

[Neil Heywood, Gu Kailai, Bo Xilai and son Bo Guagua]

After the death of Neil Heywood, Bo Xilai was removed from the posts and expelled from the Chinese Communist Party. He was charged with bribery, abuse of power and corruption and sentenced to life imprisonment.

[Bo Xilai in his trial]

Incidentally, Bo and Gu's son, Bo Guagua, attended Harrow School in the United Kingdom, and was later admitted to Balliol College, Oxford. [6]

3. Beware the Oxford network

In this context, I have a concern over Oxford-related persons in the Chinese government.

Once again, I am writing this article not for the purpose of smearing China at all. I am writing this article for the purpose of asking China to pay attention to her most formidable enemies. As a person who studied national security at a graduate school, I tend to think about the worst case. I am sincerely hoping that my concern is just an imaginary fear.

One of Oxford-related persons in the Chinese government is Liu Jianchao, who is rumored to be the next foreign minister of China.

After he graduated Beijing Foreign Studies University, Liu Jianchao studied International Relations at Oxford University from 1986 (at age 22) to 1987 (at age 23). [7]

[Liu Jianchao, who is rumored to be the next foreign minister of China]

There is no doubt that Liu Jianchao is a very able and excellent person. He began working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its Translation Office. He went on to hold various positions in departments and embassies, including the first secretary of the Chinese embassy in the United Kingdom from 1995 to 1998, counselor at the Information Department from 1998 to 2000. [8]

He became Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines in 2009 and Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia in 2012.

[The newly-appointed Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao presented letter of credence to Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia at Merdeka Palace]

In 2015, Liu Jianchao was promoted to become the head of the International Cooperation Agency of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, making him the top official in charge of anti-corruption effort outside mainland China.

He became the chief spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the director-general of its Information Department.

Liu Jianchao is the current head of the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party.

I am not saying Liu Jianchao is a part of the Oxford network. I believe that Liu Jianchao is very sincere, dedicated and loyal to the Chinese Communist Party.

What I would like to point out is the fact that Britain and Oxford are super-good at covert secret operations and penetrating into a foreign government. Britain and Oxford can approach foreign government officials and use them, with or without their even knowing about it.

Back in the history of WW2, Britain carried out so-called operation "Double-Cross System". It was a counter-espionage operation against the Nazi Germany. MI5 captured Nazi agents in Britain and turned them to the Britain's side. Then, MI5 used them as double agents, making them send out true but trifle intelligence to Germany so as to convince Germany that they were still on the German side. And, finally, at the most critical juncture such as Normandy landing operation, these double agents sent out to Germany false intelligence (such as "It is Pas-de-Calais that the Allied forces will land!") so that German counter-landing operations would be disrupted. [9]

The operation was overseen by the Twenty Committee under the chairmanship of Sir John Cecil Masterman, who studied at Worcester College, Oxford and later became Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. [10]

[Sir John Cecil Masterman OBE]

When you look at Liu Jianchao's profile, you would notice that he studied International Relations at Oxford University from 1986 to 1987 and that he served as the first secretary of the Chinese embassy in the United Kingdom from 1995 to 1998. During these periods of staying in Britain, he might have cultivated human relations with various many British people. There is a possibility that there were MI5 and MI6 officials or their agents among them. They approach a foreign government official and provide various benefits to him, establishing trust and amicable relations.

Liu Jianchao is famous for his excellent job in so-called "Fox-Hunting" as the head of the International Cooperation Agency of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. He led the Operation Fox Hunt whose aim is to hunt corrupt Chinese officials overseas, which has led to the arrest of over 40 of its 100 most wanted globally. [11]

His excellent success in hunting corrupt Chinese officials overseas made him win vast trust and appreciation of the Chinese government. But, there is a possibility that he might have been helped by the Oxford network to find, identify and extradite those criminals overseas, with or without his knowing about it. At least, it can be said that it would be an easy task for the Oxford network to facilitate the arrest and extradition of corrupt Chinese officials hidden in various countries because the Oxford network has connections to both legal societies and illegal criminal societies.

Another thing that seems to be queer is that unusually many Western media are reporting that Liu Jianchao would be the next foreign minister of China as if they wanted to facilitate and lead to his promotion and appointment as foreign minister. [12][13][14]

[As if he were a China's foreign minister, CCP International Liaison Department Minister, Liu Jianchao, was welcomed and met by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the State Department in Washington, January 2024]

This phenomenon may remind you of the situation back in 1980s in which many Western media reported that Mikhail Gorbachev was a rising star in Kremlin and predicted that he would be the next general secretary of the Soviet Union. Margaret Thatcher played a significant role to introduce and praise him as a leader of the Soviet Union. What happened to the Soviet Union after Gorbachev's leadership is needless to mention.

[Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher]

4. Ramifications and solutions

If China appoints an Oxford-educated person as foreign minister, China might lose Africa's heartfelt support to China because Oxford is the symbol of colonization of Africa.

[The Rhodes Colossus, an editorial cartoon published by Punch magazine in 1892, which depicts Cecil Rhides' desire to build a "Cape to Cairo" rail and telegraph line]

[The Second Boer War (1899-1902), the most "imperialistic" war: UK sent as many as more than 400 thousand troops (British and Colonial troops combined) to South Africa to conquer gold and diamond mines found there]

[Alfred Milner, Governor of the Cape Colony and High Commissioner for Southern Africa and his Staff, Cape Town, South Africa. Milner administered the Second Boer War]

If Africa's presidents and PMs are asked whether they would welcome an Oxford-educated Chinese foreign minister, their answer would be "No!" They hate the accent of Oxford English because it reminds them of colonial days. Oxford English is appreciated only by EU and the US.

If China appoints an Oxford-educated person as foreign minister, China will lose Arab countries' heartfelt support to China. UK former PM Tony Blair, who studied at Oxford, is notorious for having produced a fake report on Iraqi WMD that lead to the US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003.

[UK PM Tony Blair with British soldiers in Basra, Iraq in 2006]

[US soldiers waving a US flag and a captured Iraqi flag]

If presidents and PMs of Arab countries are asked whether they would welcome an Oxford-educated Chinese foreign minister, their answer would be "No!" They hate the accent of Oxford English because it reminds them of UK's brutal invasion and suppression of Arab countries.

Currently, China's top diplomat Wang Yi has a position of both Director of the CCP Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission Office and China's Foreign Minister.

Wang Yi is an exceptionally excellent diplomat. Probably, he is the best diplomat in thousands years of history of China.

[Saudi national security adviser Musaad bin Mohammed al-Aiban (Left), Wang Yi, China's most senior diplomat and Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Beijing, March 2023]

[China and Arab-Islamic countries foreign ministers' talk held in Beijing, China in November 2023]

Thus, instead of appointing a new foreign minister, China should appoint five vice foreign ministers to support Wang Yi so that he can remain both Director of the CCP Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission Office and China's Foreign Minister.

[Wang Yi, China's foreign minister, and Toshihiro Nikai, Secretary General of Japan's ruling coalition party LDP (at that time)]

[Wang Yi, China's foreign minister, and Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of Japan's ruling coalition party Komeito]

Considering the most important and critical role of Chinese foreign minister for the fate of China and the mankind, the Chinese government needs to double-check and triple-check Liu Jianchao's human relations and connections.

Even if Liu Jianchao himself is perfectly 100% clear, persons around him or persons he appoints may have connections to the Oxford network.

Also, the Chinese government needs to double-check and triple-check other Chinese government officials who studied at Oxford or are related to Oxford.

千丈之堤以螻蟻之穴潰ー 韓非子 ("A thousand-foot embankment could collapse from an ant's hole." - Han Feizi)

Jewish international financial power represented by EU and UK will attempt to do anything conceivable to penetrate into the Chinese government and take over the wealth of China.

The fate and well-being of the entire mankind depends upon China and the Chinese Communist Party. China can never be too cautious and vigilant against foreign covert clandestine operations.

Thank you.

(1) "Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi to travel to Africa in Jan", January 11th 2024, Reuters

(2) "China's top diplomat Wang Yi to visit Germany, France, Spain in coming days", February 15th 2024, CNA

(3) Bo Xilai, Wikipedia

(4) "Dead British businessman in China had links to ex-MI6 officers' firm", march 27th 2012, Reuters

(5) "Neil Heywood 'briefed MI6 on Bo Xilai'", November 6th 2024, Reuters

(6) Bo Xilai, Wikipedia
(After studying at Oxford, Bo Guagua was admitted to Harvard Kennedy School to study public administration, which suggests that the US was supporting Bo Xilai as well.)

(7) "Liu Jianchao", Wikipedia

(8) "Liu Jianchao", Wikipedia

(9) Double-Cross System, Wikipedia

(10) John Cecil Masterman, Wikipedia

(11) Operation Fox Hunt, Wikipedia

(12) "Liu Jianchao: China's Shadow Foreign Minister", January 12th 2024, CSIS

(13) "He Hunted Corrupt Chinese Officials. Now He’s Set to Be Foreign Minister.", January 24th 2024, The Wall Street Journal

(14) China's Communist Party Liaison Chief Considered Top Foreign Minister Pick, February 2nd 2024, VOA

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect nor represent the policy or position of any government, party, or organization.