こどもの日♡息子との対話 | 〜•Aromathérapie médicinale•〜 大切な人のための*メディカルアロマテラピー*

〜•Aromathérapie médicinale•〜 大切な人のための*メディカルアロマテラピー*

école de santé et le stylede confortable
inca*rose : メディカルアロマテラピー、自然食 & 手仕事




”Mom, I want ask 'bout one question, regarding children.

Like recently the number of absences in school slightly but clearly rise up because of sm reason such as Mental issues, Bullying, uncomfortable relationship between family and protagonists. 

Do you have any idea what leads to getting those issues for children?”


♡ “ This is a very deep topic, so there are many possible cases.”

“ Speaking of Japan, I think a big part of it is that parents don't really think about what it means to be a parent.

Parents should provide food, clothing and shelter for their children. I think everyone knows this. Except in extreme cases.

However, there are also an increasing number of parents who don't even think about this. However, the problem is that there are individual differences in understanding of the role of parents beyond that.”

“ A child's basic sense of joy, anger, sadness, and happiness is developed while spending time with their family, so how their parents feel and behave on a daily basis has a huge influence on them.

For example, when I was raising my son, the most important thing I kept in mind was to show him that I was glad to be born and that life is fun. I was a single mother, so I was in a situation that people might think was pitiful, but I tried to show my son that I was living life happily and boldly, so that didn't matter. And I was able to do that.”

これは非常に奥が深いテーマなので、いろいろなケースが考えられる。 日本では、親が親であることの意味をあまり考えていないのが大きいと思う。親は子どもに衣食住を保障する。これは誰もが知っていることと思う、極端な場合は除いて。ただ、それすら考えられない親も増えてはいる。しかし問題は、それ以上の親の役割に対する認識で、それは個人差がある。


“ Yeah, true

We just live in our own way”


♡ “ I think the most important thing is for a child to unwaveringly believe that "it's ok for me to exist," "I'm forgiven," and "I'm loved." I read in a neuroscience book that this is necessary until age 1 and also until age 9, so I was able to put it into practice.

When my son was little, I would tell him every day, "Thank you for coming to me," and "You're the person I love the most." ”


“ Yep I still remember that words ”

“ This is just my prediction there is sm complicated background like children has idealism, emotional lack of communication, or no one cares about absences more carefully but I think also there is the difference of lifestyle between parents and children affects more impressively to every single person’s life”



♡ “ I think it is important for parents to care for the foundations of their children's minds. If a parent is absent for some reason, there is no problem if there is someone who takes this stance on a daily basis.”

“ This may be called idealism. If parents have not experienced the same care from their parents, they will unconsciously do to their children what their parents did for them. My parents were not perfect, but I was quite blessed. Also, I liked learning about child-rearing know-how from a neuroscience perspective. I don't think this is generally the case.

This may be called idealism. If parents have not experienced the same care from their parents, they will unconsciously do to their children what their parents did for them. My parents were not perfect, but I was quite blessed. Also, I liked learning about child-rearing know-how from a neuroscience perspective. I don't think this is generally the case.”



“ Yeah It depend on how you deal with uraelf”


♡ “ By sharing with your parents the frustrating relationships you have at school and having constructive conversations with them, your child will be able to communicate with themselves effectively, and will be able to go out into society.”


“ Uh huh so it means to make children feel safe, we need to communicate children more but not w phone”


♡ “ Today's children have very little dialogue. They don't have time to think constructively through dialogue. They don't know how to do it.

Society is full of stress, so people don't know how to relieve it by staying at home.


