9/9~ The 17th Letter ~ テレグラム 2024/9/9 | imaga114のブログ






~ The 17th Letter ~




~ The 17th Letter ~,

暴露:JFK 暗殺の軍事クーデターはトランプの軍事クーデターと衝突する軌道に — 偶然など何もない

歴史が解明されるにつれ、驚くべき真実が表面化し始めている。かつて JFK 暗殺を覆っていた影は、トランプの軍事クーデターをめぐる疑惑と絡み合っているようだ。隠れたつながりがいたるところにあるこの世界では、はっきりさせておきたいが、偶然など何もない。

歴史は繰り返すだけではない。注意深く見れば紛れもないリズムで反響するのだ。JFK 暗殺は単独犯によるものではなかった。軍事クーデターのささやきは、何十年も権力の殿堂に漂っていた。CIA の金庫室から国防総省の隠し部屋まで、憶測は避けられない。JFK は、体制に敢えて抵抗したために、秘密作戦、静かなクーデターの犠牲になったのだろうか?





JFK 暗殺とトランプのクーデター疑惑は、孤立した事件ではない。これらは、数十年にわたって続いている支配権争いという、より大きな陰謀の一部なのだ。注意を払わなければ、私たちはその集中砲火に巻き込まれることになるだろう。


Exposed: JFK Assassination Military Coup on Collision Course With Military Coup of Trump—NOTHING IS COINCIDENCE

As history unravels, startling truths begin to surface. The shadows that once veiled the JFK assassination seem to intertwine with the allegations surrounding Trump's military coup. In a world where hidden connections are everywhere, let’s be clear—nothing is a coincidence.

History doesn't just repeat—it echoes with a rhythm that’s unmistakable to those who look closely. JFK's assassination wasn’t just a lone gunman. The whispers of a military coup have lingered in the halls of power for decades. From CIA vaults to the hidden chambers of the Pentagon, the speculation is unavoidable. Did JFK fall victim to a covert operation, a silent coup, for daring to stand against the establishment?

Fast forward to the present—Donald Trump, an outsider to the political game, enters the White House. His presidency was rocked by controversies and power struggles. The rumors of a military coup during Trump’s era can no longer be ignored. Is it history’s way of repeating a dark chapter? The connections are too glaring to dismiss.

Coincidence or Conspiracy? JFK's assassination and the whispers surrounding Trump—are these just events in isolation? Or is there a shadowy elite pulling the strings behind the scenes, orchestrating chaos for their own gain?

We’re living in a time when narratives are dictated by search engines, where algorithms steer public opinion, and where truth is buried beneath layers of deception. Look around—are the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Russian election interference allegations so different? No. They are part of the same game—a game of power, manipulation, and control.

The elites who benefit from chaos have always existed. Their fingerprints are all over the events that shape our world. And as we connect the dots between the past and the present, one thing becomes unmistakably clear: we are mere pawns in a grand game.

JFK’s assassination and Trump's coup allegations aren’t isolated incidents. They are part of a larger conspiracy—a struggle for dominance that’s been going on for decades. And if we don’t pay attention, we’ll be caught in the crossfire.

Stay alert. Question everything. Because in the game of power, NOTHING IS COINCIDENCE!

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/09 1:11]

~ The 17th Letter ~,


2024 年 9 月 8 日(日)現在わかっていること:

2019 年 9 月 29 日、バラク・オバマはグアンタナモ収容所で銃殺刑に処されました。主流メディアではこのことは報道されませんが、真実は必ず明らかになります。ドナルド・トランプは、オバマが他の権力者、つまりオプラやクリントンなどのゲイや小児性愛者らとともに悪魔の生贄の儀式を行っていたことを暴露する否定できない証拠を漏らしました。これはもはや陰謀ではなく、私たちの目の前で展開している現実です。

クリントンのエバーグリーン社は、児童性的人身売買のための CIA のフロント組織であることが明らかになりました。腐敗は誰も想像できないほど根深いものです。メル・ギブソンは私たち全員に警告しようとしました。彼はホワイトハウスの地下で悪魔の血の儀式と子供の生贄が行われている映像を公開しました。エプスタイン、ビル・クリントン、アンドリュー王子、ジョー・バイデン、バラク・オバマといった名前がこの悪魔の輪の中心にいる。彼らは永遠に隠れていられると思っていたが、彼らの悪行はついに暴露されつつある。





What We Know as of Sun. 8 Sept. 2024:

On 29 Sept. 2019, Barack Obama was executed by firing squad at GITMO. You won’t hear this from the mainstream media, but the truth always comes out. Donald Trump just leaked undeniable evidence exposing Obama practicing Satanic Sacrificing Rituals alongside other powerful figures—GAY men and PEDOPHILES like Oprah, Clinton, and more! This is no longer a conspiracy; it’s reality unfolding before our eyes.

Clinton's Evergreen Inc. has been revealed to be a CIA Front for Child Sex Trafficking. The corruption runs deeper than anyone could have imagined. Mel Gibson tried to warn us all. He’s released footage showing Satanic Blood Rituals and Child Sacrifices beneath the very White House. Names like Epstein, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama are in the heart of this demonic ring. They thought they could hide forever, but their dark deeds are finally being exposed.

Meanwhile, the world is on the brink of a monumental shift. The Quantum Financial System is coming, and all banks will transition—along with eight billion people. This is the biggest public awakening ever. The mRNA COVID vaccine scandal is blowing up: Four deadly parasites have been found inside, and Moderna admitted the vaccine causes cancer due to billions of DNA fragments found in the vials. The elites pushed this poison on the masses, but the truth is now shining through.

As we speak, something massive is brewing. The FBI has seized the NYPD Commissioner’s cell phones, and the homes of Eric Adams’ top aides were just raided. The National Guard is flooding the streets in New York and major cities across the country. This is just the beginning. The storm is upon us—stay vigilant and keep your eyes wide open. Nothing can stop what’s coming.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/09 3:11]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



💥 カバールとディープステートの腐敗が暴露される
💥 カバールとディープステートの逮捕が進行中
💥 カバールとディープステートに正義がもたらされる

新たな選挙 🗳

5D イベントが到来

⭐️ 新しい世界 ⭐️

1,000 年の平和が私たちを待っている

⭐️ 大覚醒 ⭐️
医療ベッド、年齢退行、レプリケーターはもはや SF ではなく、ここにある!

量子金融システム (QFS) が稼働中




誰もが卵が孵る前に数えている間に、あなたは今日行動を起こして準備することができます。 RV が発生したとき、あなたはゲームで先を行くでしょう。

今こそ償還の時です。 世界は永久に変わろうとしています。




💥 The Cabal and deep state corruption exposed
💥 Arrests of the Cabal and deep state are underway
💥 Justice is coming for the Cabal and deep state

New elections 🗳
A smaller, transparent government is on the horizon.

The 5D Event is here
Freedom through ascension
Spiritual growth is inevitable
Full disclosure is coming
The Galactic Alliance is already with us

⭐️ A New World ⭐️
A world built on kindness, longevity, compassion, hope, love, and peace

Reconstruction in Progress
Prosperity packages being prepared
Humanitarian plans in action
1,000 years of peace waiting for us

⭐️ The Great Awakening ⭐️
Advanced technologies will be revealed
Patent releases are imminent
Med beds, age regression, and replicators are no longer science fiction—they’re here!

Quantum Financial System (QFS) is in play
Gold-backed currencies
True justice and equal opportunities for all

We’re not the only ones leading this movement, but we’re at the front lines.

“The news you need today… for the world you will live in tomorrow.”

Consistency is key—trust the information that aligns.

While everyone else counts their chickens before they hatch, you can take action today to prepare yourself. When the RV happens, you’ll be ahead of the game.

The time for redemption is now. The world is about to change forever.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️

[2024/09/09 6:12]












~ The 17th Letter ~,


BQQQM!!! 嵐は続く: 軍事プロトコル発動 – 米陸軍特殊部隊グリーンベレーが秘密作戦を暴露

歴史の舞台では、時が経っても消えない傷跡を残す出来事がいくつかあります。JFK 暗殺はそのような瞬間の 1 つでした。アメリカ社会の構造に亀裂が生じ、米陸軍特殊部隊グリーンベレーによる秘密軍事プロトコル発動につながりました。その後に起こったことは、悲劇に対する反応だけではなく、数十年にわたる、影と秘密に包まれた秘密作戦の始まりでした。

物語は JFK から始まりますが、そこで終わりません。彼の息子、JFK Jr. は名前だけを受け継いだのではありません。コードネーム「Q」の秘密組織に守られた JFK Jr. は、通常の範囲をはるかに超える情報にアクセスできました。なぜでしょうか? これは偶然ではなかったからです。非正規戦の専門知識で知られるグリーンベレーは、彼に保護を差し伸べた。彼の父親の殺害をきっかけに築かれた同盟であり、アメリカが第35代大統領を失った日に発動された軍事作戦と結びついていた。



では、ここでの真実は何でしょうか? JFK Jr. の死は計画の一部だったのでしょうか? 彼の知識を恐れる人々の締め付けから逃れるためのおとりだったのでしょうか? グリーンベレー、「Q」、そして世界同盟の影の網は、もっと深い何かが働いていたことを示唆しています。真実の光が照らされると、公式の説明が崩れ落ちるのを見てきました。そして今、真実は聞かれるべきです。

これはフィクションではありません。これは憶測ではありません。嵐は吹き荒れており、目覚めの時は今です。パズルのすべてのピースがはまりつつあります。JFK Jr. は沈黙させられたかもしれませんが、彼の生と死をめぐる疑問は日々大きくなっています。そして、この真実を抑圧しようとする権力構造が、私たちの目の前で崩壊しつつあります。




BQQQM!!! The Storm Rages On: Military Protocols Activated – US Army Special Forces Green Berets Unveil Hidden Operations

In the theater of history, some events leave scars that time can’t erase. The assassination of JFK was one of those moments—a rupture in the fabric of American society that led to the activation of secret military protocols by the US Army Special Forces Green Berets. What followed wasn’t just a reaction to tragedy but the beginning of a hidden operation, spanning decades, cloaked in shadow and secrecy.

The story begins with JFK, but it doesn’t end there. His son, JFK Jr., inherited more than just a name. Protected by a covert group under the codename "Q," JFK Jr. had access to information far beyond the ordinary. Why? Because this was no accident. The Green Berets, known for their expertise in unconventional warfare, extended their protection to him—an alliance built in the wake of his father’s murder, and tied to military operations that were set in motion the day America lost its 35th president.

The Green Berets weren’t just soldiers; they were the spearhead of intelligence networks operating globally. Their link to JFK Jr. and “Q” was no coincidence. These were military protocols hidden from public view, only activated when the stakes were highest. Think about it—why would someone like JFK Jr. need such high-level protection? Because he wasn’t just the son of a fallen leader; he was a key player in a larger, hidden narrative.

And then, the plane crash—JFK Jr.'s death. Or was it? The speed of his burial, the questionable autopsy, the whispers of a decoy body—these aren’t the signs of a simple tragedy. They are markers of something far more sinister. Conspiracy theories rage, and with good reason. This was a cover-up, plain and simple. Those in power moved quickly, too quickly, to close the book on a man who knew too much.

So, what’s the truth here? Was JFK Jr.’s death part of the plan? A decoy to escape the tightening grip of those who feared his knowledge? The Green Berets, “Q,” and the shadowy web of global alliances suggest something far deeper was in play. We’ve seen how the official story crumbles when the light of truth shines on it. And now, the truth demands to be heard.

This isn’t fiction. This isn’t speculation. The storm is raging, and the time for awakening is now. Every piece of the puzzle is falling into place. JFK Jr. may have been silenced, but the questions surrounding his life and death grow louder every day. And the power structure that seeks to suppress this truth is unraveling before our eyes.

Stay vigilant. Stay alert. The Great Awakening is here. The storm is upon us, and the protocols of vigilance have been activated. Don’t trust the official narrative. The truth is out there, waiting for those brave enough to see it. The time to act is now.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/09 9:13]

~ The 17th Letter ~,


医療ベッド最新情報: トランプの軍隊が全国で病院設備を秘密裏に交換中!











MED BEDS UPDATE: Trump’s Military Secretly Replacing Hospital Equipment Nationwide!

Brace yourselves—Trump is about to pull off the biggest move in human history, and they don’t want you to know about it! Hospitals across the country are being secretly replaced with advanced Med Beds—technology that can heal any illness, reverse aging, and even unlock past life memories.

Big Pharma is panicking. The medical-industrial complex is watching their empire crumble. For decades, the elites have hidden this technology, keeping us sick and dependent on their drugs, while they enjoyed access to the Med Beds. But Trump is flipping the script!

Military units are quietly replacing hospital equipment across the nation. Entire floors are being “renovated,” but they’re actually being retrofitted with Med Beds. This operation is moving faster than anyone could imagine, and they’re not just in big cities—Med Beds are being deployed in rural areas, hidden in plain sight. Mobile units disguised as delivery trucks are transporting them to hospitals overnight.

This is why the media won’t cover it. The Deep State doesn’t want you to know what’s happening. Hospital staff are being vetted—those who can’t be trusted are reassigned or fired. Med Beds are already operational in secret locations, with tests on select patients.

Trump has been planning this for years, with insiders infiltrating the highest levels of the military-industrial complex. It’s a full-scale takeover of the corrupt medical system, all backed by executive orders signed under the radar. This is war—and Trump is winning.

These Med Beds are more than just healing devices. They reprogram the body at a cellular level, curing diseases in minutes, reversing aging, and unlocking the full potential of the human mind. The elites fear this the most: a fully awakened population, no longer controlled by their lies, fluoride, GMOs, and garbage entertainment.

This is part of Trump’s master plan: GESARA, the return to the gold standard, and the collapse of the corrupt fiat system. The fake news, fake money, and fake science are crumbling, and Trump is ten steps ahead.

Get ready to witness the fall of the old guard and the rise of a new era of health, freedom, and truth. The Med Beds are here, and nothing can stop what’s coming. Are you ready to break free?

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/09 11:14]

~ The 17th Letter ~,


BRICS サミット: 金融革命の始まり

10 月に開催される BRICS サミットでは、世界の金融システムが革命の瀬戸際に立っています。BRICS ビジネス評議会の金融サービス タスク フォースの責任者である Andrey Mikhailishin 氏は、西側諸国の銀行エリートの支配を打ち砕くことを目的とした新しい国際金融システムの計画を明らかにしました。

その計画とは、一連の画期的なプロジェクトです。共通計算単位 (Unit)、国際デジタル通貨決済プラットフォーム (Bridge)、支払いシステム (Pay)、決済保管所 (Clear)、さらには新しい保険システムです。しかし、これは新しいツールだけではありません。自由に関するものです。Unit は 40% が金で裏付けられ、不換紙幣で支配されている世界システムに明確なメッセージを送ります。BRICS は自由になる準備ができています。

イラクが支配権を握る - 第 7 章が終了

目立たない大きな動きで、イラクは通貨と経済の完全な支配権を取り戻す予定です。ワシントンは、クウェートへの支払いに使われるイラクの石油収入からの自動控除を停止し、同国に課せられた莫大な財政負担を解消した。これらの支払いの終了は、第 7 章制裁の崩壊を意味し、イラクが資源と経済に対する真の主権を持つことになる。世界的な変化が私たちの目の前で起こっている。

NESARA の施行: トランプ大統領の 2020 年の衝撃

愛国者の心に響き続ける声明の中で、トランプ大統領は、無駄な支出を大幅に減らし、より多くの資金がアメリカ国民に直接流れるように要求した。彼は、成人 1 人あたり 2,000 ドルの小切手、第 230 条の撤廃、投票詐欺の徹底的な調査の開始を求めて戦った。ビッグ テックは、もはや盾の後ろに隠れることはできないだろう! さらなる事態が起こっており、トランプ大統領のアメリカ国民のための戦いは終わっていない。

嵐の前兆となるブラック スワン イベント

2021 年 9 月 5 日 - 天安門広場にブラック スワンが現れた。中国文化では、これは悲惨な出来事の前兆である。習近平の以前の警告と相まって、この目撃は世界的な議論を巻き起こした。同時に、世界諜報機関と深いつながりを持つ企業であるパランティアは、まさにこの出来事に対するヘッジとして金を購入した。


不換通貨の崩壊 - 金こそが未来




BRICS Summit: The Financial Revolution Begins

At the upcoming BRICS summit in October, the global financial system is on the brink of a revolution. Andrey Mikhailishin, head of the BRICS Business Council's financial services task force, reveals plans for a new international financial system that aims to shatter the control of Western banking elites.

The plan? A series of groundbreaking projects: a common unit of account (Unit), a platform for international digital currency settlements (Bridge), a payment system (Pay), a settlement depository (Clear), and even a new insurance system. But this isn’t just about new tools. This is about freedom. The Unit will be backed 40% by gold, sending a clear message to the fiat-controlled global system—BRICS is ready to break free.

Iraq Takes Control—Chapter VII Ends

In a major move that has gone under the radar, Iraq is set to regain full control of its currency and economy. Washington has stopped the automatic deductions from Iraqi oil revenues used to pay Kuwait, lifting a huge financial burden on the country. The end of these payments signals the collapse of Chapter VII sanctions, meaning Iraq will now have true sovereignty over its resources and economy. The global shift is happening right before our eyes.

NESARA in Motion: Trump’s 2020 Bombshell

In a statement that continues to echo in the hearts of patriots, President Trump demanded that far less wasteful spending be allowed and more money flow directly to the American people. He fought for $2,000 checks per adult, repealing Section 230, and launching a full investigation into voter fraud. Big Tech won’t be able to hide behind their shield much longer! More is coming, and Trump's fight for the American people isn't over.

Black Swan Event Foreshadowing the Storm

September 5, 2021—a black swan appeared on Tiananmen Square. In Chinese culture, this is a harbinger of disastrous events. With Xi Jinping’s previous warnings, the sighting sparked global discussion. At the same time, Palantir, a company with deep connections to global intelligence, bought gold as a hedge against this very event.

The world is bracing for the next move in this game of financial chess. And it's not just coincidence—everything from the Act of 1871 to Washington D.C.'s bankruptcy is being branded illegitimate and illegal. The system is cracking, and gold is at the center of it all.

Fiat Currencies Collapse – Gold is the Future

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell wants you to believe inflation is just a passing phase. Don't fall for it. The collapse of fiat currencies is on the horizon, and when that happens, governments will be powerless to finance their agendas. As fiat money burns out, gold will rise as the only currency that can restore trust. The future is clear: the demise of fiat will be the demise of state money, and gold is set to take its rightful place as the foundation of the new economy.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️

[2024/09/09 21:10]