as of March 27 (3月27日時点)


Radiation levels in Tokyo tap water(水道水) continued dropping Saturday and have stayed in the normal range for consumption three days in a row(3日連続), the Tokyo Metropolitan Government said.

It detected 34 becquerels of radioactive iodine(放射性ヨウ素) per kilogram of water sampled in the morning at the Kanamachi water purification facility in Katsushika Ward, and 48 becquerels at the Asaka plant in Asaka, just outside Tokyo. No radioactive iodine was detected at the Ozaku purification plant(浄水場) in Hamura on the outskirts of the capital.

The figures at the three facilities under the metropolitan government's Bureau of Waterworks were below the central government's limits of 100 becquerels for safe consumption by infants(幼児) under 1 and 300 becquerels for adults.