





●03-13-J. Original text in Japanese



●03-13-E. Original text in English

As the Act on Partial Revision of the Administrative Procedure Act is explained in a different book titled The Three Acts on Administrative Procedure (3rd revised edition) (Gakuyo Shobo), this book provides more detailed examination of exclusions, forms of administrative guidance, requests for discontinuance of administrative guidance, requests for disposition, etc., and supplementary provisions.


○03-13-G. Translation by Google Translation

This "Law for Partial Revision of the Administrative Procedure Law" is explained in a separate book, "Explanation of the Three Administrative Procedure Laws (Second Revised Edition)" (Gakuyo Shobo), so it is not applicable in this book. , methods of administrative guidance, requests for suspension of administrative guidance, requests for disciplinary action, etc., as well as supplementary provisions are explained in more detail.


○03-13-D. Translation by DeepL

Since this "Act for Partial Revision of the Administrative Procedure Act" is explained in another book, "Commentary on the Three Administrative Procedure Act (Second Revised Edition)" (Gakuyoshobo), this book explains not only exemptions, the method of administrative guidance, requests for suspension, etc. of administrative guidance, and requests for disposition, etc., but also the supplementary provisions in more detail.


○03-13-T. Translation by @TexTra

This "Act for Partial Revision of the Administrative Procedure Act" is explained in another book "Explanation of the Three Administrative Procedures (Second Revised Edition)" (Gakuyo Shobo). Therefore, this book explains in more detail not only exemptions from application, methods of administrative guidance, requests for suspension, etc. of administrative guidance, requests for dispositions, etc., but also supplementary provisions.


○03-13-M. Translation by Microsoft Translator

Since this "Act for Partial Amendment of the Administrative Procedure Act" is explained in a separate book, "Commentary on the Three Administrative Procedure Laws (Second Revised Edition)" (Gakuyo Shobo), this book explains not only the request for exemptions, the method of administrative guidance, the suspension of administrative guidance, etc., and requests for disposition, etc., but also the supplementary provisions, in more detail.




解説 行政不服審査法関連三法