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"Seal, you personally settle it, or I'm taking it personally only these two choices." Yan Min, without any emotion to the outgoing message. Chuyun l listened quietly, without a word, and finally, quietly said: "This should be the decision of Shame right? You do not have the right to choose for me to do." Yan Min sighed, and said: " letters, you are very smart, and very unique, I always start from a wrong you did not look right over from the past, now too, but this time, you're wrong, I was recommended to War. "Chu Hun Sen a slight movement, said: "Why is that?" Yan Min After a while, it said: "seal, you are not Min,Christian Louboutin Pointed Toe Clearance , and Min was able to communicate; You are not Min, and Min was able to control the war as public opinion; You're not Min, Min, has a pure breath, even I have not been able to see through, first thought is to have three-star Min insect nests, and later think you have a four-star, I'm always so special for you searching for an explanation, because I always thought you were a real Min "Chuyun l did not panic, there is no fear, when the War comes, he will know his own pseudo-Min identity was exposed sooner or later, so he is able to remain calm and said : "Shame, really know everything." Yan Min did not deny that, frankly said: "Yes, sealing, when you first enter the main body of the nest Bee War, War found you,Fashion Show Collections , and for you to open all privileges channel, so that You pass all the way, it has been with you, watching you, mind you,Coach Bags Store , in fact, already ruling War, but it you're curious, these days, has been asking me about your information, not every place was missing. "Chuyun l self-deprecating smile, he thought too busy to deal with silly Beast War wounded thing, but unexpectedly it is not only the first time you noticed yourself, or even because he was delayed for so long, the question to ask non-authentic: "Because curious, so , Shame is not ready to kill me? "This is the obvious thing, or did not he and Yan Min 's remarks" and Chuyun l really want to know is why is knowingly War pseudo-Min, still do not kill him ? Yan Min Chu Yun l did not directly answer the question, there is no need to answer this question, both sides know very well, the answer A non-authentic: "I have already said, you are not really Min, but has a real Min capacity, which was never before. "Chuyun l now also forthrightly authentic:" Maybe I was also different sources of pollution, or, my silly destroyer, is also a rebel, "Yan Min replied dismissively:" The rebels? If you are a rebel, there would be no conversation between us, there are different sources of pollution actually possible, but very definitely Shame has rejected this possibility. "Chuyun l thought a moment, he wanted to know a little more information about this immediately after the war situation, perhaps some help, once completely fell after a similar conversation may never have another chance." Because I can not Battle insects〗 〖lower body hatred inside imprint? "He can think of only this. Yan Min Chu Yun l seem to care and to say something more, certainly, said:" This is you and the essential difference between silly Beast "is also a hallmark of the rebels, it must be destroyed And you are different, you do not have this ability, there is no sign of heterologous pollution, so Shame always been very interested in, it wished to settle the matter, you will pass my time and space to complete the hatch door to Shame land "it wants to see you. "Chuyun l looked up, bursts and said:" Shame we will be able to settle for a judge? "There is no doubt Yan Min said:" seal, you have no other choice, "" Do not Hun Sen also extremely calm, but worth Kennedy said: "We still have a third option." He did not say, "I "" but "we" and the "we" word bite very heavy, heavy. Yan Min, but not surprised, like long apprehended in general, it was silent, gave a long sigh: " closed, "you do, I will be with the entire family of enemies, Shame will determine your rebel sympathizers as" Heaven together. "Chuyun l faint smile, said:" Even if the enemy stand the world, "I also live past kindness." Yan Min repeated silently recited the "enemy stand the world", "old kindness" tone rather mixed feelings: "The letters, I have always can not understand you, or even the War could not understand, but you also do not know us, do not understand the War, if exterminate heterologous is the meaning of our existence, then the rebels is the destroyer of our existence so that it must be destroyed without taking any consideration, however, does have a third option, but not yours, but Shame "It Carter, Chu Yun-l do not know why suddenly a pain in the body, such as losing something important, what is cut in general. Yan Min voice suddenly like coming from another world in general, indifferent and full of cold, said: "Shame, Shame personally by the end of it, seal it was all over, it's over." Chuyun l staggering , has not yet begun on the end how? He prepared so much, playing not to play, how to end up? But he and silly destroyer same nest incubation was born that same package silk ties just after the sudden sting, he suddenly disappeared back again and again, shaking his head violently undulating chest and said: "No, no, no, It is not stupid, no, absolutely no, you lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me "ooh Chuyun l suddenly Zhang Kaifei wing, jet and use, tried my best, rushed the 1st giant grave. "Wow, wow" half-way, the Son of insects crying, so Chuyun l like entering through the ice, the whole body trembling violently, almost falling down from the sky. "Seal, which has been destroyed, Shame on the person's self-destructive commands issued, it did not become a true rebel, War of the order, it could not resist," Yan Min misty ground voice sounded from the air. "I roll to roll" Chuyun l knew he cheated, deceived him stupidly, like fiery power of the figure, and even from the mouth into the graves of the time there is no direct piercing tomb wall, broke into the 1st giant grave. "Wow, wow" worm's son saw him, crying sound louder. Next to it, a cold and dead bodies, but also with his eyes open, looking fondly worm's son, quietly watching him. Ten supreme control over the graves of giant suddenly transferred to him, and he staggered, and a black eye, such as steel in general even if the soil insect legs limp as "drop it at a distance of ten meters platform. Mere ten meters distance , indeed as natural moat divide in general, isolated world Wan situation, he looked gaunt and familiar phrase icy bodies at the moment, he did not tear his tears have run dry: he has no grief, the grief he had no place to landscapes; he did not hate his hatred has come to an end; only a faint to sadness, a touch of deep love and affection, as well as an empty, to Bing. "closure" I must draw your attention, or your special presence there Shame it may interfere with the implementation of the order. "Yan Min voices follow up on the 1st giant graves, said dismissively:" But you do not blame you, and it can not always be together, we always have a chance, Just War order "it has almost no ability to resist. "Chu Yun rake up wordlessly outstretched legs, as if to stop the inflammation Min continue to speak, as he did not listened to, or what it says," is no longer important to him at the moment, everything is no longer important. He gently got up, dragging heavy as a normal rock poured front limbs, step by step, crawl phrase cold body. Son of immature worms a small hand slapping the faces of icy bodies, called to cry and cry to: Baba Baba, Baba but corpses never again respond to it, and only then opened his eyes "like to have it mapped after death into the fundus, credited to mind, but also see more of a "bug" side, before they agree to shut general. worm's son crying tired, called tired, groggy against the corpse smell asleep. Chu Hun Sen gently pull it into her arms, "stroking" the destroyer to head cold, silent, quiet, if silently, gradually, gradually, his face, emerged out of a sad smile off. on insect's son, the destroyer silly like his father, while the silly destroyer, he not also a father like brotherhood, he taught it a duty in the first word "church of its many stories, taught it How to speak "taught men how to identify it, the church what it is feeling, a great many churches when their" children "into a cold and dead bodies, lying in front of their own, the kind of grief can fill the entire Pacific He lost their parents, lost the love, lost loved ones too, had lost friends, lost over the body, and is now lost the Beast, "old graves" add "Xinfen" His heart has no place for so many, "graves" a That will never speak with icy bodies, silently telling him, in addition to those Xinfen, old graves, he has nothing left him in this life, gambled everything if an ancient book can exchange all this, he one hundred million willing to immediately exchange. "letters, I was mourning, you are sad you? It is like you, you make me feel confused emotions, it is in dying, just ask one thing, begging me not to kill you and that heterologous mankind, "the sound from deep mourning, No. giant graves transmission out. Chu Hun Sen has no consciousness, numbness and directly cut off the relationship, he is now just a man quietly and silly destroyer stay together, the final leg of it away, do not want to be anyone, anything bother, even if it is King I, do not walk through the well for a long, long time, twilight sky burst on the scene a subset of worms You woke and probably hungry, cried. Chuyun l sorrowful up, his red carapace, overnight, to make silent all black, from the inside to the outside, a case both his son picked up the worms and gently placed it well-prepared for the Beast "bra cradle" design originality provoke Beast purification feeding pipeline, "Beast" up front Chuyun cold to the body, as if it at the same, to discuss a camel "herself" and said: "I want to get back to the human insect's son, in fact, a few days ago and you wanted to say, but afraid you want to, so be prepared wait before the war again, this is good for it, you say, right? How not to speak? Do not speak, I will when you agree. "