the identity is far from comparable | iergnmsergのブログ



Chu Yun-l did not expect how much time will be able to mankind, but he did not think in any case, the number has been encroaching upon thousands of public existence Xiangshan District, only to a mere two stared at him, he was vaguely familiar face The woman, unable to speak any words. This is not for the extreme fear of insects can be explained by the won, as well as hatred, hatred of hard hearted Ming Chu Yun l are human beings, they immediately understand the complex psychological, yes, that people are afraid of death, all want to die, in order to live, they can abandon self-esteem, you can without shame, and even become stronger, but the slaves were countless human beings still resist City, they have even just a trace of hope, no matter how much they afraid to die, this When the moment, are not willing to help trap insects and City last hope to death. Not how much they are noble and great, but because of the thorns on the island as well as their loved ones, as well as their children. They mostly had to give up their lives in exchange for their loved ones who landed on the island, the island's people to live for them, is more important than his own life is not any war in human history can be compared, it is racial war, the losing side will always be from this planet was completely erased. If at the moment, City has been broken, and the thorns Island have died, Chu Yun-l do not doubt that they would go to any means alleys will be scrambling to come mucus area, but now, no. He thought he was too naive still the same as before, with food in exchange, you can return a dead end to mankind has had to co-operation. He forgot that he was the person, even in the city of Agni, the fire tribe messenger's identity, the identity is far from comparable insects. Eschatological years experience, used to see many very ugly things, so Chuyun l Tai Xiaoqiao his fellow bloody and backbone, as well as the reason why people are people, not animals, most of the soul, where he long long sigh, not even for their own lack of implementation plans and frustration, but from the depths of my heart for his fellow countrymen to give birth to a trace of Xiangshan "proud." However, there were longing for a better life and private greed and indulgence two intertwined good and evil desires, Chu Yun-liter is no exception, he admired Zhao Shan belief that suicide bombing moved to the city of Nanking graves of soldiers, but he has to do less. He and the vast majority of people, those who yearn for the good things and the world, and often touched by this, and even falling tears, but when reality comes their own, they did not help to choose another path. Like now, Chuyun promoted Xiangshan District surviving humans to feel "proud" at the same time, in order that they can recover personal rushed, but he had to choose immediately led into a large number of insects surviving war zone, ready to use force as a hostage, forcing they enter the mucus area perhaps he can emulate "resettlement wood letters," "daughter to buy a horse," the story erected trust, but now the time allowed, he can not wait that long, Yan Min offensive gangbusters, the advent of the War imminent, and he personal recovery hope in sight. The early twilight sky, the buzzing swarm of blue A Bugs shelter under the shade. Xiangshan District surviving humans creepy body is searching for a class of mice stubborn animals, eat as the food. They soon found abnormal on the sky, horror panic running, hiding, no one is a fool, insects called only to two human beings, obviously angry. When they are desperate to find fundamental not run, not hide, heaven and earth are insects around, will drive them forward, concentrated downtown location. Worms earnest appointed mayor braved cold sweat, fight back with fear, trying to work and said: "insects, worms adults, please, please me a little longer time." Chuyun l Control corpse, cold authentic: "I really should also a time to give you, but I'm sorry, I have no time, "the mayor confused, although would like to fight for something, but in huge insects now, defeated, retreated to the side. "I do not care how you think you are, willing or not, and now I have to take away one thousand individual category" dead hand pointing to a road, directly designate said: "In this way the limit, this group of people have been forcibly recruitment, the rebels dead, "the chosen one suddenly face if the ashes, and just people who live on the road boundaries, have to go towards the other side of the shrink, sympathetically looked to be the chosen one. "I reiterate again, I guarantee your safety, food for work is still valid, do not try to resist, I do not mind telling you that I was the only not involved in the attack on the City mucus area, so I advise you not to provoke, or consequences will be very serious, I will do battle from insects, exterminate all human here, and immediately by the Austrian city to the sea, direct airstrikes thorns island "corpse coldly, without emotion cruel threatened. In fact, Chu Yun l basically "mouthful crap," If these people really put resistance, not to mention air raid thorns Island, is survived district,Christian Louboutin Flats Men's Shoes , he probably would renege. But his bet at the foot of these human beings would believe in his words, Who he is now bug it? Mankind will not believe the insect a good show, but definitely will believe insects "evil." After he finished, in order to clear the way for a team of young beetles landing, was forcibly selected humans, in almost freezing to air, move slowly. "Sometimes you need a little more forceful, I just let them do something just for me." Chuyun l at high altitude, the control dead, surviving on Xiangshan district mayor, said gruffly: "I will try to give Point your weapon and send them out. "Mayor ah a cry, as had been leading a group of veterans, he is not supposed to be so not cool, but the self-proclaimed ruler of the Zerg here, every word, as if and his acquaintance in general, he wanted to break his head, but also thought it had met its own when a bug up? Around one thousand people, most of them are weak generation, young and Jingzhuang to humans have been sent to the battlefield, the rest also fail Chuyun l pick and choose it. He will be brought into the thousand carefully mucus area near the edge of the repair giant grave, spend enormous energy into the human mucus expelled zone finishing anger anger fastest update ω endless bugs. Even silly destroyer ran out, looked puzzled Chuyun l, eventually being driven too far Chuyun l, from now on, he will try to avoid these bad things lead directly to its body. Chuyun l no energy personally manage the operation more than 1,000 people, he had to choose a human manager. He will be eyeing a woman who voluntarily come, simply choose the familiar woman. Provoke her, Chuyun l appear directly in the body, with the parasitic dead messenger, first asked: "I want to know why you want to come here?" The woman thought, cautiously said: "worm adults, you still remember there a man willing to talk, Mr. insects "Chuyun l Control corpse bluntly interrupted:" for the rapid establishment of trust between you and me, do not waste time, I can tell you, you say that I am a worm and Mr. people. "" One, a man "woman did not notice at first, to be react, horror-stricken. Her voice is very small, completely unexpected blurted out, even just mouth changes, but Chuyun l was able to hear, insect auditory system has been very strong. Chuyun l life and robust, self-cursing loudly, imperfection, and finally give something away, however, he soon calmed down, pretending nothing had happened and said: "use your human language used." White Man ni did not he thought it would be Good fool, as a reporter, she had received rigorous training in psychology. Among them one, one person,Oakley For Cheap , the more fictional false lie, the more will not help and self-righteous add various explanations for this, to try to believe the other party, but the real fact that there is not anything to explain. Chuyun l know that these, he is just an ordinary engineer, but he instinctively tried to cover up the fact that the heart worm body. Although he is not worried Yan Min from human sources informed his true identity, and it never wants to "dirty" heterologous exchange, but will not believe the human words, but he was cautious personality is very difficult moment to change. White Man ni very clever dared not continue with this topic, but a very flexible turn clear the way: "worm sir, you need us to do for you what does?" It was a reporter, she is more clear, some secrets are untouchable, especially now This disorder is no legal age, murdered, it is normal little thing, she even just a little regret not well conceal. Her guess was not wrong at all, for the idea of ​​extreme caution, Chuyun l read between only a few, had already moved to kill but he eventually restrain it down, he wants to restore the person, this thing can not conceal how long , not to mention he is now a large scale utilization of human, sooner or later, be aware of Yan Min, that is the real danger. Moreover, at the last moment, the most critical moment, he may have to have to seek the identity of the official cooperation with the City. He set a fixed mind, concealed thoughts, pointing behind giant grave and said: "My request is a simple two-step process, the first step, with your people, into the underground passage, to help me fight insects transport energy , the second step, the separation of some people, making transport. "Chuyun l Best mucus zone the whole operation system, culminating in a flash between, just let him found a weak link, but also the most deadly aspect - Worms from the underground transport energy in the process killing all the insects are almost always born, even as energy intake by normal worms are no exception. However, after fighting capabilities, worms with other insects do not have to ability, it can penetrate into deep underground, conversion, gathering and collecting stagnant energy in the ground fire. This phenomenon was once so Chuyun l understand, he always thought the world of strength is the dark energy is evenly distributed throughout the space, why would collected and a rich underground energy to fire? In his flight, he had followed creep brother spent some time in the ground, only to find that he thought it would not, under the ground and the fire is not collected and a single energy. Creep brother almost always dig through the crust, into the mantle and crustal boundary edge, where the temperature starts to rise clearly so in addition to a large number of earth energy generation, more exuberant energy is a fire, plus other types of energy, intertwined. Worms work is entanglement of energy from these, the extract pure fire energy, abandon those useless and even harmful impurities insect parts. Problems will be out of here, said the Earth's crust deep or not, do not say shallow shallow, averaging more than thirty kilometers, the distance and the energy in the air, like, totally stable world of strength, incompetent available. So worms underground drilling line speedily, but wasting time on this more than thirty kilometers, but it is also very alarming worm as an energy extraction who had to assume the role of transport, abruptly causing great the efficiency of the waste. The number Reaver can not hold large-scale transport role, other insects can not dig worms widening of the channel, in the final analysis they are a greater role in that fight, and human stature, but just right. More importantly, the use of human conduct Chuyun l is not dead pull hard to send, but to create underground transport, allowing worms have been staying mantle layer purification fire energy, and all the tasks that will be shipped to humans. With this,Cheap Christian Louboutin , the efficiency of the fire energy intake increased tenfold or even a hundredfold and very large fire energy base, the full conversion of the birth of mucus.