
 10月10日の日本財団とPew Charitable Trustsが共同開催した「海洋シンポジウム:次世代に海を引き継ぐために」に出席した。 海洋政策担当大臣としての挨拶(短い講演「我が国における海洋政策)の原稿は以下のとおり。

Ocean Policy Greeting

Good Afternoon,

Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Dr. Joshua Reichert, Executive Vice President of the Pew Charitable Trusts, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the very kind introduction and for giving me the opportunity to greet you all at this symposium.

My name is Ichita Yamamoto, the Minister for Ocean Policy of Japan. In this capacity, I would like to introduce you briefly to Japan’s recent Ocean policy.

As you know, Japan has traditionally developed the foundations of its society and economy based on the oceans, through industries such as fisheries, shipping and shipbuilding. At the same time, our country has strived to prepare for threats from the sea such as tsunamis and storm surges of typhoons.

Japan has been taking initiatives to create and utilize new value provided by the sea, such as marine energy and mineral resources, marine renewable energy, deep-sea living resources and marine leisure activities. Our country has also been addressing issues such as conservation of marine biodiversity, global warming and ocean acidification, in consideration of the sea as an indispensable factor for maintaining the lives of living creatures, including humankind, and from the viewpoint of protecting the global environment.

In July 2007, the Basic Act on Ocean Policy was put into effect and the Headquarters for Ocean Policy was established as an Instruction Tower for the ocean policy of the Japanese government directed by the Prime Minister as Director-General and by the Minister for Ocean Policy as Vice-Director, which is my role.

In March 2008, the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy was established, and under the coordination of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy various ocean measures have been implemented at each Ministry based on the Plan. The five-year period since its enactment having elapsed, the Plan was completely revised this April, and the various ocean policies are now being promoted under the new Basic Plan.

In recent years, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, conflicts of interest have arisen over maritime rights and resources. Given such a situation, it is no exaggeration to say that Japan is now required to establish the order of the ocean based on the rules of law under the international cooperation with related countries.

It is necessary to promote the active development and use of the sea in response to mounting expectations for the development of marine energy and mineral resources, and from the viewpoint of promoting our country’s growth strategy.

The ocean is still a frontier field with unlimited potential, so there have been huge expectations of new discoveries and understanding. On the other hand, the ocean is also crucial for human life, such as with regard to climate change, so it is essential to conserve it sufficiently for the creation of a sustainable society.

The Basic Act on Ocean Policy states that it is important to aim to “realize a new oceanic state in harmonization of the peaceful and positive development and use of the oceans with the conservation of the marine environment, under the international cooperation based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements.”

In light of this, the government decided to take the following points as ultimate goals in principle as it formulated the new Basic Plan on Ocean Policy

1. International cooperation and contribution to international community
2. Wealth and prosperity through ocean development and utilization
3. From a country protected by the sea to a country conserving the oceans.
4. Venturing into the unexplored frontier

The government will be further promoting the measures toward these goals.

Here I move to another subject. I recently visited the west coast of the United States and had opportunities to exchange views with people in the region. Various types of floating items have been reaching the west coast of the United States following the enormous earthquake and subsequent tsunamis that hit northeastern Japan in March 2011. We forecast the situation of the arriving floating items, provided precise information about them, and dispatched an NPO for their removal, for which we provided a subsidy of sixty thousand (60,000) dollar for Canada and the United States. Special thanks to Dr. Jane Lubchenco, former Director-General of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), for her tremendous efforts. These floating items necessitated a certain amount of labor for the people in the affected regions, but nevertheless I received many heart-warming messages of encouragement from them. Words cannot express my appreciation.

For the purpose of follow-up treatment, the Japanese government will continue to cooperate with the appropriate institutions such as the U.S. government, NOAA and the state agencies which established special funds for related activities.

In this regard, I must touch upon the leakage of contaminated water from the tsunami-stricken nuclear power plant of the Tokyo Electric Power Company. While in the west coast of America I felt the silent fear of people about the outflow and spread of radioactive materials from Japan. I was keenly aware of the necessity to establish a dialogue mechanism between people living there and in Japan in order to help them correctly understand the problem of contaminated water.

We understand that the contaminated water leakage issue has been drawing international attention. Taking countermeasures against the leakage is a most urgent task for us. The government of Japan has decided to assume a proactive role to achieve a fundamental settlement of this issue.

As Prime Minister Abe stated, the entire government will continue working in an integrated manner to put its full weight into settling the contaminated water issue, while also enhancing the dissemination of accurate information to the international community.

On September 3rd, the government of Japan formulated the Basic Policy for the Contaminated Water Issue. In line with this policy, the government decided to provide funding of forty seven (47) billion yen for the projects, such as constructing a frozen-earth impermeable wall and building more advanced multi-nuclide removal equipment, which require the government’s proactive involvement.

I wish to add that, after the accident at the nuclear power station, Japan adopted the highest level of food and water quality standards, in line with international guidelines, and has been conducting strict monitoring and distribution management. The safety of water and food in Japan is guaranteed. We will continue our work toward solutions and disseminate information at all appropriate opportunities. In this regard, I am willing to advance further explanation anywhere and at any time, whenever necessary.

In closing my greeting, I expect that this symposium will be a great success and help build the possibilities for further cooperation among related partners in the future.

Thank you for your attention.



















