























                           平成16年4月 日



Dear Senator Lugar,

   We are writing to you today to ask you for your valuable help on a diplomatic issue of utmost importance for Japan. The issue in question is that concerning North Korea, one which you are familiar with.

   We would like to thank you for spending your precious time to meet the families of the Japanese victims of abduction by North Korea and for the deep understanding you have demonstrated on the issue of abductions. Needless to say, kidnapping and forcefully taking Japanese citizens living in peace to North Korea is an illegal act which by no means can be forgiven. The people of Japan naturally were furious to learn that Chairman Kim Jong-Il admitted having instructed acts of abduction to Prime Minister Koizumi visiting North Korea in September 2002.

   As you are aware, although five abductees returned to Japan in October 2002, there is no further tangible progress toward a full solution of the issue; the families of the five are still detained by North Korea, and North Korea has failed to furnish us with information relevant to other ten remaining abductees whose whereabouts are not accounted for. There are also many others who are believed to have been kidnapped by the North Koreans. Although there have been senior working level contacts between Japan and North Korea and both sides have agreed on continuing working level meetings, North Korea has failed to answer to our continued and tenacious requests to hold a meeting on the issue of abductions.

   We need not remind you that North Korea is not answering to our demands for a complete, verifiable, irreversible dismantlement of its nuclear program. As a result, there is no meaningful progress in the six party talks.

   Under such circumstances, the Japanese governmentユs policy is to aim at the solution of issues concerning North Korea through メdialogue and pressureモ. With the initiative taken by a group of six Diet members to avail the government of Japan with diplomatic tools, the Japanese Diet has revised the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law so that Japan can individually (without UN resolutions or concerted international action) impose economic sanctions, including the prohibition of financial transfers, on North Korea. The Diet is also planning to consider a new legislation enabling the Japanese Government to prohibit the entry of North Korean vessels into Japanese ports.

   As indicated in the 2002 メPatterns of Global Terrorismモ published by the US Department of State, North Korea has provided safe-haven to several Japanese Red Army members who participated in the hijacking of a Japanese Airlines flight in 1970. In addition to that, it has committed acts of terrorism including the bombings in Rangoon in 1983 and the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987. It is our belief that acts of abduction by North Korea should be treated in the same manner as such acts of crime.

   We understand that the US Department of State is in the process of preparing the 2003 edition of メPatterns of Global Terrorismモ. We strongly hope that the issue of abductions will be mentioned in the new edition of メPatterns of Global Terrorismモ. we also would like to urge the Government of the United States to clearly indicate its intention not to exclude North Korea from the list of States sponsoring terrorism unless the issue of abductions is resolved.

   We are fully aware that it is up to the Government of the United States to decide the content of the document in question and are sure that the Government of the United States will respond positively to our request. However, due to the importance of the issue of abductions, We are compelled to ask the US Congress, through your personal leadership, to exercise its influence on the US Administration so that the heinous crime of abductions will be mentioned in the 2003 edition of メPatterns of Global Terrorismモ as one of the reasons for which North Korea is listed in the document. Please find attached a list of our colleague Diet members who share our position presented above.

   We thank you for your understanding and support on this matter.

Respectfully yours,