セレッソ大阪、今ここに・・・レジェンド森島寛晃と輝ける未来 | 移動ログなどを取ってみることにする。(旧goal.comをがむばって翻訳してみる。)
How Morishima led the way for Cerezo’s


How Morishima led the way for Cerezo’s new order

How「如何にして」led the way「先導した」new orderは違うかもしれませんが「新しい未来」が何故かフィーリングで出てきました。

You can only wonder how Cerezo Osaka’s Hiroaki Morishima felt on June 14, 2002, when after a scoreless 45 minutes for the World Cup hosts, he was told by manager Philippe Troussier to take to the pitch in the second half of their crucial fixture against Tunisia.


いや、難しいぞ・・・。最初のonly wonderからわからず・・・。crucial fixture「重要な試合」でよろしいですよね・・・。

Morishima may have been born in Hiroshima but he has lived all his adult life in Osaka. He is, in his own words, a proud Osakan. The venue for this match was the home ground, now the Yanmar Stadium, of Morishima’s own team.


all his adult life「成人期」his own words「彼自身の言葉」The venue for this match「この試合会場」a proud Osakanは良い言葉ですね。

A victory in the third and final group game would send Japan into the knockout round of the World Cup for the first time in their history.


A victory in the third and final group gameここまでが主語ですね・・・。the knockout round「決勝トーナメント」the first time in their history「史上初めて」としました。

