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Yana Yu. Bolshakova and Artem M. Prokofiev (2024).
An identification guide to the larvae of lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophidae) from the Subtropical Convergence: subfamilies Lampanyctinae and Notolychninae. 
Fishery Bulletin, 122(3): 89-118.




ゴコウハダカ Ceratoscopelus gr. townsendi

トミハダカ Lampanyctus alatus

ニジハダカ L. festivus

ウラハダカ Notolychnus valdiviae


Descriptions of the lanternfish larvae of the subfamilies Lampanyctinae (12 species) and Notolychninae (1 species) that can be found in the Subtropical Convergence (STC) are presented: Bolinichthys supralateralis, Ceratoscopelus gr. townsendi, Lampadena sp., Lampanyctus alatus, L. ater, L. australis, L. gr. achirus, L. intricarius, L. festivus, L. pusillus, Lampanyctus sp. D, Lepidophanes guentheri, and Notolychnus valdiviae. 

Also provided is an identification key based on larval characters for all lanternfish subfamilies. 

We propose the use of a separate key for the postflexion larvae of all known genera of the round-eyed lanternfish subfamilies Diaphinae, Gymnoscopelinae, Lampanyctinae, and Notolychninae. 

For each genus, general characteristics of larval morphology are given. 

Species descriptions include the key characters for identification, variation in meristic characters, pigmentation, and other features important for diagnosis of Myctophidae at their larval stages. 

Photographs of the most important diagnostic features are provided for each species. 

The taxonomy of 4 problematic species in the area, C. gr. townsendi, Lampanyctus gr. achirus, L. intricarius, and Lampanyctus sp. D, is discussed. 

Preflexion, flexion, and postflexion stages of an unidentified Lampadena sp. from the northern limit of the STC are described for the first time; these larvae may belong to 1 of 3 species (L. dea, L. notialis, and L. speculigera) for which larvae have not yet been identified. 

The distribution of Lampanyctinae and Notolychninae in the STC is summarized.